You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
6341 lines
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6341 lines
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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using AMESCoreStudio.CommonTools.Result;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels.QRS;
using System.Linq;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.DTO.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.BAS;
using System;
using System.Data;
namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web.Controllers
public class QRSController : Controller
private readonly ILogger<QRSController> _logger;
public readonly IREP _repApi;
public readonly IPPS _ppsApi;
public readonly IBAS _basApi;
public readonly IPCS _pcsApi;
public readonly ISYS _sysApi;
public readonly IKCS _kcsApi;
public readonly IFQC _fqcApi;
public readonly IQRS _qrsApi;
private readonly IWebHostEnvironment _env;
public QRSController(ILogger<QRSController> logger, IREP repApi, IPPS ppsApi, IBAS basApi, IPCS pcsApi, ISYS sysApi, IKCS kcsApi, IFQC fqcApi, IWebHostEnvironment env, IQRS qrsApi)
_logger = logger;
_repApi = repApi;
_ppsApi = ppsApi;
_basApi = basApi;
_pcsApi = pcsApi;
_sysApi = sysApi;
_kcsApi = kcsApi;
_fqcApi = fqcApi;
_env = env;
_qrsApi = qrsApi;
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS008()
await GetUnitList();
await GetLineInfoList();
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS008A(string unitNo, string lineId)
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS008(unitNo, lineId);
string wipDataList = "<font size='3'>";
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
int wip_id = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString());
int flow_rule_id = int.Parse(jo["flowRuleID"].ToString());
int line_id = int.Parse(jo["lineID"].ToString());
string item_no = jo["itemNO"].ToString();
string unit_name = jo["unitName"].ToString();
string line_desc = jo["lineDesc"].ToString();
string wip_no = jo["wipNO"].ToString();
int plan_qty = int.Parse(jo["planQTY"].ToString());
int input_qty = int.Parse(jo["completeQTY"].ToString());
int output_qty = 0;
if (flow_rule_id > 0)
var cycle_time = await _ppsApi.GetCycleTime(item_no + "," + line_id);
string ct1 = "";
if (cycle_time.Count > 0)
ct1 = cycle_time[0].CT1.ToString() + "s";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + unit_name + " - " + line_desc + "</font>" + " - " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + wip_no + "</font>" + "<font color='#FFC90E'>" + "(" + item_no + ")" + "</font>" + " - " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + plan_qty + " / " + input_qty + " / " + output_qty + "</font>" + " | " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + "標準工時: " + "</font>" + ct1 + "<br/>";
var rule_sation = await _basApi.GetRuleStationsByFlow(flow_rule_id);
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<table><tr><td width='120'></td>";
string stationQty = "<table><tr><td width='120'>過站數量</td>";
string stationRate = "<table><tr><td width='120'>良率</td>";
string stationWip = "<table><tr><td width='120'>WIP</td>";
string stationList = "";
for (int j = 0; j < rule_sation.Count; j++)
if (rule_sation[j].StationType == "M")
stationList = stationList + rule_sation[j].StationID + ",";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rule_sation[j].Station.StationName + "</td>";
var wip_station = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, rule_sation[j].StationID);
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (wip_station.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var data in wip_station.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
stationQty = stationQty + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'過站PASS條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009P/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].StationID + "',800,600);\">" + okQty + "</a>/<a href=\"'過站FAIL條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009F/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].StationID + "',800,600);\">" + ngQty + "</a></td>";
double rate = ((okQty * 1.0) / (okQty + ngQty)) * 100;
if (okQty + ngQty == 0)
rate = 100;
if (j == rule_sation.Count - 1)
if (rate <= 90)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:red'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 95 && rate <= 97)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:yellow'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 98)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:green'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
if (rate <= 90)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:red'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 95 && rate <= 97)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:yellow'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 98)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:green'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='60' style='text-align:left'>" + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + " >> " + "</font>" + "</td>";
stationQty = stationQty + "</tr></table>";
stationRate = stationRate + "</tr></table>";
string[] station_list = stationList.Split(",");
for (int j = 0; j < station_list.Length - 1; j++)
int wip_qty = 0;
var wip_station1 = await _pcsApi.GetWipQty4QRS009(wip_id, int.Parse(station_list[j]), 0, 10);
if (wip_station1.DataTotal > 0)
wip_qty = wip_station1.DataTotal;
if (wip_qty < 0)
wip_qty = 0;
stationWip = stationWip + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'在製條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009W/" + wip_id + "_" + station_list[j] + "',800,600);\">" + wip_qty + "</a></td>";
stationWip = stationWip + "</tr></table><br/>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</tr></table>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationQty;
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationRate;
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationWip;
wipDataList = wipDataList + "查无资料";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["WipDataList"] = wipDataList;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS009(string id)
string unitNo = null, factoryNo = null;
if (id != null)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
if (param[0] != null && param[0] != "")
unitNo = param[0];
if (param.Length > 1)
if (param[1] != null && param[1] == "OC")
if (Request.Cookies["_AMESCookie"] != null)
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
int user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
var user_info = await _sysApi.GetUserData(user_id);
if (user_info.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in user_info.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
factoryNo = jo["factoryNo"].ToString();
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS009(unitNo, factoryNo);
string wipDataList = "<font size='3'>";
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
int wip_id = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString());
int flow_rule_id = int.Parse(jo["flowRuleID"].ToString());
int line_id = int.Parse(jo["lineID"].ToString());
string item_no = jo["itemNO"].ToString();
string unit_name = jo["unitName"].ToString();
string line_desc = jo["lineDesc"].ToString();
string wip_no = jo["wipNO"].ToString();
int plan_qty = int.Parse(jo["planQTY"].ToString());
int input_qty = int.Parse(jo["completeQTY"].ToString());
int output_qty = 0;
var cycle_time = await _ppsApi.GetCycleTime(item_no + "," + line_id);
string ct1 = "";
if (cycle_time.Count > 0)
ct1 = cycle_time[0].CT1.ToString() + "s";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + unit_name + " - " + line_desc + "</font>" + " - " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + wip_no + "</font>" + "<font color='#FFC90E'>" + "(" + item_no + ")" + "</font>" + " - " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + plan_qty + " / " + input_qty + " / " + output_qty + "</font>" + " | " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + "標準工時: " + "</font>" + ct1 + "<br/>";
var rule_sation = await _basApi.GetRuleStationsByFlow(flow_rule_id);
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<table><tr><td width='120'></td>";
string stationQty = "<table><tr><td width='120'>過站數量</td>";
string stationRate = "<table><tr><td width='120'>良率</td>";
string stationWip = "<table><tr><td width='120'>WIP</td>";
string stationList = "";
for (int j = 0; j < rule_sation.Count; j++)
//if (rule_sation[j].StationID != 1000 && rule_sation[j].StationType == "M")
if (rule_sation[j].StationType == "M")
stationList = stationList + rule_sation[j].StationID + ",";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rule_sation[j].Station.StationName + "</td>";
var wip_station = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, rule_sation[j].StationID);
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (wip_station.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var data in wip_station.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
for (int k = 0; k < wip_station.Count; k++)
if (wip_station[k].RuleStatus == "P")
okQty = wip_station[k].FirstCnt;
ngQty = wip_station[k].FirstCnt;
//stationQty = stationQty + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'過站PASS條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009P/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].RuleStationID + "','','',true);\">" + okQty + "</a>/<a href=\"'過站FAIL條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009F','','',true);\">" + ngQty + "</a></td>";
stationQty = stationQty + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'過站PASS條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009P/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].StationID + "',800,600);\">" + okQty + "</a>/<a href=\"'過站FAIL條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009F/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].StationID + "',800,600);\">" + ngQty + "</a></td>";
double rate = ((okQty * 1.0) / (okQty + ngQty)) * 100;
if (okQty + ngQty == 0)
rate = 100;
if (j == rule_sation.Count - 1)
if (rate <= 90)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:red'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 95 && rate <= 97)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:yellow'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 98)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:green'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
//stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
//stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
if (rate <= 90)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:red'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 95 && rate <= 97)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:yellow'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 98)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:green'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='60' style='text-align:left'>" + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + " >> " + "</font>" + "</td>";
stationQty = stationQty + "</tr></table>";
stationRate = stationRate + "</tr></table>";
string[] station_list = stationList.Split(",");
//for (int j = 0; j < station_list.Length - 1; j++)
// var wip_station1 = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, int.Parse(station_list[j]));
// int okQty1 = 0, ngQty1 = 0;
// if (wip_station1.DataTotal > 0)
// {
// foreach (var data in wip_station1.Data)
// {
// JObject j1 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
// if (j1["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
// {
// okQty1 = int.Parse(j1["firstCnt"].ToString());
// }
// else
// {
// ngQty1 = int.Parse(j1["firstCnt"].ToString());
// }
// }
// /*
// for (int k = 0; k < wip_station1; k++)
// {
// if (wip_station1[k].RuleStatus == "P")
// {
// okQty1 = wip_station1[k].FirstCnt;
// }
// else
// {
// ngQty1 = wip_station1[k].FirstCnt;
// }
// }
// */
// }
// int okQty2 = 0, ngQty2 = 0;
// //计算WIP
// if (j < station_list.Length - 2)
// {
// var wip_station2 = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, int.Parse(station_list[j + 1]));
// if (wip_station2.DataTotal > 0)
// {
// /*
// for (int k = 0; k < wip_station2.Count; k++)
// {
// if (wip_station2[k].RuleStatus == "P")
// {
// okQty2 = wip_station2[k].FirstCnt;
// }
// else
// {
// ngQty2 = wip_station2[k].FirstCnt;
// }
// }
// */
// foreach (var data in wip_station2.Data)
// {
// JObject j2 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
// if (j2["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
// {
// okQty2 = int.Parse(j2["firstCnt"].ToString());
// }
// else
// {
// ngQty2 = int.Parse(j2["firstCnt"].ToString());
// }
// }
// }
// }
// int wip_qty = okQty1 + ngQty1 - okQty2 - ngQty2;
// if (wip_qty < 0)
// {
// wip_qty = 0;
// }
// stationWip = stationWip + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'在製條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009W/" + wip_id + "_" + station_list[j] + "',800,600);\">" + wip_qty + "</a></td>";
for (int j = 0; j < station_list.Length - 1; j++)
int wip_qty = 0;
var wip_station1 = await _pcsApi.GetWipQty4QRS009(wip_id, int.Parse(station_list[j]), 0, 10);
if (wip_station1.DataTotal > 0)
wip_qty = wip_station1.DataTotal;
if (wip_qty < 0)
wip_qty = 0;
stationWip = stationWip + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'在製條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009W/" + wip_id + "_" + station_list[j] + "',800,600);\">" + wip_qty + "</a></td>";
stationWip = stationWip + "</tr></table><br/>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</tr></table>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationQty;
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationRate;
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationWip;
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<table><tr><td width='120'>過站數量</td>";
for (int j = 0; j < rule_sation.Count; j++)
if (rule_sation[j].StationID != 1000 && rule_sation[j].StationType == "M")
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + "0/0" + "</td>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</tr></table>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<table><tr><td width='120'>良率</td>";
for (int j = 0; j < rule_sation.Count; j++)
if (rule_sation[j].StationID != 1000 && rule_sation[j].StationType == "M")
if (j == rule_sation.Count - 2)
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + "100%" + "</td>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left'>" + "100%" + "</td>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='60' style='text-align:left'>" + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + " >> " + "</font>" + "</td>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</tr></table>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<table><tr><td width='120'>WIP</td>";
for (int j = 0; j < rule_sation.Count; j++)
if (rule_sation[j].StationID != 1000 && rule_sation[j].StationType == "M")
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + "0" + "</td>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</tr></table><br/>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "查无资料";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["WipDataList"] = wipDataList;
return View();
public IActionResult QRS009P(string id)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
ViewBag.WIP_ID = param[0];
ViewBag.STATION_ID = param[1];
return View();
public IActionResult QRS009F(string id)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
ViewBag.WIP_ID = param[0];
ViewBag.STATION_ID = param[1];
return View();
public IActionResult QRS009W(string id)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
ViewBag.WIP_ID = param[0];
ViewBag.STATION_ID = param[1];
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS011()
await GetUnitList();
return View();
/// <summary>
/// 生產進度查詢 舊版本
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unitNo">生產製程</param>
/// <param name="itemNO">料號</param>
/// <param name="wipNO">工單號碼</param>
/// <param name="wipStatus">工單狀態:N(未完工) E(已完工)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS011AAsync_OLD(string unitNo, string itemNO, string wipNO, string wipStatus, string startDate, string endDate)
ViewBag.unitNo = unitNo;
ViewBag.itemNO = itemNO;
ViewBag.wipNO = wipNO;
ViewBag.wipStatus = wipStatus;
ViewBag.startDate = startDate;
ViewBag.endDate = endDate;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 製程代碼 : " + unitNo + "; 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + "; 開工日期 : " + startDate + " ~ " + endDate;
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS011(unitNo, itemNO, wipNO, startDate, endDate, wipStatus);
string wipDataList = "<font size='3'>";
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
int wip_id = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString());
int flow_rule_id = int.Parse(jo["flowRuleID"].ToString());
int line_id = int.Parse(jo["lineID"].ToString());
string item_no = jo["itemNO"].ToString();
string unit_name = jo["unitName"].ToString();
string line_desc = jo["lineDesc"].ToString();
string wip_no = jo["wipNO"].ToString();
int plan_qty = int.Parse(jo["planQTY"].ToString());
int input_qty = int.Parse(jo["completeQTY"].ToString());
int output_qty = 0;
var cycle_time = await _ppsApi.GetCycleTime(item_no + "," + line_id);
string ct1 = "";
if (cycle_time.Count > 0)
ct1 = cycle_time[0].CT1.ToString() + "s";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + unit_name + " - " + line_desc + "</font>" + " - " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + wip_no + "</font>" + "<font color='#FFC90E'>" + "(" + item_no + ")" + "</font>" + " - " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + plan_qty + " / " + input_qty + " / " + output_qty + "</font>" + " | " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + "標準工時: " + "</font>" + ct1 + "<br/>";
var rule_sation = await _basApi.GetRuleStationsByFlow(flow_rule_id);
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<table><tr><td width='120'></td>";
string stationQty = "<table><tr><td width='120'>過站數量</td>";
string stationRate = "<table><tr><td width='120'>良率</td>";
string stationWip = "<table><tr><td width='120'>WIP</td>";
string stationList = "";
for (int j = 0; j < rule_sation.Count; j++)
//if (rule_sation[j].StationID != 1000 && rule_sation[j].StationType == "M")
//if (rule_sation[j].StationType == "M")
if (true)
stationList = stationList + rule_sation[j].StationID + ",";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rule_sation[j].Station.StationName + "</td><td></td>";
var wip_station = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, rule_sation[j].StationID);
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (wip_station.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var data in wip_station.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
// 完工站(1000)PASS資料 抓上一站PASS數
if (rule_sation[j].StationID == 1000)
wip_station = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, rule_sation[j - 1].StationID);
if (wip_station.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var data in wip_station.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
//stationQty = stationQty + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'過站PASS條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009P/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].RuleStationID + "','','',true);\">" + okQty + "</a>/<a href=\"'過站FAIL條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009F','','',true);\">" + ngQty + "</a></td>";
stationQty = stationQty + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'過站PASS條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009P/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].StationID + "',800,600);\">" + okQty + "</a>/<a href=\"'過站FAIL條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009F/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].StationID + "',800,600);\">" + ngQty + "</a></td><td></td>";
double rate = ((okQty * 1.0) / (okQty + ngQty)) * 100;
if (okQty + ngQty == 0)
rate = 100;
if (j == rule_sation.Count - 1)
if (rate <= 90)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:red'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 95 && rate <= 97)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:yellow'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 98)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:green'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
//stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
//stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
if (rate <= 90)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:red'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 95 && rate <= 97)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:yellow'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 98)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:green'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='60' style='text-align:left'>" + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + " >> " + "</font>" + "</td>";
stationQty = stationQty + "</tr></table>";
stationRate = stationRate + "</tr></table>";
string[] station_list = stationList.Split(",");
for (int j = 0; j < station_list.Length - 1; j++)
var wip_station1 = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, int.Parse(station_list[j]));
int okQty1 = 0, ngQty1 = 0;
if (wip_station1.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var data in wip_station1.Data)
JObject j1 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
if (j1["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty1 = int.Parse(j1["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty1 = int.Parse(j1["firstCnt"].ToString());
int okQty2 = 0, ngQty2 = 0;
if (j < station_list.Length - 2)
var wip_station2 = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, int.Parse(station_list[j + 1]));
if (wip_station2.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var data in wip_station2.Data)
JObject j2 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
if (j2["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty2 = int.Parse(j2["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty2 = int.Parse(j2["firstCnt"].ToString());
int wip_qty = okQty1 + ngQty1 - okQty2 - ngQty2;
if (wip_qty < 0)
wip_qty = 0;
stationWip = stationWip + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'在製條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009W/" + wip_id + "_" + station_list[j] + "',800,600);\">" + wip_qty + "</a></td>";
for (int j = 0; j < station_list.Length - 1; j++)
int wip_qty = 0;
var wip_station1 = await _pcsApi.GetWipQty4QRS009(wip_id, int.Parse(station_list[j]), 0, 10);
if (wip_station1.DataTotal > 0)
wip_qty = wip_station1.DataTotal;
if (wip_qty < 0)
wip_qty = 0;
stationWip = stationWip + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'在製條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009W/" + wip_id + "_" + station_list[j] + "',800,600);\">" + wip_qty + "</a></td><td></td>";
stationWip = stationWip + "</tr></table><br/>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</tr></table>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationQty;
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationRate;
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationWip;
wipDataList = wipDataList + "查无资料";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["WipDataList"] = wipDataList;
return View();
/// <summary>
/// 生產進度查詢
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unitNo">生產製程</param>
/// <param name="itemNO">料號</param>
/// <param name="wipNO">工單號碼</param>
/// <param name="wipStatus">工單狀態:N(未完工) E(已完工)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS011A(string unitNo, string itemNO, string wipNO, string wipStatus, string startDate, string endDate)
ViewBag.unitNo = unitNo;
ViewBag.itemNO = itemNO;
ViewBag.wipNO = wipNO;
ViewBag.wipStatus = wipStatus;
ViewBag.startDate = startDate;
ViewBag.endDate = endDate;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 製程代碼 : " + unitNo + "; 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + "; 開工日期 : " + startDate + " ~ " + endDate;
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS011(unitNo, itemNO, wipNO, startDate, endDate, wipStatus);
string wipDataList = "<font size='3'>";
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
int wip_id = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString());
int flow_rule_id = int.Parse(jo["flowRuleID"].ToString());
int line_id = int.Parse(jo["lineID"].ToString());
string item_no = jo["itemNO"].ToString();
string unit_name = jo["unitName"].ToString();
string line_desc = jo["lineDesc"].ToString();
string wip_no = jo["wipNO"].ToString();
int plan_qty = int.Parse(jo["planQTY"].ToString());
int input_qty = int.Parse(jo["completeQTY"].ToString());
int output_qty = 0;
var cycle_time = await _ppsApi.GetCycleTime(item_no + "," + line_id);
string ct1 = "";
if (cycle_time.Count > 0)
ct1 = cycle_time[0].CT1.ToString() + "s";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + unit_name + " - " + line_desc + "</font>" + " - " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + wip_no + "</font>" + "<font color='#FFC90E'>" + "(" + item_no + ")" + "</font>" + " - " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + plan_qty + " / " + input_qty + " / " + output_qty + "</font>" + " | " + "<font color='#0080FF'>" + "標準工時: " + "</font>" + ct1 + "<br/>";
var rule_sation = await _basApi.GetRuleStationsByFlow(flow_rule_id);
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<table><tr><td width='120'></td>";
string stationQty = "<table><tr><td width='120'>過站數量</td>";
string stationRate = "<table><tr><td width='120'>良率</td>";
string stationWip = "<table><tr><td width='120'>WIP</td>";
string stationList = "";
for (int j = 0; j < rule_sation.Count; j++)
stationList = stationList + rule_sation[j].StationID + ",";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rule_sation[j].Station.StationName + "</td><td></td>";
// 改抓BarCodeStation
var wip_station = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS011Group(wip_id, rule_sation[j].StationID);
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (wip_station.Any())
okQty = wip_station.Where(w => w.rulestation == "P").Sum(s => (int)s.first);
ngQty = wip_station.Where(w => w.rulestation == "F").Sum(s => (int)s.first);
// 完工站(1000)PASS資料 抓上一站PASS數
if (rule_sation[j].StationID == 1000)
var overStationQty = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS011GroupOverStationQty(wip_id, rule_sation[j - 1].StationID);
if (overStationQty.Any())
okQty = overStationQty.Sum(s => (int)s.first);
stationQty = stationQty + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'過站PASS條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009P/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].StationID + "',800,600);\">" + okQty + "</a>/<a href=\"'過站FAIL條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009F/" + wip_id + "_" + rule_sation[j].StationID + "',800,600);\">" + ngQty + "</a></td><td></td>";
// 良率計算 pass數量 - fail數量 / pass 數量
// double rate = ((okQty * 1.0) / (okQty + ngQty)) * 100;
double rate = ((okQty - ngQty) * 1.0 / (okQty)) * 100;
if (okQty + ngQty == 0)
rate = 100;
if (j == rule_sation.Count - 1)
if (rate <= 90)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:red'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 95 && rate <= 97)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:yellow'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 98)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left;color:green'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
//stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
//stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
if (rate <= 90)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:red'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 95 && rate <= 97)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:yellow'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
else if (rate >= 98)
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left;color:green'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='90' style='text-align:left'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%" + "</td>";
stationRate = stationRate + "<td width='60' style='text-align:left'>" + "<font color='#FF80FF'>" + " >> " + "</font>" + "</td>";
stationQty = stationQty + "</tr></table>";
stationRate = stationRate + "</tr></table>";
string[] station_list = stationList.Split(",");
for (int j = 0; j < station_list.Length - 1; j++)
int wip_qty = 0;
var wip_station1 = await _pcsApi.GetWipQty4QRS009(wip_id, int.Parse(station_list[j]), 0, 10);
if (wip_station1.DataTotal > 0)
wip_qty = wip_station1.DataTotal;
if (wip_qty < 0)
wip_qty = 0;
stationWip = stationWip + "<td width='150' style='text-align:left'><a href=\"'在製條碼資料','/QRS/QRS009W/" + wip_id + "_" + station_list[j] + "',800,600);\">" + wip_qty + "</a></td><td></td>";
stationWip = stationWip + "</tr></table><br/>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</tr></table>";
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationQty;
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationRate;
wipDataList = wipDataList + stationWip;
wipDataList = wipDataList + "查无资料";
wipDataList = wipDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["WipDataList"] = wipDataList;
return View();
/// <summary>
/// 生產進度查詢 ByExcel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unitNo">生產製程</param>
/// <param name="itemNO">料號</param>
/// <param name="wipNO">工單號碼</param>
/// <param name="wipStatus">工單狀態:N(未完工) E(已完工)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS011ByExcel(string unitNo, string itemNO, string wipNO, string wipStatus, string startDate, string endDate)
var result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS011ByExcel(unitNo, itemNO, wipNO, startDate, endDate, wipStatus);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetWipStationPassBarcode(string id, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
int wip_id = int.Parse(param[0]);
int station_id = int.Parse(param[1]);
var result = await _pcsApi.GetWipStationBarcode4QRS009(wip_id, station_id, "P", page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetWipStationFailBarcode(string id, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
int wip_id = int.Parse(param[0]);
int station_id = int.Parse(param[1]);
var result = await _pcsApi.GetWipStationBarcode4QRS009(wip_id, station_id, "F", page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetWipStationBarcode(string id, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
int wip_id = int.Parse(param[0]);
int station_id = int.Parse(param[1]);
var result = await _pcsApi.GetWipBarcode4QRS009(wip_id, station_id, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
private async Task GetProductTypeList()
var result = await _pcsApi.GetProductTypes();
var ProductTypes = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
ProductTypes.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].ProductTypeName, result[i].ProductTypeID.ToString()));
ViewBag.ProductTypeList = ProductTypes;
private async Task GetMFGTypeList()
var result = await _pcsApi.GetMFGTypes();
var MFGTypes = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
MFGTypes.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].MFGTypeName, result[i].MFGTypeNO.ToString()));
ViewBag.MFGTypeList = MFGTypes;
private async Task GetTestTypeList()
var result = await _basApi.GetTestTypes();
var TestTypeItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
TestTypeItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].TypeName, result[i].TypeNo.ToString()));
ViewBag.TestTypeList = TestTypeItems;
private async Task GetUnitList()
var result = await _basApi.GetFactoryUnits();
var UnitItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
UnitItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].UnitName, result[i].UnitNo.ToString()));
ViewBag.UnitList = UnitItems;
private async Task GetUnitList2(string id)
var result = await _basApi.GetFactoryUnit(id);
var UnitItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
UnitItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].UnitName, result[i].UnitNo.ToString()));
ViewBag.UnitList = UnitItems;
/// <summary>
/// 線別 預設帶全部
/// </summary>
/// <param name="factoryNo">廠商代號</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private async Task GetLineInfoList(string factoryNo = null)
var result = await _basApi.GetLineInfoes();
var LineItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
LineItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].LineDesc, result[i].LineID.ToString()));
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(factoryNo))
LineItems = LineItems.Where(w => w.Text.ToUpper().Trim().Contains(factoryNo.Trim().ToUpper())).ToList();
ViewBag.LineList = LineItems;
public async Task<JsonResult> GetUnitLineJson(string unit_no)
var result = await _basApi.GetLineInfoByUnit(unit_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
item.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "0"));
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].LineDesc, result[i].LineID.ToString()));
if (item.Count == 0)
item.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "*"));
return Json(new { data = item });
private async Task GetStationList()
var result = await _basApi.GetStationses();
var StationItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
//StationItems.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "0"));
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
StationItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].StationName, result[i].StationID.ToString()));
ViewBag.StationList = StationItems;
public async Task<JsonResult> GetUnitStationJson(string unit_no)
var result = await _basApi.GetStationsByUnit(unit_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
item.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "0"));
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].StationName, result[i].StationID.ToString()));
if (item.Count == 0)
item.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "*"));
return Json(new { data = item });
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS010()
await GetProductTypeList();
await GetTestTypeList();
await GetUnitList();
await GetLineInfoList();
await GetStationList();
await GetMFGTypeList();
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS010QueryAsync(string unitNo, string lineID, string stationID, string mfgTypeNo, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string custType, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _pcsApi.GetYieldData4QRS010(unitNo, lineID, stationID, mfgTypeNo, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart, dateEnd, custType, page, limit);
var query = new QRS010ViewModel();
foreach (var data in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
var passData = await _pcsApi.GetPassData4QRS010(jo["lineDesc"].ToString(), jo["stationID"].ToString(), jo["wipNO"].ToString(), dateStart, dateEnd);
foreach (var pass in passData.Data)
JObject joPass = JObject.Parse(pass.ToString());
query.YieldDatas.Add(new YieldData
WipID = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString()),
WipNO = jo["wipNO"].ToString(),
PlanQTY = int.Parse(jo["planQTY"].ToString()),
//RuleStationID = int.Parse(jo["ruleStationID"].ToString()),
StationID = int.Parse(jo["stationID"].ToString()),
StationDesc = jo["stationName"].ToString(),
ItemNO = jo["itemNO"].ToString(),
LineDesc = jo["lineDesc"].ToString(),
ModelNO = jo["modelNO"].ToString(),
FirstCnt = int.Parse(joPass["firstCnt"].ToString()),
PassCnt = int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()),
FailCnt = int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()) - int.Parse(joPass["firstCnt"].ToString()),
Yield = double.Parse((int.Parse(joPass["firstCnt"].ToString()) * 1.0 / int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()) * 100.0).ToString("0.00"))
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = query.YieldDatas, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult QRS010A(string id)
ViewData["ParamList"] = id;
return View();
public IActionResult QRS010B(string id)
ViewData["ParamList"] = id;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetNgData4QRS010Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _repApi.GetNgData4QRS010(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4]);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<JsonResult> GetYieldData4QRS010Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _pcsApi.GetYieldData4QRS010(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], 0, 10);
var query = new QRS010ViewModel();
foreach (var data in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
var passData = await _pcsApi.GetPassData4QRS010(jo["lineDesc"].ToString(), jo["stationID"].ToString(), jo["wipNO"].ToString(), param[6], param[7]);
foreach (var pass in passData.Data)
JObject joPass = JObject.Parse(pass.ToString());
query.YieldDatas.Add(new YieldData
WipID = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString()),
WipNO = jo["wipNO"].ToString(),
PlanQTY = int.Parse(jo["planQTY"].ToString()),
//RuleStationID = int.Parse(jo["ruleStationID"].ToString()),
StationID = int.Parse(jo["stationID"].ToString()),
StationDesc = jo["stationName"].ToString(),
ItemNO = jo["itemNO"].ToString(),
LineDesc = jo["lineDesc"].ToString(),
ModelNO = jo["modelNO"].ToString(),
FirstCnt = int.Parse(joPass["firstCnt"].ToString()),
PassCnt = int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()),
Yield = int.Parse(joPass["firstCnt"].ToString()) * 1.0 / int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()) * 100.0
return Json(query.YieldDatas);
public async Task<IActionResult> GetYieldData4QRS010ListAsync(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _pcsApi.GetYieldData4QRS010(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], 0, 10);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
/// <summary>
/// 季統計
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unitNo"></param>
/// <param name="lineID"></param>
/// <param name="stationID"></param>
/// <param name="mfgTypeNo"></param>
/// <param name="wipNO"></param>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS010CAsync(string unitNo, string lineID, string stationID, string mfgTypeNo, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string custType)
ViewData["ParamList"] = unitNo + "_" + lineID + "_" + stationID + "_" + mfgTypeNo + "_" + wipNO + "_" + itemNO + "_" + custType;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 製程 " + unitNo + "; 線別 :" + lineID + "; 站別 :" + stationID + "主背板 :" + mfgTypeNo + " ; 工單號碼" + wipNO + "; 工程編號 :" + itemNO + "; 客戶別:" + custType;
var query = new QRS014BViewModel();
string rateDataListS = "<font size='3'>";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>季別</td>";
string rateDataListM = @"<tr><td width = '100'> 良率 </td ><td width = '120 >";
string yCode = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
if (dateStart != null)
yCode = dateStart.Substring(0, 4);
DateTime today = System.DateTime.Now;
DateTime StartDate = today.AddMonths(-12);
string dateEnd01;
string dateStart01;
string Week;
while (StartDate <= today)
int Month = StartDate.Month;
switch (Month)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
Week = "1";
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
Week = "2";
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
Week = "3";
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
Week = "4";
Week = "0";
if (Week == "1")
dateStart01 = StartDate.Year + "-01-01";
dateEnd01 = DateTime.Parse(StartDate.Year + "-04-01").AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
else if (Week == "2")
dateStart01 = StartDate.Year + "-04-01";
dateEnd01 = DateTime.Parse(StartDate.Year + "-07-01").AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
else if (Week == "3")
dateStart01 = StartDate.Year + "-07-01";
dateEnd01 = DateTime.Parse(StartDate.Year + "-10-01").AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
else if (Week == "4")
dateStart01 = StartDate.Year + "-10-01";
dateEnd01 = StartDate.Year + "-12-31";
dateStart01 = "23-12-01";
dateEnd01 = "23-12-31";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + $"<td width='120'>{yCode + "-" + Week}</td> ";
yCode = StartDate.Year.ToString();
var PPMRate = await GetYieldData4QRSReport(unitNo, lineID, stationID, mfgTypeNo, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart01, dateEnd01, custType);
rateDataListM = rateDataListM + "<td width='120'>" + PPMRate + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-" + Week,
Yield = PPMRate
StartDate = DateTime.Parse(dateEnd01 + " 00:00:00").AddDays(1);
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "</tr>" + rateDataListM;
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataList"] = rateDataListS;
return View(query);
/// <summary>
/// 月統計
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unitNo"></param>
/// <param name="lineID"></param>
/// <param name="stationID"></param>
/// <param name="mfgTypeNo"></param>
/// <param name="wipNO"></param>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS010DAsync(string unitNo, string lineID, string stationID, string mfgTypeNo, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string custType)
ViewData["ParamList"] = unitNo + "_" + lineID + "_" + stationID + "_" + mfgTypeNo + "_" + wipNO + "_" + itemNO + "_" + custType;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 製程 " + unitNo + "; 線別 :" + lineID + "; 站別 :" + stationID + "主背板 :" + mfgTypeNo + " ; 工單號碼" + wipNO + "; 工程編號 :" + itemNO + "; 客戶別:" + custType;
var query = new QRS014BViewModel();
string rateDataListS = "<font size='3'>";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>月別</td>";
var rateDataListY = @"<tr><td width = '100'> 良率 </td ><td width = '120 >";
#region 推日期
DateTime today = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1);
// 往前推12個月
DateTime startDate = today.AddMonths(-12);
// 顯示每個月的起始與結束日期
for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
DateTime startOfMonth = startDate.AddMonths(i);
DateTime endOfMonth = startOfMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
string dateStart01 = startOfMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
string dateEnd01 = endOfMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var PPMRate01 = await GetYieldData4QRSReport(unitNo, lineID, stationID, mfgTypeNo, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart01, dateEnd01, custType);
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<td width='120'>" + startOfMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "</td>";
rateDataListY = rateDataListY + "<td width='120'>" + PPMRate01 + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = startOfMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM"),
Yield = PPMRate01
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + rateDataListY + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataList"] = rateDataListS;
return View(query);
/// <summary>
/// 周統計
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unitNo"></param>
/// <param name="lineID"></param>
/// <param name="stationID"></param>
/// <param name="mfgTypeNo"></param>
/// <param name="wipNO"></param>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS010EAsync(string unitNo, string lineID, string stationID, string mfgTypeNo, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string custType)
ViewData["ParamList"] = unitNo + "_" + lineID + "_" + stationID + "_" + mfgTypeNo + "_" + wipNO + "_" + itemNO + "_" + custType;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 製程 " + unitNo + "; 線別 :" + lineID + "; 站別 :" + stationID + "主背板 :" + mfgTypeNo + " ; 工單號碼" + wipNO + "; 工程編號 :" + itemNO + "; 客戶別:" + custType;
var query = new QRS014BViewModel();
string rateDataListS = "<font size='3'>";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>周別</td>";
var rateDataListY = @"<tr><td width = '100'> 良率 </td ><td width = '120 >";
#region 推日期
// 往前推12個月
DateTime startDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-12);
// 顯示每個周的起始與結束日期
while (startDate <= DateTime.Today)
var StartDate = startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00";
var Calendar_Date = await _qrsApi.GetCalendarTable(StartDate);
var TmpWeek = Calendar_Date.WeekOfYear;
var Calendar_Date1 = await _qrsApi.GetCalendarTableByYearYeek(startDate.ToString("yyyy"), TmpWeek); //抓指定周別的所有日期
string dateStart01 = Calendar_Date1.Min(s => s.TimeID).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
string dateEnd01 = Calendar_Date1.Max(s => s.TimeID).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var PPMRate01 = await GetYieldData4QRSReport(unitNo, lineID, stationID, mfgTypeNo, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart01, dateEnd01, custType);
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<td width='120'>" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-") + TmpWeek + "</td>";
rateDataListY = rateDataListY + "<td width='120'>" + PPMRate01 + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = startDate.ToString("yyyy") + TmpWeek,
Yield = PPMRate01
startDate = Calendar_Date1.Max(s => s.TimeID).AddDays(1);
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + rateDataListY + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataList"] = rateDataListS;
return View(query);
/// <summary>
/// 計算條件式區間良率加總
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unitNo"></param>
/// <param name="lineID"></param>
/// <param name="stationID"></param>
/// <param name="mfgTypeNo"></param>
/// <param name="wipNO"></param>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<double> GetYieldData4QRSReport(string unitNo, string lineID, string stationID, string mfgTypeNo, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string custType)
var result = await _pcsApi.GetYieldData4QRS010(unitNo, lineID, stationID, mfgTypeNo, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart, dateEnd, custType, 0, 10);
var query = new QRS010ViewModel();
foreach (var data in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
var passData = await _pcsApi.GetPassData4QRS010(jo["lineDesc"].ToString(), jo["stationID"].ToString(), jo["wipNO"].ToString(), dateStart, dateEnd);
foreach (var pass in passData.Data)
JObject joPass = JObject.Parse(pass.ToString());
query.YieldDatas.Add(new YieldData
WipID = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString()),
WipNO = jo["wipNO"].ToString(),
PlanQTY = int.Parse(jo["planQTY"].ToString()),
//RuleStationID = int.Parse(jo["ruleStationID"].ToString()),
StationID = int.Parse(jo["stationID"].ToString()),
StationDesc = jo["stationName"].ToString(),
ItemNO = jo["itemNO"].ToString(),
LineDesc = jo["lineDesc"].ToString(),
ModelNO = jo["modelNO"].ToString(),
FirstCnt = int.Parse(joPass["firstCnt"].ToString()),
PassCnt = int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()),
Yield = int.Parse(joPass["firstCnt"].ToString()) * 1.0 / int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()) * 100.0
double Yield;
if (query.YieldDatas.Count == 0)
Yield = 0;
// Yield = Math.Round((query.YieldDatas.Sum(s => s.Yield) / query.YieldDatas.Count),0.00);
Yield = query.YieldDatas.Sum(s => s.Yield) / query.YieldDatas.Count;
return Yield;
public IActionResult QRS012(string id)
ViewBag.WipNo = id;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetWipAlarmsByType(int alarmTypeID, string wipNO, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
//var result = await _repApi.GetWipAlarmsByType(alarmTypeID, page, limit);
var result = await _repApi.GetWipAlarm2(alarmTypeID, wipNO, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS013(string id)
if (id != null)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
if (param[0] != null && param[0] != "")
ViewBag.UnitNo = param[0];
if (param[1] != null && param[1] == "OC")
if (Request.Cookies["_AMESCookie"] != null)
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
int user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
var user_info = await _sysApi.GetUserData(user_id);
if (user_info.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in user_info.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
string factoryNo = jo["factoryNo"].ToString();
ViewBag.UserFactory = factoryNo;
return View();
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS013AAsync(string wipNO, string factoryNo, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工單號碼 : " + wipNO;
if (wipNO == null)
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
var result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS013(wipNO, factoryNo, page, limit);
string cols = @"";
ViewBag.ColList = cols;
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS014(string id)
if (id != null)
await GetUnitList2(id);
await GetUnitList();
return View();
public async Task<JsonResult> GetYieldData4QRS014Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
//var ft_stations = await _basApi.GetStations4FT(param[0]);
var ft_stations = await _basApi.GetStations4FTByConfig(param[0]);
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS014(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7]);
var query = new QRS014ViewModel();
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
int wip_id = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString());
double sum_rate = 100.0;
for (int i = 0; i < ft_stations.Count; i++)
int station_id = ft_stations[i].StationID;
var wip_station = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, station_id, param[3], param[4]);
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0, inputQty = 0;
if (wip_station.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var data in wip_station.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
inputQty = int.Parse(j0["sumCnt"].ToString());
okQty = inputQty - ngQty;
//inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = double.Parse((sum_rate * (rate / 100.0)).ToString("0.00"));
query.SumYieldDatas.Add(new SumYieldData
WipID = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString()),
WipNO = jo["wipNO"].ToString(),
Yield = sum_rate
return Json(query.SumYieldDatas);
public async Task<JsonResult> GetYieldData4QRS014BAsync(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var query = new QRS014BViewModel();
string yCode = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
if (param[3] != null)
if (param[3] != "")
yCode = param[3].Substring(0, 4);
#region 01
string dateStart01 = yCode + "-01-01";
string dateEnd01 = yCode + "-02-01";
//var wipStaiton01 = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart01, dateEnd01, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
var wipStaiton01 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart01, dateEnd01, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate01 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton01.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton01.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate01 = sum_rate01 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate01 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-01",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate01.ToString("0.00"))
#region 02
string dateStart02 = yCode + "-02-01";
string dateEnd02 = yCode + "-03-01";
var wipStaiton02 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart02, dateEnd02, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate02 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton02.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton02.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate02 = sum_rate02 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate02 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-02",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate02.ToString("0.00"))
#region 03
string dateStart03 = yCode + "-03-01";
string dateEnd03 = yCode + "-04-01";
var wipStaiton03 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart03, dateEnd03, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate03 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton03.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton03.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate03 = sum_rate03 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate03 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-03",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate03.ToString("0.00"))
#region 04
string dateStart04 = yCode + "-04-01";
string dateEnd04 = yCode + "-05-01";
var wipStaiton04 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart04, dateEnd04, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate04 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton04.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton04.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate04 = sum_rate04 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate04 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-04",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate04.ToString("0.00"))
#region 05
string dateStart05 = yCode + "-05-01";
string dateEnd05 = yCode + "-06-01";
var wipStaiton05 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart05, dateEnd05, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate05 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton05.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton05.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate05 = sum_rate05 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate05 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-05",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate05.ToString("0.00"))
#region 06
string dateStart06 = yCode + "-06-01";
string dateEnd06 = yCode + "-07-01";
var wipStaiton06 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart06, dateEnd06, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate06 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton06.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton06.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate06 = sum_rate06 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate06 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-06",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate06.ToString("0.00"))
#region 07
string dateStart07 = yCode + "-07-01";
string dateEnd07 = yCode + "-08-01";
var wipStaiton07 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart07, dateEnd07, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate07 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton07.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton07.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate07 = sum_rate07 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate07 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-07",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate07.ToString("0.00"))
#region 08
string dateStart08 = yCode + "-08-01";
string dateEnd08 = yCode + "-09-01";
var wipStaiton08 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart08, dateEnd08, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate08 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton08.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton08.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate08 = sum_rate08 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate08 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-08",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate08.ToString("0.00"))
#region 09
string dateStart09 = yCode + "-09-01";
string dateEnd09 = yCode + "-10-01";
var wipStaiton09 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart09, dateEnd09, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate09 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton09.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton09.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate09 = sum_rate09 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate09 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-09",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate09.ToString("0.00"))
#region 10
string dateStart10 = yCode + "-10-01";
string dateEnd10 = yCode + "-11-01";
var wipStaiton10 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart10, dateEnd10, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate10 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton10.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton10.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate10 = sum_rate10 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate10 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-10",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate10.ToString("0.00"))
#region 11
string dateStart11 = yCode + "-11-01";
string dateEnd11 = yCode + "-12-01";
var wipStaiton11 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart11, dateEnd11, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate11 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton11.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton11.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate11 = sum_rate11 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate11 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-11",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate11.ToString("0.00"))
#region 12
string dateStart12 = yCode + "-12-01";
string dateEnd12 = (int.Parse(yCode) + 1).ToString() + "-01-01";
var wipStaiton12 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(param[0], param[1], dateStart12, dateEnd12, param[5], param[6], param[7]);
double sum_rate12 = 100.0;
if (wipStaiton12.DataTotal > 0)
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton12.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate12 = sum_rate12 * (rate / 100.0);
sum_rate12 = 0.00;
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = yCode + "-12",
Yield = double.Parse(sum_rate12.ToString("0.00"))
return Json(query.FPYDatas);
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS014AAsync(string unitNo, string itemNO, string wipNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string modelNO, string custType, string pType)
ViewData["ParamList"] = unitNo + "_" + itemNO + "_" + wipNO + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd + "_" + modelNO + "_" + custType + "_" + pType;
string product_type = "";
switch (pType)
case "*":
product_type = "ALL";
case "M":
product_type = "醫療";
case "V":
product_type = "VIP";
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 製程代碼 : " + unitNo + "; 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + "; 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 機種 : " + modelNO + "; 客戶別 : " + custType + "; 產品別 : " + product_type + "; 日期 : " + dateStart + " ~ " + dateEnd;
//var ft_stations = await _basApi.GetStations4FT(unitNo);
var ft_stations = await _basApi.GetStations4FTByConfig(unitNo);
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS014(unitNo, itemNO, wipNO, dateStart, dateEnd, modelNO, custType, pType);
string rateDataList = "<font size='3'>";
if (ft_stations.Count > 0)
int tdQty = ft_stations.Count * 4 + 3;
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<table id = 'ratelist' border='1'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='160'></td><td width='240'></td>";
for (int i = 0; i < ft_stations.Count; i++)
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='240' colspan='4' align='center'>" + ft_stations[i].StationName + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'></td></tr>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<tr><td width='160'>工單號碼</td><td width='240'>工程編號</td>";
for (int i = 0; i < ft_stations.Count; i++)
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='60'>Input</td><td width='60'>Pass</td><td width='60'>Fail</td><td width='60'>Yield</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'></td></tr>";
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
int wip_id = int.Parse(jo["wipID"].ToString());
string wip_no = jo["wipNO"].ToString();
string item_no = jo["itemNO"].ToString();
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<tr><td width='160'>" + wip_no + "</td><td width='240'>" + item_no + "</td>";
double sum_rate = 100.0;
for (int i = 0; i < ft_stations.Count; i++)
int station_id = ft_stations[i].StationID;
//var wip_station = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, station_id);
var wip_station = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS009Group(wip_id, station_id, dateStart, dateEnd);
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0, inputQty = 0;
if (wip_station.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var data in wip_station.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
inputQty = int.Parse(j0["sumCnt"].ToString());
okQty = inputQty - ngQty;
//inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='60'>" + inputQty + "</td><td width='60'>" + okQty + "</td><td width='60'>" + ngQty + "</td><td width='60'>" + rate.ToString("0.00") + "%</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "%</td></tr>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "</table>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataList"] = rateDataList;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS014BAsync(string unitNo, string itemNO, string wipNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string modelNO, string custType, string pType)
ViewData["ParamList"] = unitNo + "_" + itemNO + "_" + wipNO + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd + "_" + modelNO + "_" + custType + "_" + pType;
string product_type = "";
switch (pType)
case "*":
product_type = "ALL";
case "M":
product_type = "醫療";
case "V":
product_type = "VIP";
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 製程代碼 : " + unitNo + "; 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + "; 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 機種 : " + modelNO + "; 客戶別 : " + custType + "; 產品別 : " + product_type + "; 日期 : " + dateStart + " ~ " + dateEnd;
string rateDataList = "<font size='3'>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td>年度-類別</td><td width='120'>JAN</td><td width='120'>FEB</td><td width='120'>MAR</td>
<td width='120'>APR</td><td width='120'>MAY</td><td width='120'>JUN</td><td width='120'>JUL</td><td width='120'>AUG</td><td width='120'>SEP</td>
<td width='120'>OCT</td><td width='120'>NOV</td><td width='120'>DEC</td></tr>";
string yCode = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
if (dateStart != null)
yCode = dateStart.Substring(0, 4);
if (unitNo == "I")
rateDataList = rateDataList + @"<tr><td>" + yCode + "-板卡" + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + @"<tr><td>" + yCode + "-系統" + "</td>";
#region 01
string dateStart01 = yCode + "-01-01";
string dateEnd01 = yCode + "-02-01";
//var wipStaiton01 = await _pcsApi.GetWipStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart01, dateEnd01, modelNO, custType, pType);
var wipStaiton01 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart01, dateEnd01, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton01.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton01.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 02
string dateStart02 = yCode + "-02-01";
string dateEnd02 = yCode + "-03-01";
var wipStaiton02 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart02, dateEnd02, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton02.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton02.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 03
string dateStart03 = yCode + "-03-01";
string dateEnd03 = yCode + "-04-01";
var wipStaiton03 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart03, dateEnd03, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton03.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton03.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 04
string dateStart04 = yCode + "-04-01";
string dateEnd04 = yCode + "-05-01";
var wipStaiton04 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart04, dateEnd04, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton04.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton04.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 05
string dateStart05 = yCode + "-05-01";
string dateEnd05 = yCode + "-06-01";
var wipStaiton05 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart05, dateEnd05, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton05.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton05.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 06
string dateStart06 = yCode + "-06-01";
string dateEnd06 = yCode + "-07-01";
var wipStaiton06 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart06, dateEnd06, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton06.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton06.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 07
string dateStart07 = yCode + "-07-01";
string dateEnd07 = yCode + "-08-01";
var wipStaiton07 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart07, dateEnd07, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton07.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton07.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 08
string dateStart08 = yCode + "-08-01";
string dateEnd08 = yCode + "-09-01";
var wipStaiton08 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart08, dateEnd08, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton08.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton08.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 09
string dateStart09 = yCode + "-09-01";
string dateEnd09 = yCode + "-10-01";
var wipStaiton09 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart09, dateEnd09, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton09.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton09.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 10
string dateStart10 = yCode + "-10-01";
string dateEnd10 = yCode + "-11-01";
var wipStaiton10 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart10, dateEnd10, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton10.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton10.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 11
string dateStart11 = yCode + "-11-01";
string dateEnd11 = yCode + "-12-01";
var wipStaiton11 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart11, dateEnd11, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton11.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton11.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
#region 12
string dateStart12 = yCode + "-12-01";
string dateEnd12 = (int.Parse(yCode) + 1).ToString() + "-01-01";
var wipStaiton12 = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStation4QRS014Group(unitNo, itemNO, dateStart12, dateEnd12, modelNO, custType, pType);
if (wipStaiton12.DataTotal > 0)
double sum_rate = 100.0;
DataTable dtRate = new DataTable();
dtRate.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtRate.Columns[0] };
foreach (var data in wipStaiton12.Data)
JObject j0 = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
int stationID = int.Parse(j0["stationID"].ToString());
bool existFlag = false;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtRate.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtRate.Rows[i]["STATION_ID"].ToString() == stationID.ToString())
idx = i;
existFlag = true;
int okQty = 0, ngQty = 0;
if (j0["ruleStatus"].ToString() == "P")
okQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
ngQty = int.Parse(j0["firstCnt"].ToString());
if (existFlag)
if (okQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][1] = okQty;
if (ngQty > 0)
dtRate.Rows[idx][2] = ngQty;
DataRow dr = dtRate.NewRow();
dr[0] = stationID;
dr[1] = okQty;
dr[2] = ngQty;
if (dtRate.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < dtRate.Rows.Count; j++)
int okQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][1].ToString());
int ngQty = int.Parse(dtRate.Rows[j][2].ToString());
int inputQty = okQty + ngQty;
double rate = 0;
if (okQty > 0)
rate = (okQty * 1.0 / inputQty) * 100;
if (rate > 0)
sum_rate = sum_rate * (rate / 100.0);
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + sum_rate.ToString("0.00") + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "<td width='120'>" + "0.00" + "</td>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "</tr></table>";
rateDataList = rateDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataList"] = rateDataList;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS015()
await GetUnitList();
ViewBag.StartDate = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
ViewBag.EndDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
return View();
public async Task<JsonResult> GetIPQCData4QRS015Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
string wip_no = param[0];
string item_no = param[1];
string model_no = param[2];
string start_date = param[3];
string end_date = param[4];
var result = await _pcsApi.GetIPQCHeaderData4QRS015(wip_no, item_no, model_no, start_date, end_date);
var query = new QRS015ViewModel();
foreach (var data in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
query.IpqcDatas.Add(new IpqcData
WeekCode = jo["ipqcWeek"].ToString(),
IpqcCnt = int.Parse(jo["ipqcCnt"].ToString()),
PassCnt = int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()),
FailCnt = int.Parse(jo["failCnt"].ToString()),
Rate = double.Parse((int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()) * 1.0 / int.Parse(jo["ipqcCnt"].ToString()) * 100.0).ToString("0.00"))
return Json(query.IpqcDatas);
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS015AAsync(string modelNO, string itemNO, string wipNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd)
ViewData["ParamList"] = modelNO + "_" + itemNO + "_" + wipNO + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + "; 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 機種 : " + modelNO + "; 檢驗日期 : " + dateStart + " ~ " + dateEnd;
string ipqcDataList = "<font size='3'>";
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetIPQCHeaderData4QRS015(wipNO, itemNO, modelNO, dateStart, dateEnd);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
ipqcDataList = ipqcDataList + "<table border='1' width='100%'><tr><td width='80' style='text-align:center'>周次</td><td style='text-align:center'>抽驗總筆數</td><td width='200' style='text-align:center'>通過筆數</td><td width='200' style='text-align:center'>不良筆數</td><td width='160' style='text-align:center'>通過率</td></tr>";
int sumIpqcCnt = 0, sumPassCnt = 0, sumFailCnt = 0;
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
string ipqc_week = jo["ipqcWeek"].ToString();
int ipqc_cnt = int.Parse(jo["ipqcCnt"].ToString());
int pass_cnt = int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString());
int fail_cnt = int.Parse(jo["failCnt"].ToString());
double ipqc_rate = pass_cnt * 100.0 / ipqc_cnt;
ipqcDataList = ipqcDataList + "<tr><td width='80'style='text-align:center'>" + ipqc_week + "</td><td><a href =\"'IPQC明細資料','/QRS/QRS015B/" + wipNO + "_" + itemNO + "_" + modelNO + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd + "_" + ipqc_week + "',1000,600);\">" + " " + ipqc_cnt + "</a></td><td width='200' style='color:green'>" + " " + pass_cnt + "</td><td width='200' style='color:red'>" + " " + fail_cnt + "</td><td width='160'>" + " " + ipqc_rate.ToString("0.00") + "%</td></tr>";
sumIpqcCnt = sumIpqcCnt + ipqc_cnt;
sumPassCnt = sumPassCnt + pass_cnt;
sumFailCnt = sumFailCnt + fail_cnt;
double sum_ipqc_rate = sumPassCnt * 100.0 / sumIpqcCnt;
ipqcDataList = ipqcDataList + "<tr><td width='80'style='text-align:center'>" + " " + "Total" + "</td><td>" + " " + sumIpqcCnt + "</td><td width='200' style='color:green'>" + " " + sumPassCnt + "</td><td width='200' style='color:red'>" + " " + sumFailCnt + "</td><td width='160'>" + " " + sum_ipqc_rate.ToString("0.00") + "%</td></tr>";
ipqcDataList = ipqcDataList + "</table>";
ipqcDataList = ipqcDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["IPQCDataList"] = ipqcDataList;
return View();
public IActionResult QRS015B(string id)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
ViewBag.WIP_NO = param[0];
ViewBag.ITEM_NO = param[1];
ViewBag.MODEL_NO = param[2];
ViewBag.START_DATE = param[3];
ViewBag.END_DATE = param[4];
ViewBag.WEEK = param[5];
return View();
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetIPQCDetailData(string id, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
string wip_no = param[0];
string item_no = param[1];
string model_no = param[2];
string start_date = param[3];
string end_date = param[4];
string week = param[5];
var result = await _pcsApi.GetIPQCDetailData(wip_no, item_no, model_no, start_date, end_date, week, 0, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS016()
await GetUnitList();
ViewBag.StartDate = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
ViewBag.EndDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
return View();
public IActionResult QRS016B(string id)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
ViewBag.WIP_NO = param[0];
ViewBag.ITEM_NO = param[1];
ViewBag.MODEL_NO = param[2];
ViewBag.START_DATE = param[3];
ViewBag.END_DATE = param[4];
ViewBag.WEEK = param[5];
return View();
public async Task<JsonResult> GetFQCData4QRS016Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
string wip_no = param[0];
string item_no = param[1];
string model_no = param[2];
string start_date = param[3];
string end_date = param[4];
var result = await _pcsApi.GetFQCHeaderData4QRS016(wip_no, item_no, model_no, start_date, end_date);
var query = new QRS016ViewModel();
foreach (var data in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(data.ToString());
query.FqcDatas.Add(new FqcData
WeekCode = jo["fqcWeek"].ToString(),
FqcCnt = int.Parse(jo["fqcCnt"].ToString()),
PassCnt = int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()),
FailCnt = int.Parse(jo["failCnt"].ToString()),
Rate = double.Parse((int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString()) * 1.0 / int.Parse(jo["fqcCnt"].ToString()) * 100.0).ToString("0.00"))
return Json(query.FqcDatas);
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS016AAsync(string modelNO, string itemNO, string wipNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd)
ViewData["ParamList"] = modelNO + "_" + itemNO + "_" + wipNO + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + "; 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 機種 : " + modelNO + "; 檢驗日期 : " + dateStart + " ~ " + dateEnd;
string fqcDataList = "<font size='3'>";
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetFQCHeaderData4QRS016(wipNO, itemNO, modelNO, dateStart, dateEnd);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
fqcDataList = fqcDataList + "<table border='1' width='100%'><tr><td width='80' style='text-align:center'>周次</td><td style='text-align:center'>抽驗總筆數</td><td width='200' style='text-align:center'>通過筆數</td><td width='200' style='text-align:center'>不良筆數</td><td width='160' style='text-align:center'>通過率</td></tr>";
int sumFqcCnt = 0, sumPassCnt = 0, sumFailCnt = 0;
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
string fqc_week = jo["fqcWeek"].ToString();
int fqc_cnt = int.Parse(jo["fqcCnt"].ToString());
int pass_cnt = int.Parse(jo["passCnt"].ToString());
int fail_cnt = int.Parse(jo["failCnt"].ToString());
double fqc_rate = pass_cnt * 100.0 / fqc_cnt;
fqcDataList = fqcDataList + "<tr><td width='80'style='text-align:center'>" + fqc_week + "</td><td><a href =\"'FQC明細資料','/QRS/QRS016B/" + wipNO + "_" + itemNO + "_" + modelNO + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd + "_" + fqc_week + "',1000,600);\">" + " " + fqc_cnt + "</a></td><td width='200' style='color:green'>" + " " + pass_cnt + "</td><td width='200' style='color:red'>" + " " + fail_cnt + "</td><td width='160'>" + " " + fqc_rate.ToString("0.00") + "%</td></tr>";
sumFqcCnt = sumFqcCnt + fqc_cnt;
sumPassCnt = sumPassCnt + pass_cnt;
sumFailCnt = sumFailCnt + fail_cnt;
double sum_fqc_rate = sumPassCnt * 100.0 / sumFqcCnt;
fqcDataList = fqcDataList + "<tr><td width='80'style='text-align:center'>" + " " + "Total" + "</td><td>" + " " + sumFqcCnt + "</td><td width='200' style='color:green'>" + " " + sumPassCnt + "</td><td width='200' style='color:red'>" + " " + sumFailCnt + "</td><td width='160'>" + " " + sum_fqc_rate.ToString("0.00") + "%</td></tr>";
fqcDataList = fqcDataList + "</table>";
fqcDataList = fqcDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["FQCDataList"] = fqcDataList;
return View();
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetFQCDetailData(string id, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
string[] param = id.Split("_");
string wip_no = param[0];
string item_no = param[1];
string model_no = param[2];
string start_date = param[3];
string end_date = param[4];
string week = param[5];
var result = await _pcsApi.GetFQCDetailData(wip_no, item_no, model_no, start_date, end_date, week, 0, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
/// <summary>
/// 流程ID By站別
/// </summary>
/// <returns>StationID</returns>
private async Task<List<RuleStation>> GetRuleStationByFlowRuleID(int flowruleID)
var result = await _basApi.GetRuleStationsByFlow(flowruleID, 0);
result = result.Where(w => w.StationType == "M").OrderBy(o => o.Sequence).ToList();
var RuleStations = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
RuleStations.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].Sequence + "-" + result[i].Station.StationName, result[i].StationID.ToString()));
if (RuleStations.Count == 0)
RuleStations.Add(new SelectListItem("N/A", null));
ViewBag.GetRuleStationByFlowRuleIDList = RuleStations;
return result;
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS017(string id)
if (id != null)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
if (param[0] != null && param[0] != "")
ViewBag.UnitNo = param[0];
if (param[1] != null && param[1] == "OC")
if (Request.Cookies["_AMESCookie"] != null)
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
int user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
var user_info = await _sysApi.GetUserData(user_id);
if (user_info.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in user_info.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
string factoryNo = jo["factoryNo"].ToString();
ViewBag.UserFactory = factoryNo;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS017AAsync(string wipNO)
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工單號碼 : " + wipNO;
string kpDataList = "<font size='3'>";
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo4QRS017(wipNO);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<table id = 'kplist' border = '1' width='100%' cellspacing='2px' cellpadding='10px'>";
bool titleFlag = true;
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
JProperty[] jp = jo.Properties().ToArray();
if (titleFlag)
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<tr bgcolor='#66CCFF' height='30'>";
for (int i = 0; i < jp.Length; i++)
switch (i)
case 0:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '150' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Name + "</td>";
case 1:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Name + "</td>";
case 2:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '200' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Name + "</td>";
case 3:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '150' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Name + "</td>";
case 4:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '120' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Name + "</td>";
case 5:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '120' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Name + "</td>";
case 6:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '120' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Name + "</td>";
string kp_name = jp[i].Name.Replace("kP_", "");
int kp_idx = kp_name.IndexOf("#");
if (kp_idx > 0)
if (kp_name.StartsWith("MB") && kp_name.IndexOf("MAC") > 0)
string kp_no = kp_name.Replace("#", "_");
var kp_item = await _kcsApi.GetItems(kp_no);
if (kp_item.Count > 0)
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_item[0].ItemName + "</td>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_no + "</td>";
string kp_no = kp_name.Substring(0, kp_idx);
var kp_item = await _kcsApi.GetItems(kp_no);
if (kp_item.Count > 0)
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_item[0].ItemName + "</td>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_no + "</td>";
var kp_item = await _kcsApi.GetItems(kp_name);
if (kp_item.Count > 0)
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_item[0].ItemName + "</td>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_name + "</td>";
if (kp_name.IndexOf("_") > 0)
if (kp_name.StartsWith("MB") && kp_name.IndexOf("MAC") > 0)
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_name + "</td>";
int idx = kp_name.IndexOf("_");
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_name.Substring(0, idx) + "</td>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + kp_name + "</td>";
//kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td>" + jp[i].Name + "</td>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "</tr>";
titleFlag = false;
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<tr height='30'>";
for (int i = 0; i < jp.Length; i++)
switch (i)
case 0:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '150' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Value + "</td>";
case 1:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td style = 'text-align:left'> '" + jp[i].Value + "</td>";
case 2:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '200' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Value + "</td>";
case 3:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '150' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Value + "</td>";
case 4:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '120' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Value + "</td>";
case 5:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '120' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Value + "</td>";
case 6:
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '120' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Value + "</td>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "<td width = '160' style = 'text-align:left'> " + jp[i].Value + "</td>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "</tr>";
//string barcode_no = jo["barcodeno"].ToString();
//kpDataList = kpDataList + "<tr><td>"+barcode_no+"</td><tr>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "</table>";
kpDataList = kpDataList + "查無資料";
catch (Exception e1)
kpDataList = kpDataList + "查詢過程超時:" + e1.Message;
kpDataList = kpDataList + "</font>";
ViewData["KpDataList"] = kpDataList;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS018(string id)
if (id != null)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
if (param[0] != null && param[0] != "")
ViewBag.UnitNo = param[0];
if (param[1] != null && param[1] == "OC")
if (Request.Cookies["_AMESCookie"] != null)
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
int user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
var user_info = await _sysApi.GetUserData(user_id);
if (user_info.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in user_info.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
string factoryNo = jo["factoryNo"].ToString();
ViewBag.UserFactory = factoryNo;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS018A(string id)
var wip_att = await _pcsApi.GetWipAtt(id);
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工單號碼 : " + id + ", 工程編號 :" + wip_att.ItemNO;
ViewBag.WIP_NO = id;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS018B(string wipNO, string stationID, string ngNO)
var station = await _basApi.GetStations(int.Parse(stationID));
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + " , 站別 : " + station[0].StationName + " , 不良代碼 : " + ngNO;
ViewBag.WIP_NO = wipNO;
ViewBag.STATION_ID = stationID;
ViewBag.NG_NO = ngNO;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS018C(string wipNO, string stationID, string repairNO)
var station = await _basApi.GetStations(int.Parse(stationID));
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + " , 站別 : " + station[0].StationName + " , 維修代碼 : " + repairNO;
ViewBag.WIP_NO = wipNO;
ViewBag.STATION_ID = stationID;
ViewBag.REPAIR_NO = repairNO;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS018D(string wipNO, string stationID, string partNO)
var station = await _basApi.GetStations(int.Parse(stationID));
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工單號碼 : " + wipNO + " , 站別 : " + station[0].StationName + " , 維修料號 : " + partNO;
ViewBag.WIP_NO = wipNO;
ViewBag.STATION_ID = stationID;
ViewBag.PART_NO = partNO;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetErrorCode4QRS018Async(string id)
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _repApi.GetErrorCode4QRS018(id);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetErrorCodeList4QRS018Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _repApi.GetErrorCodeList4QRS018(param[0], int.Parse(param[1]), param[2]);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetRepairCode4QRS018Async(string id)
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _repApi.GetRepairCode4QRS018(id);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetRepairCodeList4QRS018Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _repApi.GetRepairCodeList4QRS018(param[0], int.Parse(param[1]), param[2]);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetRepairPartNo4QRS018Async(string id)
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _repApi.GetRepairPartNo4QRS018(id);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetRepairPartNoList4QRS018Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _repApi.GetRepairPartNoList4QRS018(param[0], int.Parse(param[1]), param[2]);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS019()
await GetProductTypeList();
await GetTestTypeList();
await GetUnitList();
await GetLineInfoList();
await GetStationList();
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS019QueryAsync(string productTypeNo, string testTypeNo, string unitNo, string lineID, string stationID, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string modelNO, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _repApi.GetNgData4QRS019(productTypeNo, testTypeNo, unitNo, lineID, stationID, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart, dateEnd, modelNO, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
#region PCS021 條碼輸入作業
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS021()
var model = new QRS021ViewModel();
await GetUnitList();
await GetLineInfoList(GetFactoryNo().Result);
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS021_GetWip(QRS021ViewModel model)
await GetUnitList();
await GetLineInfoList(GetFactoryNo().Result);
model.KpItemName += "null";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.WipNO))
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請輸入工單號碼");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.UnitNO))
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請選擇生產單位");
if (model.LineID == 0)
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請選擇線別");
var q = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfoByWipNO(model.WipNO);
q = q.Where(w => w.UnitNO == model.UnitNO && w.WerksNO == GetFactoryNo().Result).ToList();
// 取作業站的生產製程
var stationUnit = string.Empty;
var station = await _basApi.GetStations(model.Station);
if (station.Count() != 0)
stationUnit = station.FirstOrDefault().UnitNo;
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "找不到該作業站的生產單位");
if (q.Count() == 0)
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "找不到該生產單位的工單號碼");
if (q.Count != 0)
model.WipID = q.FirstOrDefault().WipID;
model.PlanQTY = q.FirstOrDefault().PlanQTY;
model.UnitNO = q.FirstOrDefault().UnitNO;
model.FlowRuleID = q.FirstOrDefault().FlowRuleID;
model.ItemNO = (await _pcsApi.GetWipAtt(model.WipNO)).ItemNO;
// 判斷工單狀態
var BarCodeWip = await _pcsApi.CheckBarCodeWip(model.WipNO, model.UnitNO, model.LineID, model.FlowRuleID);
if (!BarCodeWip.Success)
ModelState.AddModelError("error", BarCodeWip.Msg);
return View("QRS021", model);
// 工單流程ID 取站別
var ruleStations = await GetRuleStationByFlowRuleID(model.FlowRuleID);
var StationNameSt = ""; // 作業站名稱代碼 提供不二過
if (model.Station != 0)
if (ruleStations.Where(w => w.StationID == model.Station).Any())
model.RuleStation = ruleStations.Where(w => w.StationID == model.Station).FirstOrDefault().RuleStationID;
model.StationTypeNo = ruleStations.Where(w => w.StationID == model.Station).FirstOrDefault().Station.TypeNo;
StationNameSt = ruleStations.Where(w => w.StationID == model.Station).FirstOrDefault().Station.StationNameSt;
model.RuleStation = ruleStations.FirstOrDefault().RuleStationID;
model.StationTypeNo = ruleStations.FirstOrDefault().Station.TypeNo;
model.Station = ruleStations.FirstOrDefault().StationID;
StationNameSt = ruleStations.FirstOrDefault().Station.StationNameSt;
model.RuleStation = ruleStations.FirstOrDefault().RuleStationID;
model.StationTypeNo = ruleStations.FirstOrDefault().Station.TypeNo;
model.Station = ruleStations.FirstOrDefault().StationID;
StationNameSt = ruleStations.FirstOrDefault().Station.StationNameSt;
// 工單已刷數量
model.InputQTY = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStationByInputQty(model.WipID, model.Station);
// 工單KeyParts
model.WipKps = await _pcsApi.GetWipKpByWipNo(model.WipNO);
model.WipKps = model.WipKps.Where(w => w.UnitNo == stationUnit).OrderBy(o => o.KpSeq).ToList();
// 料號檔案
model.MaterialItem = await _pcsApi.GetMaterialItemByItemNO(model.ItemNO);
if (model.MaterialItem != null)
model.MaterialStationsItems = await _pcsApi.GetMaterialStationsItemByItemID(model.MaterialItem.ItemID);
model.MaterialStationsItems = model.MaterialStationsItems.Where(w => w.StationID == model.Station).OrderBy(o => o.StationsItemSeq).ToList();
if (model.MaterialStationsItems.Count() != 0)
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "該站別有設定作業工項");
// 治具
var q1 = await _pcsApi.GetWipOutfitByWipNo(model.WipNO);
q1 = q1.Where(w => (w.UnitNo == model.UnitNO && w.StationID == null) ||
(w.UnitNo == model.UnitNO && w.StationID == model.Station)).ToList();
foreach (var item in q1)
model.wipOutfits.Add(new WipOutfitDtos
OutfitNo = item.OutfitNo,
PartNo = item.PartNo,
PartNoName = item.PartNoName,
StationName = item.StationName,
UnitNoName = item.UnitNoName
// 工程工單備註
var wipsystem = await _pcsApi.GetWipSystem(model.WipNO);
if (wipsystem != null)
if (stationUnit == "B")
model.SystemMemo = wipsystem.BabMemo;
else if (stationUnit == "T")
model.SystemMemo = wipsystem.TestMemo;
else if (stationUnit == "P")
model.SystemMemo = wipsystem.PackingMemo;
// KPSeq順序清除
model.KpItemName = string.Empty;
// 工單SOP
var wipSOP = await _pcsApi.GetWipSopByWipNo(model.WipNO);
// 標準SOP A
if (wipSOP.Where(w => w.UnitNo == stationUnit && w.SOPType == "A").Any())
var wipSOPTypeA = wipSOP.Where(w => w.UnitNo == stationUnit && w.SOPType == "A")
.OrderByDescending(w => w.UpdateTime).FirstOrDefault();
var Esop = await _pcsApi.GetDocEsopViewByNo(wipSOPTypeA.SOPName);
if (Esop.Count != 0)
model.Sops.Add(new QRS021ViewModel_SOP
SopName = "SOP文件",
SopPath = $@"/DocEsop/{Esop.FirstOrDefault().file_path}"
// 暫行SOP D
if (wipSOP.Where(w => w.UnitNo == stationUnit && w.SOPType == "D").Any())
var wipSOPTypeD = wipSOP.Where(w => w.UnitNo == stationUnit && w.SOPType == "D")
.OrderByDescending(w => w.UpdateTime).FirstOrDefault();
var Esop = await _pcsApi.GetEsopBySopName(wipSOPTypeD.SOPName);
if (Esop.Count != 0)
model.Sops.Add(new QRS021ViewModel_SOP
SopName = "暫行文件",
SopPath = $@"/e-sop/{Esop.FirstOrDefault().Process}/{Esop.FirstOrDefault().SopName}.pdf"
// 不二過
model.Sops.Add(new QRS021ViewModel_SOP
SopName = "不二過",
SopPath = "" +
"QA_MFID=YS00" +
$"&QA_PRDID={model.ItemNO}" +
}); ;
return View("QRS021", model);
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS021_Input(QRS021ViewModel model)
// ResultModel
string Msg = string.Empty;
bool Success = true;
string Data = model.Input;
// 刷入條碼+異常欄位
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.InputNo))
Data += "@" + model.InputNo;
string ExtNo = string.Empty;
#region 基本Input 輸入判斷
if (model.WipID == 0)
Msg += "請確認是否有輸入工單相關訊息</br>";
// 當有作業站就必須要填治具編號
if (model.wipOutfits.Where(w => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(w.StationName) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(w.Inputs)).Any())
Msg += "請刷入治具編號</br>";
if (model.Station == 0)
Msg += "請選擇作業站</br>";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Input))
Msg += "請刷讀條碼</br>";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Msg))
Success = false;
return Json(new Result() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data });
var q = await _pcsApi.CheckBarCodeByWipNo(model.Input, model.WipNO.Trim().ToUpper());
// 判斷是否序號與工單號碼是否對應條碼區間值,沒對應到視為組件或不良代碼
if (q.Success)
#region 確認序號的狀態
// Input為內部序號
model.Barcode = true;
// 取RuleStationID
var RuleStations = await _basApi.GetRuleStationsByFlow(model.FlowRuleID, 0);
if (RuleStations.Count != 0)
// 抓作業站順序
model.RuleStation = RuleStations.Where(w => w.StationID == model.Station).Select(s => s.RuleStationID).FirstOrDefault();
model.StationSEQ = RuleStations.Where(w => w.StationID == model.Station).Select(s => s.Sequence).FirstOrDefault();
// 判斷是否有$符號,代表有不良代碼
if (model.Inputs.Where(w => w.Input.Contains("$")).Any())
model.BarcodeNG = true;
// 判斷是否為投入站,投入站不能刷不良
//if (model.StationSEQ == 1)
// Msg += "投入站不能刷不良代碼</br>";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Msg))
Success = false;
return Json(new Result() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data });
// 取作業站的生產製程
var stationUnit = string.Empty;
var station = await _basApi.GetStations(model.Station);
if (station.Count() != 0)
stationUnit = station.FirstOrDefault().UnitNo;
var keyParts = new List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem>();
// 先查詢已綁定組件數量
var BarCodeItems = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeItemByBarCode(model.Input);
BarCodeItems = BarCodeItems.Where(w => w.S.UnitNo == stationUnit).ToList();
// KeyParts代碼順序
var KeyPartsNo = model.KpItemName == null ? new List<string>() : model.KpItemName.Split(',').ToList();
int KpItemQty = BarCodeItems.Count();
int i = 0;
// 判斷指定KeyParts代碼是否有刷足夠數
if (KeyPartsNo.Count() > model.Inputs.Where(w => !w.Input.StartsWith("$")).Count())
Msg = "有指定KeyParts代號 刷入數量不足,請在確認!";
return Json(new Result() { success = false, msg = Msg, data = Data });
foreach (var KeyPartItem in model.Inputs)
// 判斷是組件先+1
if (!KeyPartItem.Input.StartsWith("$"))
i += 1;
// 當刷入組組件+已紀錄組件數量 大於 設定組件數量
if (i + KpItemQty > model.WipKps.Count())
Msg = "已刷超過組件數量";
Success = false;
return Json(new Result() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data });
// NG代碼
if (KeyPartItem.Input.StartsWith("$"))
keyParts.Add(new BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem
inputType = "NG",
inputData = KeyPartItem.Input,
oldInputData = KeyPartItem.InputNo,
kpItemNo = ""
else // KeaParts
// 判斷是否有輸入KeyParts代碼順序
// 有指定KeyParts順序
if (i <= KeyPartsNo.Count())
var WipKp = model.WipKps.Where(w => w.KpNoName.ToUpper() == KeyPartsNo[i - 1].ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault();
keyParts.Add(new BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem
inputType = WipKp.KpNo,
inputData = KeyPartItem.Input,
oldInputData = KeyPartItem.InputNo,
kpItemNo = WipKp.KpName
var WipKp = model.WipKps.Where(w => !KeyPartsNo.Any(w1 => w1.ToUpper().Contains(w.KpNoName.ToUpper())))
// 排除有指定數量,其他按照WipKp順序取值
var k = i - 1 - KeyPartsNo.Count();
keyParts.Add(new BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem
inputType = WipKp[k + KpItemQty].KpNo,
inputData = KeyPartItem.Input,
oldInputData = KeyPartItem.InputNo,
kpItemNo = WipKp[k + KpItemQty].KpName
// 治具
var outfit = new List<BarCodeCheckDto.Outfit>();
foreach (var outfitItem in model.wipOutfits)
outfit.Add(new BarCodeCheckDto.Outfit
inputData = outfitItem.Inputs
var x = new BarCodeCheckDto
wipNo = model.WipNO,
barcode = model.Input,
barcodeType = "M",
stationID = model.Station,
line = model.LineID,
unitNo = model.UnitNO,
inputItems = keyParts,
outfits = outfit,
userID = GetLogInUserID()
var barcode_result = await _pcsApi.PassIngByCheck(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x));
if (!barcode_result.Success)
return Json(new Result() { success = barcode_result.Success, msg = barcode_result.Msg, data = Data });
// 過站判斷成功
Msg = barcode_result.Msg;
Data = string.Empty;
var items = await _pcsApi.GetItems();
items = items.Where(w => model.WipKps.Any(wi => wi.KpNo == w.ItemNo)).ToList();
if (items.Any(a => a.ItemName.ToUpper() == Data.ToUpper()))
// 判斷是否有重複輸入KP順序代號
if (model.KpItemName != null)
if (model.KpItemName.Split(",").Where(w => w.ToUpper() == Data.ToUpper()).Any())
Success = false;
Msg = $"KeyParts代號重複輸入:{Data} </br>";
return Json(new Result() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data });
return Json(new Result1() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = "", data1 = Data });
#region 判斷下一站為完工站
var NextStopCloseStation = await _pcsApi.CheckNextStopCloseStation(model.FlowRuleID, model.Station,
model.Inputs.Where(w => w.Input.Contains("$")).Any() ? "F" : "P");
if (NextStopCloseStation.Success)
// 刪除 BarCodeGroup DIP完工後刪除
if (model.UnitNO == "D")
var GroupID = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeGroupByBarCodeID(model.BarCodeID);
if (GroupID.Count != 0)
await _pcsApi.DeleteBarcodeGroupByGroupID(GroupID.FirstOrDefault().GroupID);
return Json(new Result1() { success = Success, msg = Msg, data = Data, data1 = "" });
/// <summary>
/// 目前已刷數量
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wipNo">工單號碼</param>
/// <param name="unitNo">生產單位</param>
/// <param name="ststionID">作業站</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<JsonResult> getBarcodeStationByInputQty(string wipNo, string unitNo, int ststionID)
var q = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfoByWipNO(wipNo);
var q1 = q.Where(w => w.UnitNO == unitNo && w.WerksNO == GetFactoryNo().Result).FirstOrDefault();
if (q1 != null)
// 工單流程ID 取站別
var ruleStations = await GetRuleStationByFlowRuleID(q1.FlowRuleID);
//var rulestationID = ruleStations.Where(w => w.StationID == ststionID).FirstOrDefault().RuleStationID;
// 工單已刷數量
int InputQTY = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeStationByInputQty(q1.WipID, ststionID);
return Json(new { data = InputQTY });
return Json(new { data = 0 });
#region QRS024
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS024()
await GetUnitList();
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS024QueryAsync(string wipNO, string itemNO, string cusTomer, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string bdateStart, string bdateEnd, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _repApi.GetQRS024Data(wipNO, itemNO, cusTomer, dateStart, dateEnd, bdateStart, bdateEnd, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
#region QRS026 生產制程 PPM
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS026()
return View();
/// <summary>
/// 季統計
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="customer"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS026AAsync(string itemNO, string customer, string dateStart, string dateEnd)
ViewData["ParamList"] = itemNO + "_" + customer + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 客戶別 : " + customer + "; 生產日期 : " + dateStart + " ~ " + dateEnd;
var query = new QRS014BViewModel();
string rateDataListS = "<font size='3'>";
string rateDataListD = "<font size='3'>";
string rateDataListS_NG = "";
string rateDataListS_IPC = "";
string rateDataListD_NG = "";
string rateDataListD_IPC = "";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>季別</td><td width='120'>1</td><td width='120'>2</td><td width='120'>3</td><td width='120'>4</td></tr>";
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>季別</td><td width='120'>1</td><td width='120'>2</td><td width='120'>3</td><td width='120'>4</td></tr>";
string yCode = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
if (dateStart != null)
yCode = dateStart.Substring(0, 4);
#region 01 -03
string dateStart01 = yCode + "-01-01";
string dateEnd01 = yCode + "-04-01";
var PPMRate01 = await _repApi.GetQRS026Data(itemNO, customer, dateStart01, dateEnd01);
foreach (var item in PPMRate01.Data)
if (item.UnitNo == "S")
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<tr><td width='100'>總零件數</td><td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListS_NG = "<tr><td width='100'>不良零件數</td><td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
// rateDataListS_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-SMD</td><td width='120'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 40.34)
rateDataListS_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-SMD</td><td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListS_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-SMD</td><td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "SMD-" + yCode + "-1",
Yield = item.IPC
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "<tr><td width='100'>總零件數</td><td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListD_NG = "<tr><td width='100'>不良零件數</td><td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
// rateDataListD_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-DIP</td><td width='120'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 12970)
rateDataListD_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-DIP</td><td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListD_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-DIP</td><td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "DIP-" + yCode + "-1",
Yield = item.IPC
#region 04 -06
string dateStart02 = yCode + "-04-01";
string dateEnd02 = yCode + "-07-01";
var PPMRate02 = await _repApi.GetQRS026Data(itemNO, customer, dateStart02, dateEnd02);
foreach (var item in PPMRate02.Data)
if (item.UnitNo == "S")
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListS_NG = rateDataListS_NG + "<td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
// rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 40.34)
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "SMD-" + yCode + "-2",
Yield = item.IPC
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "<td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListD_NG = rateDataListD_NG + "<td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
// rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 12970)
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "DIP-" + yCode + "-2",
Yield = item.IPC
#region 07 -09
string dateStart03 = yCode + "-07-01";
string dateEnd03 = yCode + "-10-01";
var PPMRate03 = await _repApi.GetQRS026Data(itemNO, customer, dateStart03, dateEnd03);
foreach (var item in PPMRate03.Data)
if (item.UnitNo == "S")
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListS_NG = rateDataListS_NG + "<td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
// rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 40.34)
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "SMD-" + yCode + "-3",
Yield = item.IPC
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "<td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListD_NG = rateDataListD_NG + "<td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
// rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 12970)
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "DIP-" + yCode + "-3",
Yield = item.IPC
#region 10 -12
string dateStart04 = yCode + "-10-01";
string dateEnd04 = yCode + "-12-31";
var PPMRate04 = await _repApi.GetQRS026Data(itemNO, customer, dateStart04, dateEnd04);
foreach (var item in PPMRate04.Data)
if (item.UnitNo == "S")
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td></tr>";
rateDataListS_NG = rateDataListS_NG + "<td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td></tr>";
// rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120'>" + item.IPC + "</td><tr>";
if (item.IPC > 40.34)
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td></tr>";
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td></tr>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "SMD-" + yCode + "-4",
Yield = item.IPC
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "<td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td></tr>";
rateDataListD_NG = rateDataListD_NG + "<td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td></tr>";
// rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120'>" + item.IPC + "</td></tr>";
if (item.IPC > 12970)
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td></tr>";
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td></tr>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "DIP-" + yCode + "-4",
Yield = item.IPC
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + rateDataListS_NG + rateDataListS_IPC + "</table>";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataListS"] = rateDataListS;
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + rateDataListD_NG + rateDataListD_IPC + "</table>";
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataListD"] = rateDataListD;
return View(query);
/// <summary>
/// 月統計
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="customer"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS026BAsync(string itemNO, string customer, string dateStart, string dateEnd)
ViewData["ParamList"] = itemNO + "_" + customer + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 客戶別 : " + customer + "; 生產日期 : " + dateStart + " ~ " + dateEnd;
var query = new QRS014BViewModel();
string rateDataListS = "<font size='3'>";
string rateDataListD = "<font size='3'>";
string rateDataListS_NG = "";
string rateDataListS_IPC = "";
string rateDataListD_NG = "";
string rateDataListD_IPC = "";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>月別</td><td width='120'>Jan</td>
<td width='120'>Feb</td><td width='120'>Mar</td><td width='120'>Apr</td><td width='120'>May</td><td width='120'>Jun</td><td width='120'>Jul</td>
<td width='120'>Aug</td><td width='120'>Sep</td><td width='120'>Oct</td><td width='120'>Nov</td><td width='120'>Dec</td>";
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>月別</td><td width='120'>Jan</td>
<td width='120'>Feb</td><td width='120'>Mar</td><td width='120'>Apr</td><td width='120'>May</td><td width='120'>Jun</td><td width='120'>Jul</td>
<td width='120'>Aug</td><td width='120'>Sep</td><td width='120'>Oct</td><td width='120'>Nov</td><td width='120'>Dec</td>";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<tr><td width='100'>總零件數</td>";
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "<tr><td width='100'>總零件數</td>";
rateDataListS_NG = "<tr><td width='100'>不良零件數</td>";
rateDataListS_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-SMD</td>";
rateDataListD_NG = "<tr><td width='100'>不良零件數</td>";
rateDataListD_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-DIP</td>";
string yCode = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
if (dateStart != null)
yCode = dateStart.Substring(0, 4);
#region Month
// 取得當前日期的一月一日
DateTime startDate = new DateTime(int.Parse(yCode), 1, 1);
// 迴圈生成每個月的第一天和最後一天
for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++)
DateTime endDate = new DateTime(startDate.Year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
var PPMRate01 = await _repApi.GetQRS026Data(itemNO, customer, startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
foreach (var item in PPMRate01.Data)
if (item.UnitNo == "S")
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListS_NG = rateDataListS_NG + "<td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 40.34)
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "SMD-" + yCode + "-" + startDate.ToString("MMM"),
Yield = item.IPC
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "<td width='120'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListD_NG = rateDataListD_NG + "<td width='120'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 12970)
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "DIP-" + yCode + "-" + startDate.ToString("MMM"),
Yield = item.IPC
startDate = startDate.AddMonths(1);
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "</tr>" + rateDataListS_NG + "</tr>" + rateDataListS_IPC + "</tr></table>";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataListS"] = rateDataListS;
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "</tr>" + rateDataListD_NG + "</tr>" + rateDataListD_IPC + "</tr></table>";
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataListD"] = rateDataListD;
return View(query);
/// <summary>
/// 周統計
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="customer"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS026CAsync(string itemNO, string customer, string dateStart, string dateEnd)
ViewData["ParamList"] = itemNO + "_" + customer + "_" + dateStart + "_" + dateEnd;
ViewData["Title"] = "查詢條件 - 工程編號 : " + itemNO + "; 客戶別 : " + customer + "; 生產日期 : " + dateStart + " ~ " + dateEnd;
var query = new QRS014BViewModel();
string rateDataListS_Title = "<font size='3'>";
string rateDataListD_Title = "<font size='3'>";
string rateDataListS = "";
string rateDataListD = "";
string rateDataListS_Date = "";
string rateDataListD_Date = "";
string rateDataListS_NG = "";
string rateDataListS_IPC = "";
string rateDataListD_NG = "";
string rateDataListD_IPC = "";
rateDataListS_Title = rateDataListS_Title + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>周別</td>";
rateDataListD_Title = rateDataListD_Title + @"<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#66CCFF'><td width='100'>周別</td>";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<tr><td width='100'>總零件數</td>";
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "<tr><td width='100'>總零件數</td>";
rateDataListS_Date = rateDataListS_Date + "<tr><td width='100'>日期區間</td>";
rateDataListD_Date = rateDataListD_Date + "<tr><td width='100'>日期區間</td>";
rateDataListS_NG = "<tr><td width='100'>不良零件數</td>";
rateDataListS_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-SMD</td>";
rateDataListD_NG = "<tr><td width='100'>不良零件數</td>";
rateDataListD_IPC = "<tr><td width='100'>IPC-DIP</td>";
int yCode = DateTime.Now.Year;
if (dateStart != null)
yCode = int.Parse(dateStart.Substring(0, 4));
#region 產生 Werks info
// 設定第一天是星期日
DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday;
// 取得指定年份的第一天
DateTime firstDayOfYear = new DateTime(yCode, 1, 1);
DateTime startOfWeek = firstDayOfYear;
List<dynamic> DateInfo = new List<dynamic>();
int i = 0;
// 生成每周的開始和結束日期,直到一年結束
while (startOfWeek.Year == yCode)
// 找到第一天是星期幾
int daysUntilFirstDayOfWeek = ((int)firstDayOfWeek - (int)firstDayOfYear.DayOfWeek + 7) % 7;
if (startOfWeek == firstDayOfYear)
// 計算第一周的開始日期
if (daysUntilFirstDayOfWeek > 0)
startOfWeek = firstDayOfYear.AddDays(daysUntilFirstDayOfWeek);
Week = i.ToString(),
BeginDate = firstDayOfYear,
EndDate = startOfWeek.AddDays(-1)
Week = i.ToString(),
BeginDate = firstDayOfYear,
EndDate = startOfWeek.AddDays(6)
DateTime endOfWeek = startOfWeek.AddDays(6);
if (endOfWeek.Year != yCode)
endOfWeek = new DateTime(yCode, 12, 31);
// 輸出每周的開始和結束日期
Week = i.ToString(),
BeginDate = startOfWeek,
EndDate = endOfWeek
// 移動到下一周的開始
startOfWeek = startOfWeek.AddDays(7);
foreach (var Dateitem in DateInfo)
rateDataListS_Title = rateDataListS_Title + "<td width='80'>" + Dateitem.Week + "</td>";
rateDataListD_Title = rateDataListD_Title + "<td width='80'>" + Dateitem.Week + "</td>";
rateDataListS_Date = rateDataListS_Date + "<td width='80'>" + Dateitem.BeginDate.ToString("MMdd") + "~" + Dateitem.EndDate.ToString("MMdd") + "</td>";
rateDataListD_Date = rateDataListD_Date + "<td width='80'>" + Dateitem.BeginDate.ToString("MMdd") + "~" + Dateitem.EndDate.ToString("MMdd") + "</td>";
string BeginDate = Dateitem.BeginDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
string EndDate = Dateitem.EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var PPMRate01 = await _repApi.GetQRS026Data(itemNO, customer, BeginDate, EndDate);
foreach (var item in PPMRate01.Data)
if (item.UnitNo == "S")
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "<td width='80'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListS_NG = rateDataListS_NG + "<td width='80'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
// rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='80'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 40.34)
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListS_IPC = rateDataListS_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "SMD-" + yCode + "-" + Dateitem.Week,
Yield = item.IPC
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "<td width='80'>" + item.Parts + "</td>";
rateDataListD_NG = rateDataListD_NG + "<td width='80'>" + item.NgParts + "</td>";
// rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='80'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
if (item.IPC > 40.34)
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120'; style='background-color: red; color: white;'>" + item.IPC + "</td>";
rateDataListD_IPC = rateDataListD_IPC + "<td width='120' ; style='background-color: lime;' >" + item.IPC + "</td>";
query.FPYDatas.Add(new FPY4MonthGroup
Month = "DIP-" + yCode + "-" + Dateitem.Week,
Yield = item.IPC
rateDataListS = rateDataListS_Title + rateDataListS_Date + "</>" + rateDataListS + "</tr>" + rateDataListS_NG + "</tr>" + rateDataListS_IPC + "</tr></table>";
rateDataListS = rateDataListS + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataListS"] = rateDataListS;
rateDataListD = rateDataListD_Title + rateDataListD_Date + "</>" + rateDataListD + "</tr>" + rateDataListD_NG + "</tr>" + rateDataListD_IPC + "</tr></table>";
rateDataListD = rateDataListD + "</font>";
ViewData["RateDataListD"] = rateDataListD;
return View(query);
#region QRS027 FQC報表
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS027(string id)
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS027QueryAsync(string customerType, string wipNo, string itemNo
, string processType, string date_str, string date_end, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
IResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster_QRS027> result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcInhouseMasterQuery4QRS027(customerType: customerType, wipNo: wipNo
, itemNo: itemNo, processType: processType, date_str: date_str, date_end: date_end, page: page, limit: limit);
if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS027Query2Async(string customerType, string wipNo, string itemNo
, string processType, string date_str, string date_end, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
IResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster_QRS027> result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcInhouseMasterQuery4QRS027NGList(customerType: customerType, wipNo: wipNo
, itemNo: itemNo, processType: processType, date_str: date_str, date_end: date_end, page: page, limit: limit);
if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS027Query3Async(string wipNo, string itemNo)
IResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster_QRS027> result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcInhouseMasterQuery4QRS027NGDetail(wipNo: wipNo, itemNo: itemNo);
if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult QRS027A(string wipNo, string itemNo)
ViewBag.wipNo = wipNo;
ViewBag.itemNo = itemNo;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetQRS027A(string wipNo, string itemNo)
var result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcInhouseMasterQuery4QRS027NGDetail(wipNo, itemNo);
//IResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster_QRS027> result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcInhouseMasterQuery4QRS027NGDetail(wipNo: wipNo, itemNo: itemNo);
if (result.Data.Count() > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
#region QRS019 報工明細查詢
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS029()
ViewBag.ActualDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM");
return View();
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> QRS029Query(string actualDate, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
IResultModel<dynamic> result = await _qrsApi.GetActualTimeDetails(ActualDate: actualDate, page: page, limit: limit);
if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = null, count = 0 });
/// <summary>
/// 登入UserID
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetLogInUserID()
int user_id = 0;
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out string userID);
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
return user_id;
/// <summary>
/// 廠商代號
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<string> GetFactoryNo()
string factoryNo = string.Empty;
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out string userID);
if (userID != null)
var user_info = await _sysApi.GetUserData(int.Parse(userID));
if (user_info.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in user_info.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
factoryNo = jo["factoryNo"].ToString();
return factoryNo;