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688 lines
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688 lines
20 KiB
using AMESCoreStudio.CommonTools.Result;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.Models;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels.PCS;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.DTO.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.BAS;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Enum;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using ClosedXML.Excel;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.Code;
using Castle.DynamicProxy.Contributors;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Charts;
using AspNetCore;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels.QRS;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels.AUS;
using static AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels.AUS.AUS002ViewModel;
using static AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.DTO.AMES.BarCodeCheckDto;
namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web.Controllers
public class AUSController : Controller
private readonly ILogger<AUSController> _logger;
private readonly ILogger<LoginController> _log;
public readonly ISYS _sysApi;
public readonly IPCS _pcsApi;
public readonly IAUS _ausApi;
public readonly IBAS _basApi;
public readonly IFileServerProvider _fileServerProvider;
private readonly IStringLocalizer _sharedLocalizer;
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
/// <summary>
/// 流水碼長度 改抓 GetWipNoNoLength取數量長度
/// </summary>
//public static int NoLength = 4;
public AUSController(ILogger<AUSController> logger, ILogger<LoginController> log, IPCS pcsApi, IAUS ausApi, ISYS sysApi, IBAS basApi
, IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> sharedLocalizer
, IConfiguration configuration)
_logger = logger;
_log = log;
_pcsApi = pcsApi;
_ausApi = ausApi;
_sysApi = sysApi;
_basApi = basApi;
_sharedLocalizer = sharedLocalizer;
_configuration = configuration;
#region AUS001 條碼輸入作業
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> AUS001()
var model = new AUS001ViewModel();
await GetUserName();
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> AUS001_GetWip(AUS001ViewModel model)
if (model.PriorInput != model.ExtraBarcodeNo)
model.PriorInput = model.ExtraBarcodeNo;
model.InputQTY += 1;
await GetUserName();
//先查詢是否已有AUS Barcode Info, 沒有才去查BarcodeInfo
var AusBarcode = await _ausApi.GetAUSBarcodeInfoByExtraBarcodeNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
if (AusBarcode.Count == 0)
if (model.ItemNO != null)
var AUSInfos = new AUSBarcodeInfo
AUSBarcodeID = 0,
ExtraBarcodeNo = model.ExtraBarcodeNo,
ItemNo = model.ItemNO,
CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
UpdateDate = DateTime.Now
var postData = await _ausApi.PostAUSBarcodeInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AUSInfos));
if (postData.Success)
var Data = await _ausApi.GetAUSBarcodeInfoByExtraBarcodeNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
model.AUSBarCodeID = Data.Select(s => s.AUSBarcodeID).FirstOrDefault();
var query = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeInfoesByExtraNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
if (query.Count > 0)
if (query.Select(s => s.GetWipInfo.WipNO) != null)
model.WipNO = query.Select(s => s.GetWipInfo.WipNO).FirstOrDefault();
var q = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfoByWipNO(model.WipNO);
if (q.Count != 0)
model.WipID = q.FirstOrDefault().WipID;
model.AUSBarCodeID = query.Select(s => s.BarcodeID).FirstOrDefault();
model.ItemNO = (await _pcsApi.GetWipAtt(model.WipNO)).ItemNO;
model.WipNO = q.FirstOrDefault().WipNO;
var AUSInfos = new AUSBarcodeInfo
AUSBarcodeID = 0,
ExtraBarcodeNo = model.ExtraBarcodeNo,
ItemNo = model.ItemNO,
CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
UpdateDate = DateTime.Now,
WipNo = model.WipNO
var postData = await _ausApi.PostAUSBarcodeInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AUSInfos));
if (postData.Success)
var AUSInfo = await _ausApi.GetAUSBarcodeInfoByExtraBarcodeNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
model.AUSBarCodeID = AUSInfo.Select(s => s.AUSBarcodeID).FirstOrDefault();
var BarcodeItem = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeItemByStr("0", query.Select(s => s.BarcodeNo).FirstOrDefault());
List<AUSBarcodeItem> AUSItems = new List<AUSBarcodeItem>();
foreach (var item in BarcodeItem)
var checkDataRedundancy = await _ausApi.CheckAUSBarcodeItemDataRedundancy(item.PartNo);
if (checkDataRedundancy.Count() != 0)
// resultModel.Msg += "組件名稱【" + q_Kp.KpName + "】已有相同組件序號【" + KPs.inputData + "】紀錄 </br>";
var AUSItem = new AUSBarcodeItem
AUSBarcodeItemID = 0,
AUSBarcodeID = model.AUSBarCodeID,
ExtraBarcodeNo = model.ExtraBarcodeNo,
ItemNo = item.ItemNo,
KpItemNo = item.KpItemNo,
PartNo = item.PartNo,
CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
SysType = item.SysType,
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
UpdateDate = DateTime.Now
if (AUSItems.Count > 0)
var barcode_result = await _ausApi.PostAUSBarcodeItemList(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AUSItems));
if (barcode_result.Success)
var DataItem = await _ausApi.GetAUSBarcodeItemByExtraNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
model.AUSBarcodeItems = DataItem;
{ //有查到資料,直接帶出AUS BarcodeItem
model.ItemNO = AusBarcode.Select(s => s.ItemNo).FirstOrDefault();
model.WipNO = AusBarcode.Select(s => s.WipNo).FirstOrDefault();
model.AUSBarcodeItems = await _ausApi.GetAUSBarcodeItemByExtraNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
model.AUSBarCodeID = AusBarcode.Select(s => s.AUSBarcodeID).FirstOrDefault();
model.WipNO = AusBarcode.Select(s => s.WipNo).FirstOrDefault();
#region 抓取數量
if (model.WipNO == null)
model.QtyMemo = "";
var WipNoData = await _ausApi.GetAUSBarcodeInfoByWipNo(model.WipNO);
model.AUS_WipNoQTY = WipNoData.Count; //工單AUS已刷數
var q1 = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfoByWipNO(model.WipNO);
model.EverPlanQTY = q1.Select(s => s.PlanQTY).FirstOrDefault();//昶亨計畫產量
IResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster_WareDto> result = await _pcsApi.GetFqcInhouseMasterMultiQuery(wipNo: model.WipNO);
if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
model.EverFinishQTY = result.Data.Where(s => s.StatusName == "允收").Sum(s => int.Parse(s.BoxQty));
model.EverFinishQTY = 0;//昶亨完成數
model.QtyMemo = "Plan : " + model.EverPlanQTY.ToString() + " / Finish : " + model.EverFinishQTY.ToString() + " / Wip : " + model.AUS_WipNoQTY.ToString();
return View("AUS001", model);
public async Task<IActionResult> AUS001_Input(AUS001ViewModel model)
// ResultModel
string Msg = string.Empty;
bool Success = true;
string Data = model.Input;
// model.ExtraBarcodeNo = model.WipNO;
#region 基本Input 輸入判斷
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ExtraBarcodeNo))
Msg += "Please scan rfc</br>";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ItemNO))
Msg += "Please scan Product</br>";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Input))
Msg += "Please scan Barcode</br>";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Msg))
Success = false;
return Json(new Result() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data });
// Input為內部序號
// model.Barcode = true;
var checkDataRedundancy = await _ausApi.CheckAUSBarcodeItemDataRedundancy(model.Input); //KP
if (checkDataRedundancy.Count() != 0)
Msg = "A record with the same component serial number【" + model.Input + "】 already exists.</br>";
Success = false;
Data = string.Empty;
var AUSItem = new AUSBarcodeItem
AUSBarcodeItemID = 0,
AUSBarcodeID = model.AUSBarCodeID,
ExtraBarcodeNo = model.ExtraBarcodeNo,
ItemNo = "",
PartNo = model.Input,
SysType = "I",
CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
StateNo = "N",
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
var barcode_result = await _ausApi.PostAUSBarcodeItem(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AUSItem));
if (!barcode_result.Success)
return Json(new Result() { success = barcode_result.Success, msg = barcode_result.Msg, data = null });
// 過站判斷成功
Msg = barcode_result.Msg;
Data = string.Empty;
return Json(new Result1() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data, data1 = "" });
public async Task<IActionResult> AUS001DAsync(int id)
var barcodeItem = await _ausApi.DeleteAUSBarcodeItem(id);
return Json(new Result() { success = (barcodeItem.Success), msg = barcodeItem.Msg });
#region AUS002 條碼輸入作業
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> AUS002()
var model = new AUS002ViewModel();
await GetAusStation();
await GetUserName();
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> AUS002_GetWip(AUS002ViewModel model)
await GetUserName();
await GetAusStation();
if (model.Input == "reset")
int Station = model.Station;
model = new AUS002ViewModel();
model.Station = Station;
else if (model.Station <= 0)
model.Error = "Please select station";
if (model.ItemNO == null)
if (model.Input == null)
model.Error = "Please scan data";
model.ExtraBarcodeNo = model.Input;
#region 查詢AUS工單號碼
string Msg = string.Empty;
var query = await _ausApi.GetWipBarcodeOtherByExtraNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
var MoidList = query.Select(w => w.WipNO).Distinct().ToList();
if (MoidList.Count() == 0)
Msg += "Unable to find the corresponding work order.";
//如果有找到UnitNo="A"的工單有多筆資料,則回傳Multiple work orders found. 錯誤訊息
//如果有找到UnitNo="A"的工單沒有資料,則回傳Unable to find the corresponding work order. 錯誤訊息
int moidnum = 0; //用來計算工單找的UnitNo=A的數量
foreach (var item in MoidList)
var q = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfoByWipNO(item);
q = q.Where(w => w.UnitNO == "A").ToList();
if (q.Count() > 0)
model.ItemNO = q.Select(s => s.GetWipAtt.ItemNO).FirstOrDefault();
model.WipNO = q.Select(s => s.WipNO).FirstOrDefault();
model.Unit = q.Select(s => s.UnitNO).FirstOrDefault();
model.Line = q.Select(s => s.LineID).FirstOrDefault() ?? 0;
model.WipID = q.Select(s => s.WipID).FirstOrDefault();
model.Input = "";
moidnum += 1;
if (moidnum > 1)
Msg += "Multiple work orders found.";
else if (moidnum == 0)
Msg += "Unable to find the corresponding work order.";
#region 用出貨序號查詢原始生產序號,並取出該序號已刷過的BarcodeItem
var AUSInfo = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeInfoesByExtraNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
if (AUSInfo.Count == 0)
Msg += "Unable to find original production serial number.";
model.AUSBarCodeID = AUSInfo.Select(s => s.BarcodeID).FirstOrDefault();
model.AUSBarcodeNo = AUSInfo.Select(s => s.BarcodeNo).FirstOrDefault();
#region 組裝站帶出應刷KP 用BarcodeID 查詢已刷過的BarcodeItem
if (model.Station == 30027 && model.AUSBarCodeID != 0)
var BarcodeItem = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeItemByBarCodeID(model.AUSBarCodeID);
BarcodeItem = BarcodeItem.Where(w => w.WipID != model.WipID && w.ItemNo.ToLower().StartsWith("module_")).ToList();
//將BarcodeItem 裡的值塞入model.inputs
model.Inputs = new List<Inputs002>();
foreach (var item in BarcodeItem)
model.Inputs.Add(new Inputs002
ModuleName = item.ItemNo,
MappingSN = item.PartNo,
Completed = "No",
KPItemName = item.KpItemNo,
//model.Inputs.Add(new Inputs002
// ModuleName = "Module_AUS002",
// MappingSN = "123456",
// Completed = "No"
//model.Inputs.Add(new Inputs002
// ModuleName = "Module_AUS003",
// MappingSN = "78901",
// Completed = "No"
if (model.PriorInput != model.ExtraBarcodeNo)
model.PriorInput = model.ExtraBarcodeNo;
model.InputQTY += 1;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Msg))
model.ExtraBarcodeNo = "";
model.Input = "";
model.Error = Msg;
model.ExtraBarcodeNo = "";
model.ItemNO = "";
model.WipNO = "";
model.Unit = "";
model.Line = 0;
model.WipID = 0;
model.Input = "";
ModelState.AddModelError("error", Msg);
return View("AUS002", model);
//判斷model.inputs 是否有值
//若有值,則判斷刷入的model.input是否有與model.inputs.MappingSN 相同的值
//若有,則該筆資料model.inputs.Completed 填入Yes
if (model.Station == 30027)
bool isExist = false;
foreach (var items in model.Inputs)
if (items.MappingSN == model.Input)
isExist = true;
items.Completed = "Yes";
model.Input = "";
if (!isExist)
model.Error = "The input SN is not in the list.";
ModelState.AddModelError("error", model.Error);
return View("AUS002", model);
public async Task<IActionResult> AUS002_Input(AUS002ViewModel model)
await GetUserName();
await GetAusStation();
// ResultModel
string Msg = string.Empty;
bool Success = true;
string Data = model.ExtraBarcodeNo;
// model.ExtraBarcodeNo = model.WipNO;
#region 基本Input 輸入判斷
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ExtraBarcodeNo))
Msg += "Please scan data";
//判斷model.inputs裡的每一筆資料是否都有Completed = Yes
foreach (var items in model.Inputs)
if (items.Completed == "No")
Msg += "Please complete all the Mapping SN";
//檢查model.station 是否有值
if (model.Station <= 0)
Msg += "Please select station";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Msg))
Success = false;
// ModelState.AddModelError("error", Msg);
return Json(new Result() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data });
//將modee.ErrorCode 裡的值塞入keyPart
List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem> keyParts = new List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem>();
if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ErrorCode))
keyParts.Add(new BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem
inputType = "NG",
inputData = model.ErrorCode,
oldInputData = "",
kpItemNo = ""
var x = new BarCodeCheckDto
wipNo = model.WipNO,
barcode = model.AUSBarcodeNo,
barcodeType = "M",
stationID = model.Station,
line = model.Line,
unitNo = model.Unit,
inputItems = keyParts,
userID = GetLogInUserID()
var barcode_result = await _pcsApi.PassIngByCheck(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x));
if (!barcode_result.Success)
Msg += model.ExtraBarcodeNo + "-" + barcode_result.Msg + "\n";
Success = false;
// ModelState.AddModelError("error", Msg);
// 過站判斷成功
Msg = barcode_result.Msg;
Data = string.Empty;
foreach (var item in model.Inputs)
var barcodeItemChange = new BarcodeItemChange();
barcodeItemChange.BarcodeID = model.AUSBarCodeID;// q1.Select(s => s.BarcodeID).FirstOrDefault();
barcodeItemChange.PartNoOld = item.MappingSN; //序號
barcodeItemChange.ChangeType = "NR";
barcodeItemChange.ItemNo = item.ModuleName; //類型
barcodeItemChange.StationID = model.Station;
barcodeItemChange.WipID = model.WipID;
barcodeItemChange.KpItemNo = item.KPItemName; //料號
barcodeItemChange.CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID();
var result2= await _pcsApi.PostBarcodeItemChange(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(barcodeItemChange));
return Json(new Result1() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data });
/// <summary>
/// 流程ID By站別
/// </summary>
/// <returns>StationID</returns>
private async Task<List<RuleStation>> GetRuleStationByFlowRuleID(int flowruleID)
var result = await _basApi.GetRuleStationsByFlow(flowruleID, 0);
result = result.Where(w => w.StationType == "M").OrderBy(o => o.Sequence).ToList();
var RuleStations = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
RuleStations.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].Sequence + "-" + result[i].Station.StationName, result[i].StationID.ToString()));
if (RuleStations.Count == 0)
RuleStations.Add(new SelectListItem("N/A", null));
ViewBag.GetRuleStationByFlowRuleIDList = RuleStations;
return result;
public int GetLogInUserID()
int user_id = 0;
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out string userID);
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
return user_id;
public async Task GetUserName()
int userId = GetLogInUserID();
var user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfo(userId);
if (!user.Any())
ViewBag.UserNo = "";
ViewBag.UserNo = user.FirstOrDefault().UserNo + "(" + user.FirstOrDefault().UserName + ")";
public async Task GetAusStation()
var result = await _basApi.GetStationses();
// 排除鎖定站
result = result.Where(w => w.StationID != 0 && w.UnitNo == "A" && w.StatusNo =="A").ToList();
var StationItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
StationItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].StationName, result[i].StationID.ToString()));
ViewBag.StationList = StationItems;