You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1918 lines
69 KiB
1918 lines
69 KiB
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.CommonTools.Result;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.DTO.AMES;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web.Controllers
public class REPController : Controller
private readonly ILogger<REPController> _logger;
public readonly IREP _repApi;
public readonly IPPS _ppsApi;
public readonly IBAS _basApi;
public readonly IPCS _pcsApi;
public readonly ISYS _sysApi;
private readonly IWebHostEnvironment _env;
public REPController(ILogger<REPController> logger, IREP repApi, IPPS ppsApi, IBAS basApi, IPCS pcsApi, ISYS sysApi, IWebHostEnvironment env)
_logger = logger;
_repApi = repApi;
_ppsApi = ppsApi;
_basApi = basApi;
_pcsApi = pcsApi;
_sysApi = sysApi;
_env = env;
private async Task GetProductTypeList()
var result = await _pcsApi.GetProductTypes();
var ProductTypes = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
ProductTypes.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].ProductTypeName, result[i].ProductTypeID.ToString()));
ViewBag.ProductTypeList = ProductTypes;
private async Task GetTestTypeList()
var result = await _basApi.GetTestTypes();
var TestTypeItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
TestTypeItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].TypeName, result[i].TypeNo.ToString()));
ViewBag.TestTypeList = TestTypeItems;
private async Task GetUnitList()
var result = await _basApi.GetFactoryUnits();
var UnitItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
UnitItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].UnitName, result[i].UnitNo.ToString()));
ViewBag.UnitList = UnitItems;
private async Task GetLineInfoList()
var result = await _basApi.GetLineInfoes();
var LineItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
LineItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].LineDesc, result[i].LineID.ToString()));
ViewBag.LineList = LineItems;
public async Task<JsonResult> GetUnitLineJson(string unit_no)
var result = await _basApi.GetLineInfoByUnit(unit_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
item.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "0"));
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].LineDesc, result[i].LineID.ToString()));
if (item.Count == 0)
item.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "0"));
return Json(new { data = item });
public async Task<JsonResult> GetRepairResponsibleJson(string reason_no)
var result = await _basApi.GetRepairResponsibleUnitsByReasonNo(reason_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].RRDesc, result[i].RRID.ToString()));
return Json(new { data = item });
private async Task GetStationList()
var result = await _basApi.GetStationses();
var StationItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
StationItems.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].StationName, result[i].StationID.ToString()));
ViewBag.StationList = StationItems;
public async Task<JsonResult> GetUnitStationJson(string unit_no)
var result = await _basApi.GetStationsByUnit(unit_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
item.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "0"));
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].StationName, result[i].StationID.ToString()));
if (item.Count == 0)
item.Add(new SelectListItem("全部", "*"));
return Json(new { data = item });
private async Task GetRMAReasonList()
var result = await _ppsApi.GetDistinctRMAReason();
var RMAReasonList = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var item in result.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
RMAReasonList.Add(new SelectListItem(jo["rmaReasonDesc"].ToString(), jo["rmaReasonNo"].ToString()));
var result = await _ppsApi.GetRMAReasons();
var RMAReasonList = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
RMAReasonList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].RMAReasonDesc, result[i].RMAReasonNo.ToString()));
ViewBag.RMAReasonList = RMAReasonList;
public async Task<JsonResult> GetRepairDescJson(string repair_no)
var result = await _ppsApi.GetRMAReason(repair_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].RMAReasonDesc, result[i].RMAReasonNo.ToString()));
return Json(new { data = item });
public async Task<JsonResult> GetRepairTypeJson(string repair_type_no)
var result = await _ppsApi.GetRepairType(repair_type_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].RepairTypeDesc, result[i].RepairTypeNo.ToString()));
return Json(new { data = item });
public async Task<JsonResult> GetMaterialNoJson(string wip_no,string location_no)
var wip_att = await _pcsApi.GetWipAtt(wip_no);
var result = await _ppsApi.GetPlmBom4REP001(wip_att.ItemNO, location_no);
//var result = await _ppsApi.GetPlmBom4REP001("E9695A4S001R", location_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].MatnrNew, result[i].MatnrNew.ToString()));
return Json(new { data = item });
public async Task<JsonResult> GetMaterialDescJson(string part_no)
if (part_no == null)
return Json(new { data = "" });
var result = await _ppsApi.GetPlmMeterialInfo(part_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].MeterialDesc, result[i].MeterialNo.ToString()));
return Json(new { data = item });
public async Task<JsonResult> GetErrorCodeJson(string ng_no)
var result = await _ppsApi.GetNGReason(ng_no);
var item = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].NGReasonDesc, result[i].NGReasonNo.ToString()));
return Json(new { data = item });
private async Task GetRepairTypeList()
var result = await _ppsApi.GetRepairTypes();
var RepairTypeList = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
RepairTypeList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].RepairTypeDesc, result[i].RepairTypeNo.ToString()));
ViewBag.RepairTypeList = RepairTypeList;
private async Task GetQATypeList()
var result = await _ppsApi.GetQATypes();
var QATypeList = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
QATypeList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].QATypeName, result[i].QATypeID.ToString()));
ViewBag.QATypeList = QATypeList;
private async Task GetNGReasonList()
var result = await _ppsApi.GetNGReasons();
var NGReasonList = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
NGReasonList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].NGReasonDesc, result[i].NGReasonNo.ToString()));
ViewBag.NGReasonList = NGReasonList;
private async Task GetRepairResponsibleUnitList()
var result = await _basApi.GetRepairResponsibleUnitses();
var RepairResponsibleUnitList = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
RepairResponsibleUnitList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].RRDesc, result[i].RRID.ToString()));
ViewBag.RepairResponsibleUnitList = RepairResponsibleUnitList;
#region REP001 前判維修輸入
public async Task<IActionResult> REP001(string id)
if (id != null)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
if (param[0] != null && param[0] != "")
ViewBag.UnitNo = param[0];
if (param.Length > 1)
if (param[1] != null && param[1] == "OC")
if (Request.Cookies["_AMESCookie"] != null)
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
int user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
var user_info = await _sysApi.GetUserData(user_id);
if (user_info.DataTotal > 0)
foreach (var item in user_info.Data)
JObject jo = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
string factoryNo = jo["factoryNo"].ToString();
ViewBag.UserFactory = factoryNo;
ViewData["UserFactory"] = factoryNo;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP001V(int id)
REP001ViewModel model = new REP001ViewModel();
var result = await _repApi.GetNgInfo(id);
if (result.Count != 0)
model.ngInfo = result[0];
return View(model);
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetNgInfoByStatus(string id, string barcodeNo,string itemNo, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
int status = int.Parse(param[0]);
string factory_no = null;
if (param.Length > 0)
factory_no = param[1];
var result = await _repApi.GetNgInfoByStatus4REP001(status, factory_no, barcodeNo, itemNo, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetNgInfoByBarcode(string barcodeNo,string itemNo)
var result = await _repApi.GetNgInfoByBarcode2(barcodeNo, itemNo);
if (result.Count > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result, count = result.Count });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetNgComponentByNGID(int id)
var result = await _repApi.GetNgComponentByNGID(id);
if (result.Count > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result, count = result.Count });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetNgRepairBlob(int id)
var result = await _repApi.GetNgRepairBlob(id);
if (result.Count > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result, count = result.Count });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult REP001B(string id)
ViewBag.ImageUrl = $"\\REPImage\\" + id;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP001D(string id)
var result = await _repApi.DeleteNgRepairBlob(id);
return Json(new Result() { success = true, msg = "" });
public async Task<JsonResult> SaveRepairDesc(int ng_id,int component_id,string repair_desc)
IResultModel result;
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
int user_id = 0;
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
var repair_record = await _repApi.GetRepairRecord(component_id);
if (repair_record.Count > 0)
repair_record[0].NgID = ng_id;
repair_record[0].UpdateUserID = user_id;
repair_record[0].UpdateDate = System.DateTime.Now;
repair_record[0].RepairDesc = repair_desc;
result = await _repApi.PutRepairRecord((int)repair_record[0].ComponentID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(repair_record[0]));
RepairRecord repairRecord = new RepairRecord();
repairRecord.UpdateUserID = user_id;
repairRecord.UpdateDate = System.DateTime.Now;
repairRecord.CreateUserID = user_id;
repairRecord.CreateDate = System.DateTime.Now;
repairRecord.NgID = ng_id;
repairRecord.ComponentID = component_id;
repairRecord.RepairDesc = repair_desc;
result = await _repApi.PostRepairRecord(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(repairRecord));
return Json(new { _msg = string.Format("維修描述保存成功!") });
public async Task<IActionResult> REP001R(int id)
await GetRMAReasonList();
await GetRepairTypeList();
await GetNGReasonList();
await GetRepairResponsibleUnitList();
await GetQATypeList();
REP001ViewModel model = new REP001ViewModel();
var result1 = await _repApi.GetNgComponent(id);
var ng_reason = await _ppsApi.GetNGReason(result1[0].NgNo);
if (ng_reason.Count != 0)
model.ngReason = ng_reason[0];
if (result1[0].ErrorDesc == "" || result1[0].ErrorDesc == null)
result1[0].ErrorDesc = ng_reason[0].NGReasonDesc;
if (result1.Count != 0)
model.ngComponent = result1[0];
var result2 = await _repApi.GetNgInfo((int)result1[0].NgID);
if (result2.Count != 0)
model.ngInfo = result2[0];
var result3 = await _repApi.GetRepairRecord((int)result1[0].ComponentID);
if (result3.Count != 0)
model.repairRecord = result3[0];
var result31 = await _repApi.GetRepairRecordByNgID((int)result1[0].NgID);
string repair_desc = "";
for(int r=0;r<result31.Count;r++)
repair_desc = repair_desc + result31[r].RepairDesc + "\r\n";
model.repairRecord.RepairDesc = repair_desc;
var result4 = await _repApi.GetNgRepairByComponent((int)result1[0].ComponentID);
if (result4.Count != 0)
model.ngRepair = result4[0];
var result5 = await _repApi.GetNgRepairBlob(result4[0].RepairID);
if (result5.Count != 0)
model.ngRepairBlob = result5[0];
//if (result5[0].ImageName1 != "" && result5[0].ImageName1 != null)
// ViewBag.Image1Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + result5[0].ImageName1;
// ViewBag.Image1Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
//if (result5[0].ImageName2 != "" && result5[0].ImageName2 != null)
// ViewBag.Image2Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + result5[0].ImageName2;
// ViewBag.Image2Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
//if (result5[0].ImageName3 != "" && result5[0].ImageName3 != null)
// ViewBag.Image3Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + result5[0].ImageName3;
// ViewBag.Image3Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image1Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image2Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image3Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
NgRepair ngRepair = new NgRepair();
model.ngRepair = ngRepair;
model.ngRepair.RepairNo = "";
ViewBag.Image1Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image2Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image3Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
return View(model);
//頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
public async Task<IActionResult> REP001RSaveAsync(REP001ViewModel model, List<IFormFile> formFile)
IResultModel result;
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
int user_id = 0;
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
model.ngComponent.ReplyUserID = user_id;
model.ngComponent.ReplyDate = System.DateTime.Now;
model.ngComponent.Status = 1;
model.ngComponent.UpdateUserID = user_id;
string FileName = string.Empty;
string NewName = string.Empty;
string FilePath = string.Empty;
string[] newFileName = null;
if (formFile != null)
if (formFile.Count > 0)
newFileName = new string[formFile.Count];
int idx = 0;
foreach (var item in formFile)
if (item.Length > 0)
FileName = Path.GetFileName(item.FileName);
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(FileName);
NewName = Path.GetRandomFileName() + fileExt;
newFileName[idx] = NewName;
idx = idx + 1;
FilePath = $"\\REPImage\\";//本機目錄
using (var stream = new FileStream(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath + NewName, FileMode.Create))
await item.CopyToAsync(stream);
var ng_repiar_blob = await _repApi.GetNgRepairBlob(model.ngRepair.RepairID);
if (ng_repiar_blob.Count == 0)
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請選擇要上傳檔案");
if (model.ngRepair.Missing == "Y")
model.ngRepair.RepairNo = "N/A";
model.ngComponent.Status = 2;
result = await _repApi.PutNgComponent((int)model.ngComponent.ComponentID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngComponent));
if (model.repairRecord.ComponentID > 0)
model.repairRecord.UpdateUserID = user_id;
result = await _repApi.PutRepairRecord((int)model.repairRecord.ComponentID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.repairRecord));
model.repairRecord.CreateUserID = user_id;
model.repairRecord.NgID = model.ngComponent.NgID;
model.repairRecord.ComponentID = model.ngComponent.ComponentID;
model.repairRecord.RepairDesc = model.ngRepair.RepairDesc;
result = await _repApi.PostRepairRecord(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.repairRecord));
if (model.ngRepair.RepairID > 0)
model.ngRepair.UpdateUserID = user_id;
result = await _repApi.PutNgRepair((int)model.ngRepair.RepairID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepair));
model.ngRepair.CreateUserID = user_id;
model.ngRepair.NgID = model.ngComponent.NgID;
model.ngRepair.ComponentID = model.ngComponent.ComponentID;
result = await _repApi.PostNgRepair(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepair));
if (newFileName==null)
{ }
decimal repairID = 0;
if (model.ngRepair.RepairID == 0)
var ng_repair = await _repApi.GetNgRepairByComponent(model.ngRepair.ComponentID);
repairID = ng_repair[0].RepairID;
repairID = model.ngRepair.RepairID;
if (model.ngRepairBlob == null)
for (int f = 0; f < newFileName.Length; f++)
NgRepairBlob ng_repair_blob = new NgRepairBlob();
ng_repair_blob.ImageName = newFileName[f];
ng_repair_blob.RepairID = repairID;
model.ngRepairBlob = ng_repair_blob;
result = await _repApi.PostNgRepairBlob(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepairBlob));
for (int f = 0; f < newFileName.Length; f++)
model.ngRepairBlob.ImageName = newFileName[f];
model.ngRepairBlob.RepairID = repairID;
result = await _repApi.PostNgRepairBlob(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepairBlob));
//if (result.Success)
// var _msg = model.ngRepairBlob.RepairID == 0 ? "新增成功!" : "修改成功!";
// return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
// ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
bool repairComplete = true;
var ng_component = await _repApi.GetNgComponentByNGID(model.ngInfo.NgID);
for (int i = 0; i < ng_component.Count; i++)
if (ng_component[i].Status == 0)
repairComplete = false;
List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem> items = new List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < ng_component.Count; i++)
if (ng_component[i].NewPartNo != "" && ng_component[i].NewPartNo != null)
items.Add(new BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem
inputType = "KP",
inputData = ng_component[i].NewPartNo,
oldInputData = ng_component[i].OldPartNo
if (items.Count == 0)
items = null;
if (repairComplete)
int repairStationID = -1;
int wip_id = model.ngInfo.Barcode.WipID;
var wip_info = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo(wip_id);
int flow_rule_id = wip_info[0].FlowRuleID;
var rules = await _basApi.GetRules2(flow_rule_id, model.ngInfo.Barcode.StationID, model.ngInfo.Barcode.RuleStatus, repairStationID);
if (rules.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i++)
if (rules[i].RuleStatus == model.ngInfo.Barcode.RuleStatus)
repairStationID = rules[i].NextStationID;
var station_info = await _basApi.GetStations(repairStationID);
if (station_info.Count > 0)
if (station_info[0].TypeNo != "R")
//ModelState.AddModelError("error", "下一站不是維修站!");
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = "下一站不是維修站!" });
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = "查無下一站!" });
int lineID = -1;
if (model.ngInfo.Wip.LineID != null)
lineID = model.ngInfo.Wip.LineID.Value;
var barCode = new BarCodeCheckDto
wipNo = model.ngInfo.Wip.WipNO,
barcode = model.ngInfo.Barcode.BarcodeNo,
barcodeType = "S",
stationID = repairStationID,
line = lineID,
unitNo = model.ngInfo.Wip.UnitNO,
inputItems = items,
userID = user_id
var barcode_result = new ResultModel<string>();
barcode_result = await _pcsApi.PassIngByCheck(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(barCode));
catch { }
if (barcode_result.Success)
//var ng_info = await _repApi.GetNgInfo((int)model.ngInfo.NgID);
//ng_info[0].Status = 1;
model.ngInfo.Status = 1;
result = await _repApi.PutNgInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngInfo));
model.ngComponent.Status = 0;
result = await _repApi.PutNgComponent((int)model.ngComponent.ComponentID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngComponent));
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = barcode_result.Msg });
//return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = barcode_result.Msg });
if (result.Success)
var _msg = "儲存成功!";
//return RedirectToAction("REP001V", "REP", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = _msg });
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = _msg });
if (result.Errors != null)
ModelState.AddModelError(result.Errors[0].Id, result.Errors[0].Msg);
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
model.ngComponent.Status = 0;
result = await _repApi.PutNgComponent((int)model.ngComponent.ComponentID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngComponent));
return View("REP001R", model);
//return RedirectToAction("REP001V", "REP", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID });
//頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
public async Task<IActionResult> REP001RSave1Async(REP001ViewModel model, IFormFile formFile)
IResultModel result;
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
int user_id = 0;
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
model.ngComponent.ReplyUserID = user_id;
model.ngComponent.ReplyDate = System.DateTime.Now;
model.ngComponent.Status = 1;
model.ngComponent.UpdateUserID = user_id;
string FileName = string.Empty;
string NewName = string.Empty;
string FilePath = string.Empty;
if (formFile != null)
if (formFile.Length > 0)
FileName = Path.GetFileName(formFile.FileName);
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(FileName);
NewName = Path.GetRandomFileName() + fileExt;
FilePath = $"\\REPImage\\";//本機目錄
using (var stream = new FileStream(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath + NewName, FileMode.Create))
await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);
var ng_repiar_blob = await _repApi.GetNgRepairBlob(model.ngRepair.RepairID);
if (ng_repiar_blob.Count == 0)
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請選擇要上傳檔案");
if (model.ngRepair.Missing == "Y")
model.ngRepair.RepairNo = "N/A";
model.ngComponent.Status = 2;
result = await _repApi.PutNgComponent((int)model.ngComponent.ComponentID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngComponent));
if (model.repairRecord.ComponentID > 0)
model.repairRecord.UpdateUserID = user_id;
result = await _repApi.PutRepairRecord((int)model.repairRecord.ComponentID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.repairRecord));
model.repairRecord.CreateUserID = user_id;
model.repairRecord.NgID = model.ngComponent.NgID;
model.repairRecord.ComponentID = model.ngComponent.ComponentID;
model.repairRecord.RepairDesc = model.ngRepair.RepairDesc;
result = await _repApi.PostRepairRecord(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.repairRecord));
if (model.ngRepair.RepairID > 0)
model.ngRepair.UpdateUserID = user_id;
result = await _repApi.PutNgRepair((int)model.ngRepair.RepairID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepair));
model.ngRepair.CreateUserID = user_id;
model.ngRepair.NgID = model.ngComponent.NgID;
model.ngRepair.ComponentID = model.ngComponent.ComponentID;
result = await _repApi.PostNgRepair(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepair));
if (NewName == string.Empty)
{ }
decimal repairID = 0;
if (model.ngRepair.RepairID == 0)
var ng_repair = await _repApi.GetNgRepairByComponent(model.ngRepair.ComponentID);
repairID = ng_repair[0].RepairID;
repairID = model.ngRepair.RepairID;
if (model.ngRepairBlob == null)
NgRepairBlob ng_repair_blob = new NgRepairBlob();
ng_repair_blob.ImageName = NewName;
ng_repair_blob.RepairID = repairID;
model.ngRepairBlob = ng_repair_blob;
model.ngRepairBlob.ImageName = NewName;
model.ngRepairBlob.RepairID = repairID;
result = await _repApi.PostNgRepairBlob(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepairBlob));
//if (result.Success)
// var _msg = model.ngRepairBlob.RepairID == 0 ? "新增成功!" : "修改成功!";
// return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
// ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
bool repairComplete = true;
var ng_component = await _repApi.GetNgComponentByNGID(model.ngInfo.NgID);
for (int i = 0; i < ng_component.Count; i++)
if (ng_component[i].Status == 0)
repairComplete = false;
List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem> items = new List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < ng_component.Count; i++)
if (ng_component[i].NewPartNo != "" && ng_component[i].NewPartNo != null)
items.Add(new BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem
inputType = "KP",
inputData = ng_component[i].NewPartNo,
oldInputData = ng_component[i].OldPartNo
if (items.Count == 0)
items = null;
if (repairComplete)
int repairStationID = -1;
int wip_id = model.ngInfo.Barcode.WipID;
var wip_info = await _pcsApi.GetWipInfo(wip_id);
int flow_rule_id = wip_info[0].FlowRuleID;
var rules = await _basApi.GetRules2(flow_rule_id, model.ngInfo.Barcode.StationID, model.ngInfo.Barcode.RuleStatus, repairStationID);
if (rules.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i++)
if (rules[i].RuleStatus == model.ngInfo.Barcode.RuleStatus)
repairStationID = rules[i].NextStationID;
int lineID = -1;
if (model.ngInfo.Wip.LineID != null)
lineID = model.ngInfo.Wip.LineID.Value;
var barCode = new BarCodeCheckDto
wipNo = model.ngInfo.Wip.WipNO,
barcode = model.ngInfo.Barcode.BarcodeNo,
barcodeType = "S",
stationID = repairStationID,
line = lineID,
unitNo = model.ngInfo.Wip.UnitNO,
inputItems = items,
userID = user_id
var barcode_result = new ResultModel<string>();
barcode_result = await _pcsApi.PassIngByCheck(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(barCode));
catch { }
if (barcode_result.Success)
//var ng_info = await _repApi.GetNgInfo((int)model.ngInfo.NgID);
//ng_info[0].Status = 1;
model.ngInfo.Status = 1;
result = await _repApi.PutNgInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngInfo));
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = barcode_result.Msg });
if (result.Success)
var _msg = "儲存成功!";
//return RedirectToAction("REP001V", "REP", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = _msg });
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = _msg });
if (result.Errors != null)
ModelState.AddModelError(result.Errors[0].Id, result.Errors[0].Msg);
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
return View("REP001R", model);
//return RedirectToAction("REP001V", "REP", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID });
#region 後判維修輸入
public IActionResult REP002()
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP002V(int id)
REP001ViewModel model = new REP001ViewModel();
var result = await _repApi.GetNgInfo(id);
if (result.Count != 0)
model.ngInfo = result[0];
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> REP002C(int id)
await GetRMAReasonList();
await GetRepairTypeList();
await GetNGReasonList();
await GetRepairResponsibleUnitList();
REP001ViewModel model = new REP001ViewModel();
var ng_info = await _repApi.GetNgInfo(id);
if (ng_info.Count != 0)
model.ngInfo = ng_info[0];
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> REP002R(int id)
await GetRMAReasonList();
await GetRepairTypeList();
await GetNGReasonList();
await GetRepairResponsibleUnitList();
await GetQATypeList();
REP001ViewModel model = new REP001ViewModel();
var result1 = await _repApi.GetNgComponent(id);
var ng_reason = await _ppsApi.GetNGReason(result1[0].NgNo);
if (ng_reason.Count != 0)
model.ngReason = ng_reason[0];
if (result1[0].ErrorDesc == "" || result1[0].ErrorDesc == null)
result1[0].ErrorDesc = ng_reason[0].NGReasonDesc;
if (result1.Count != 0)
model.ngComponent = result1[0];
var result2 = await _repApi.GetNgInfo((int)result1[0].NgID);
if (result2.Count != 0)
model.ngInfo = result2[0];
var result3 = await _repApi.GetRepairRecord((int)result1[0].ComponentID);
if (result3.Count != 0)
model.repairRecord = result3[0];
var result31 = await _repApi.GetRepairRecordByNgID((int)result1[0].NgID);
string repair_desc = "";
for (int r = 0; r < result31.Count; r++)
repair_desc = repair_desc + result31[r].RepairDesc + "\r\n";
model.repairRecord.RepairDesc = repair_desc;
var result4 = await _repApi.GetNgRepairByComponent((int)result1[0].ComponentID);
if (result4.Count != 0)
model.ngRepair = result4[0];
var result5 = await _repApi.GetNgRepairBlob(result4[0].RepairID);
if (result5.Count != 0)
model.ngRepairBlob = result5[0];
//if (result5[0].ImageName1 != "" && result5[0].ImageName1 != null)
// ViewBag.Image1Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + result5[0].ImageName1;
// ViewBag.Image1Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
//if (result5[0].ImageName2 != "" && result5[0].ImageName2 != null)
// ViewBag.Image2Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + result5[0].ImageName2;
// ViewBag.Image2Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
//if (result5[0].ImageName3 != "" && result5[0].ImageName3 != null)
// ViewBag.Image3Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + result5[0].ImageName3;
// ViewBag.Image3Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image1Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image2Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image3Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
NgRepair ngRepair = new NgRepair();
model.ngRepair = ngRepair;
model.ngRepair.RepairNo = "";
ViewBag.Image1Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image2Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
ViewBag.Image3Url = $"\\REPImage\\" + "noimage.jfif";
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> REP002CSaveAsync(REP001ViewModel model, IFormFile formFile)
IResultModel result;
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
int user_id = 0;
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
model.ngComponent.ReplyUserID = user_id;
model.ngComponent.ReplyDate = System.DateTime.Now;
model.ngComponent.Status = 1;
model.ngComponent.NgID = model.ngInfo.NgID;
string FileName = string.Empty;
string NewName = string.Empty;
string FilePath = string.Empty;
if (formFile != null)
if (formFile.Length > 0)
FileName = Path.GetFileName(formFile.FileName);
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(FileName);
NewName = Path.GetRandomFileName() + fileExt;
FilePath = $"\\REPImage\\";//本機目錄
using (var stream = new FileStream(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath + NewName, FileMode.Create))
await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);
//ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請選擇要上傳檔案");
var ng_repiar_blob = await _repApi.GetNgRepairBlob(model.ngRepair.RepairID);
if (ng_repiar_blob.Count == 0)
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請選擇要上傳檔案");
if (model.ngRepair.Missing == "Y")
model.ngRepair.RepairNo = "N/A";
model.ngComponent.Status = 2;
result = await _repApi.PostNgComponent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngComponent));
if (result.Success)
int component_id = int.Parse(result.Msg.ToString().Replace("OK-", ""));
model.repairRecord.ComponentID = component_id;
model.repairRecord.NgID = model.ngInfo.NgID;
model.repairRecord.RepairDesc = model.ngRepair.RepairDesc;
result = await _repApi.PostRepairRecord(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.repairRecord));
model.ngRepair.NgID = model.ngInfo.NgID;
model.ngRepair.ComponentID = component_id;
result = await _repApi.PostNgRepair(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepair));
if (result.Success)
int repair_id = int.Parse(result.Msg.ToString().Replace("OK-", ""));
if (NewName == string.Empty)
{ }
decimal repairID = 0;
if (model.ngRepair.RepairID == 0)
var ng_repair = await _repApi.GetNgRepairByComponent(model.ngRepair.ComponentID);
repairID = ng_repair[0].RepairID;
repairID = model.ngRepair.RepairID;
if (model.ngRepairBlob == null)
NgRepairBlob ng_repair_blob = new NgRepairBlob();
ng_repair_blob.ImageName = NewName;
ng_repair_blob.RepairID = repair_id;
model.ngRepairBlob = ng_repair_blob;
model.ngRepairBlob.ImageName = NewName;
model.ngRepairBlob.RepairID = repair_id;
result = await _repApi.PostNgRepairBlob(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngRepairBlob));
bool repairComplete = true;
var ng_component = await _repApi.GetNgComponentByNGID(model.ngInfo.NgID);
for (int i = 0; i < ng_component.Count; i++)
if (ng_component[i].Status == 0)
repairComplete = false;
List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem> items = new List<BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < ng_component.Count; i++)
if (ng_component[i].NewPartNo != "")
items.Add(new BarCodeCheckDto.inputItem
inputType = "KP",
inputData = ng_component[i].NewPartNo,
oldInputData = ng_component[i].OldPartNo
if (repairComplete)
int repairStationID = -1;
var rules = await _basApi.GetRules(model.ngInfo.Barcode.StationID, model.ngInfo.Barcode.RuleStatus, repairStationID);
if (rules.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i++)
if (rules[i].RuleStatus == model.ngInfo.Barcode.RuleStatus)
repairStationID = rules[i].NextStationID;
int lineID = -1;
if (model.ngInfo.Wip.LineID != null)
lineID = model.ngInfo.Wip.LineID.Value;
var barCode = new BarCodeCheckDto
wipNo = model.ngInfo.Wip.WipNO,
barcode = model.ngInfo.Barcode.BarcodeNo,
barcodeType = "S",
stationID = repairStationID,
line = lineID,
unitNo = model.ngInfo.Wip.UnitNO,
inputItems = items
var barcode_result = await _pcsApi.PassIngByCheck(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(barCode));
catch { }
//var ng_info = await _repApi.GetNgInfo((int)model.ngInfo.NgID);
//ng_info[0].Status = 1;
model.ngInfo.Status = 1;
result = await _repApi.PutNgInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ngInfo));
if (result.Success)
var _msg = "儲存成功!";
//return RedirectToAction("REP001V", "REP", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = _msg });
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID, msg = _msg });
if (result.Errors != null)
ModelState.AddModelError(result.Errors[0].Id, result.Errors[0].Msg);
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
return View("REP001R", model);
//return RedirectToAction("REP001V", "REP", new { id = model.ngComponent.NgID });
public async Task<IActionResult> REP005()
await GetStationList();
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP005QueryAsync(string stationID, string stateID, string dateStart, string dateEnd, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _repApi.GetRepairData4REP005(stationID, stateID, dateStart, dateEnd, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult REP006()
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP006C(string id)
await GetRepairResponsibleUnitList();
REP006ViewModel model = new REP006ViewModel();
if (id != null && id != "")
var result = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeInfoesByNo(id);
model.barcodeInfo = result[0];
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> REP006CSaveAsync(REP006ViewModel model)
IResultModel result;
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
int user_id = 0;
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
model.barcodeQngInfo.BarcodeID = model.barcodeInfo.BarcodeID;
model.barcodeQngInfo.WipID = model.barcodeInfo.WipID;
model.barcodeQngInfo.StationID = model.barcodeInfo.StationID;
model.barcodeQngInfo.UnitNo = model.barcodeInfo.GetWipInfo.UnitNO;
if (model.OPUserNo != "" && model.OPUserNo != null)
var op_user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(model.OPUserNo);
if (op_user != null)
model.barcodeQngInfo.OperatorID = op_user.UserID;
if (model.IPQAUserNo != "" && model.IPQAUserNo != null)
var ipqa_user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(model.IPQAUserNo);
if (ipqa_user != null)
model.barcodeQngInfo.IPQAID = ipqa_user.UserID;
if (model.PEUserNo != "" && model.PEUserNo != null)
var pe_user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(model.PEUserNo);
if (pe_user != null)
model.barcodeQngInfo.PEID = pe_user.UserID;
if (model.ManagerUserNo != "" && model.ManagerUserNo != null)
var manager_user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(model.ManagerUserNo);
if (manager_user != null)
model.barcodeQngInfo.ManagerID = manager_user.UserID;
model.barcodeQngInfo.CreateUserID = user_id;
model.barcodeQngInfo.CreateDate = System.DateTime.Now;
model.barcodeQngInfo.RuleStatus = "S";
result = await _repApi.PostBarcodeQngInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.barcodeQngInfo));
if (result.Success)
var _msg = "儲存成功!";
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
return View("REP006C", model);
public IActionResult REP007()
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP007C(string id)
await GetRepairResponsibleUnitList();
REP006ViewModel model = new REP006ViewModel();
if (id != null && id != "")
var result = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeInfoesByNo(id);
model.barcodeInfo = result[0];
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> REP007CSaveAsync(REP006ViewModel model)
IResultModel result;
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
int user_id = 0;
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
model.barcodeQngInfo.BarcodeID = model.barcodeInfo.BarcodeID;
model.barcodeQngInfo.WipID = model.barcodeInfo.WipID;
model.barcodeQngInfo.StationID = model.barcodeInfo.StationID;
model.barcodeQngInfo.UnitNo = model.barcodeInfo.GetWipInfo.UnitNO;
if (model.OPUserNo != "" && model.OPUserNo != null)
var op_user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(model.OPUserNo);
if (op_user != null)
model.barcodeQngInfo.OperatorID = op_user.UserID;
if (model.IPQAUserNo != "" && model.IPQAUserNo != null)
var ipqa_user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(model.IPQAUserNo);
if (ipqa_user != null)
model.barcodeQngInfo.IPQAID = ipqa_user.UserID;
if (model.PEUserNo != "" && model.PEUserNo != null)
var pe_user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(model.PEUserNo);
if (pe_user != null)
model.barcodeQngInfo.PEID = pe_user.UserID;
if (model.ManagerUserNo != "" && model.ManagerUserNo != null)
var manager_user = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(model.ManagerUserNo);
if (manager_user != null)
model.barcodeQngInfo.ManagerID = manager_user.UserID;
model.barcodeQngInfo.CreateUserID = user_id;
model.barcodeQngInfo.CreateDate = System.DateTime.Now;
model.barcodeQngInfo.RuleStatus = "C";
result = await _repApi.PostBarcodeQngInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.barcodeQngInfo));
if (result.Success)
var _msg = "儲存成功!";
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
return View("REP007C", model);
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetBarcodeInfoByBarcode(string barcodeNo)
var result = await _pcsApi.GetBarcodeInfoesByNo(barcodeNo);
if (result.Count > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result, count = result.Count });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> REP008()
await GetUnitList();
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP008QueryAsync(string unitNo, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _repApi.GetQngInfoData4REP008(unitNo, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart, dateEnd, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> REP009()
await GetUnitList();
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP009QueryAsync(string unitNo, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _repApi.GetQngInfoData4REP009(unitNo, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart, dateEnd, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
#region 維修資料統計
public async Task<IActionResult> REP012()
await GetProductTypeList();
await GetTestTypeList();
await GetUnitList();
await GetLineInfoList();
await GetStationList();
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP012QueryAsync(string productTypeNo, string testTypeNo, string unitNo, string lineID, string stationID, string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string modelNO, string itemPN, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _repApi.GetRepairData4REP012(productTypeNo, testTypeNo, unitNo, lineID, stationID, wipNO, itemNO, dateStart, dateEnd, modelNO, itemPN, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult REP012A(string id)
ViewData["ParamList"] = id;
return View();
public async Task<JsonResult> GetErrorCode4REP012Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _repApi.GetErrorCode4REP012(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], param[9], param[10]);
return Json(result.Data);
//return Json(new { data = result.Data });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetErrorCode4REP012ListAsync(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _repApi.GetErrorCode4REP012(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], param[9], param[10]);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult REP012B(string id)
ViewData["ParamList"] = id;
return View();
public async Task<JsonResult> GetRMACode4REP012Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _repApi.GetRMACode4REP012(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], param[9], param[10]);
return Json(result.Data);
//return Json(new { data = result.Data });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetRMACode4REP012ListAsync(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _repApi.GetRMACode4REP012(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], param[9], param[10]);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult REP012C(string id)
ViewData["ParamList"] = id;
return View();
public async Task<JsonResult> GetLocation4REP012Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _repApi.GetLocation4REP012(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], param[9], param[10]);
return Json(result.Data);
//return Json(new { data = result.Data });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetLocation4REP012ListAsync(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _repApi.GetLocation4REP012(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], param[9], param[10]);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult REP012D(string id)
ViewData["ParamList"] = id;
return View();
public async Task<JsonResult> GetRepairResponsibleUnit4REP012Async(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _repApi.GetRepairResponsibleUnit4REP012(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], param[9], param[10]);
return Json(result.Data);
//return Json(new { data = result.Data });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetRepairResponsibleUnit4REP012ListAsync(string id)
string[] param = id.Split('_');
var result = await _repApi.GetRepairResponsibleUnit4REP012(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8], param[9], param[10]);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult REP013()
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> REP013QueryAsync(string wipNO, string itemNO, string dateStart, string dateEnd, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _repApi.GetRepairData4REP013(wipNO, itemNO, dateStart, dateEnd, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });