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395 lines
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395 lines
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using AMESCoreStudio.CommonTools.Result;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using System.Net;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.BAS;
namespace AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.BLL
/// <summary>
/// QRS統計資料
/// </summary>
public class QRSPPMController : ControllerBase
private readonly AMESContext _context;
private readonly IConfiguration _config;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
public QRSPPMController(AMESContext context, IConfiguration config)
_config = config;
_context = context;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wipNO"></param>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="customer"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <param name="page"></param>
/// <param name="limit"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ResultModel<PcbaPPMDTO>> GetQRS024Data(string wipNO, string itemNO, string customer, string dateStart, string dateEnd, string bdateStart, string bdateEnd, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
ResultModel<PcbaPPMDTO> result = new ResultModel<PcbaPPMDTO>();
List<PcbaPPMDTO> PPMData = new List<PcbaPPMDTO>();
List<PcbaPPMDTO> PPMDataPage = new List<PcbaPPMDTO>();
IQueryable<PcbaPPMDTO> queryd;
if ((bdateStart != null && bdateEnd != null) || (dateStart != null && dateEnd != null))
if (bdateStart != null && bdateEnd != null)
queryd = from b in _context.BarcodeStation.Where(w => w.InputDate >= DateTime.Parse(bdateStart) && w.InputDate <= DateTime.Parse(bdateEnd).AddDays(1))
join w in _context.WipInfos on b.WipID equals w.WipID
join a in _context.WipAtts on w.WipNO equals a.WipNO
join f in _context.FactoryUnits.Where(w => w.UnitNo == "S" || w.UnitNo == "D") on w.UnitNO equals f.UnitNo
select new PcbaPPMDTO
UnitNo = w.UnitNO,
UnitName = f.UnitName,
UnitCode = f.UnitCode,
WipID = w.WipID,
WipNo = w.WipNO,
ItemNo = a.ItemNO,
PlanQty = w.PlanQTY,
FlowRuleID = w.FlowRuleID
queryd = from b in _context.NgInfos.Where(w => w.CreateDate >= DateTime.Parse(dateStart) && w.CreateDate <= DateTime.Parse(dateEnd).AddDays(1))
join w in _context.WipInfos on b.WipId equals w.WipID
join a in _context.WipAtts on w.WipNO equals a.WipNO
join f in _context.FactoryUnits.Where(w => w.UnitNo == "S" || w.UnitNo == "D") on w.UnitNO equals f.UnitNo
select new PcbaPPMDTO
UnitNo = w.UnitNO,
UnitName = f.UnitName,
UnitCode = f.UnitCode,
WipID = w.WipID,
WipNo = w.WipNO,
ItemNo = a.ItemNO,
PlanQty = w.PlanQTY,
FlowRuleID = w.FlowRuleID
if (wipNO != null)
queryd = queryd.Where(p => p.WipNo.Equals(wipNO));
if (itemNO != null)
queryd = queryd.Where(p => p.ItemNo.Equals(itemNO));
if (customer != null)
queryd = queryd.Where(p => p.ItemNo.StartsWith(customer));
var q = queryd.Select(s => new { s.UnitNo, s.UnitName, s.UnitCode, s.WipNo, s.WipID, s.ItemNo, s.FlowRuleID, s.PlanQty }).Distinct();
foreach (var item in q)
#region 查詢完工數
RuleStationsController ruleStationsController = new RuleStationsController(_context);
var ruleStations = ruleStationsController.GetRuleStationByFlow(item.FlowRuleID, 0).Result.Value.ToList();
int FinishStationID = 0;
if (ruleStations.Count > 0)
int Sequence = ruleStations.Where(w => w.StationID == 1000).Select(s => s.Sequence).FirstOrDefault();
FinishStationID = ruleStations.Where(w => w.Sequence == Sequence - 1).Select(s => s.StationID).FirstOrDefault();
BarcodeStationController barcodeStationController = new BarcodeStationController(_context);
var barcodeStatios = await barcodeStationController.GetBarcodeStationByDateInputQty(item.WipID, FinishStationID);
var FinishQTYDate = barcodeStatios;
if (FinishQTYDate.Count() > 0)
#region 查詢A/B面零件數
var plmBom = await _context.PlmBoms.Where(w => w.MatnrP == item.ItemNo + "-" + item.UnitCode).ToListAsync();
// PlmBomsController plmBomsController = new PlmBomsController(_context);
// var plmBom = plmBomsController.GetPlmBombyMATERP(item.ItemNo + "-" + item.UnitCode);
string joinedString = string.Join(",", plmBom.Select(s => s.Ebort1 + s.Ebort2));
int PartsA = 0;
int PartsB = 0;
var parts = joinedString.Split(",");
PartsA = parts.Count(s => s.StartsWith("A"));
PartsB = parts.Count(s => s.StartsWith("B"));
foreach (var itemQty in FinishQTYDate)
#region 查詢不良零件數
int ngPartsA = 0;
int ngPartsB = 0;
if (itemQty.barcodeID != null)
NgInfoController ngInfoController = new NgInfoController(_context);
var ngpart = await ngInfoController.GetNgInfoByWipID(item.WipID);
ngpart.Data = ngpart.Data.Where(w => w.NGDateTime >= DateTime.Parse(itemQty.FinishDate) && w.NGDateTime <= DateTime.Parse(itemQty.FinishDate).AddDays(1));
if (ngpart.Data.Count() > 0)
var listc = ngpart.Data
.SelectMany(w =>
parts.Where(s =>
w.LocationNo.Length + 1 == s.Length && s.EndsWith(w.LocationNo)))
ngPartsA += listc.Count(w => w.StartsWith("A"));
ngPartsB += listc.Count(w => w.StartsWith("B"));
#region 計算PPM
double PPMA = 0;
double PPMB = 0;
if (PartsA != 0 && ngPartsA != 0)
PPMA = ((double)ngPartsA / (PartsA * itemQty.FinishQty)) * 1000000.0;
if (PartsB != 0 && ngPartsB != 0)
PPMB = ((double)ngPartsB / (PartsB * itemQty.FinishQty)) * 1000000.0;
PPMData.Add(new PcbaPPMDTO
WipID = item.WipID,
WipNo = item.WipNo,
ItemNo = item.ItemNo,
UnitNo = item.UnitNo,
UnitName = item.UnitName,
PlanQty = item.PlanQty,
FinishDate = itemQty.FinishDate,
FinishQty = itemQty.FinishQty,
Site = "A",
ComponentQty = PartsA, //bom零件數分A/B面
NGQty = ngPartsA,
PPMData.Add(new PcbaPPMDTO
WipID = item.WipID,
WipNo = item.WipNo,
ItemNo = item.ItemNo,
UnitNo = item.UnitNo,
UnitName = item.UnitName,
PlanQty = item.PlanQty,
FinishDate = itemQty.FinishDate,
FinishQty = itemQty.FinishQty,
Site = "B",
ComponentQty = PartsB, //bom零件數分A/B面
NGQty = ngPartsB,
if (page > 0)
PPMDataPage = PPMData.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit).ToList();
result.DataTotal = PPMData.Count();
result.Data = PPMDataPage.ToList();
result.Success = true;
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
result.Success = false;
result.Msg = ex.Message;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 查詢生產效率PPM
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemNO"></param>
/// <param name="customer"></param>
/// <param name="dateStart"></param>
/// <param name="dateEnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ResultModel<dynamic>> GetQRS026Data(string itemNO, string customer, string dateStart, string dateEnd)
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>();
List<PcbaPPMDTO> PPMData = new List<PcbaPPMDTO>();
var queryd = from b in _context.BarcodeStation.Where(w => w.InputDate >= DateTime.Parse(dateStart) && w.InputDate <= DateTime.Parse(dateEnd).AddDays(1))
join w in _context.WipInfos on b.WipID equals w.WipID
join a in _context.WipAtts on w.WipNO equals a.WipNO
join f in _context.FactoryUnits.Where(w => w.UnitNo == "S" || w.UnitNo == "D") on w.UnitNO equals f.UnitNo
select new PcbaPPMDTO
UnitNo = w.UnitNO,
UnitName = f.UnitName,
UnitCode = f.UnitCode,
WipID = w.WipID,
WipNo = w.WipNO,
ItemNo = a.ItemNO,
PlanQty = w.PlanQTY,
FlowRuleID = w.FlowRuleID
if (itemNO != null)
queryd = queryd.Where(p => p.ItemNo.Equals(itemNO));
if (customer != null)
queryd = queryd.Where(p => p.ItemNo.StartsWith(customer));
var q = queryd.Select(s => new { s.UnitNo, s.UnitName, s.UnitCode, s.WipNo, s.WipID, s.ItemNo, s.FlowRuleID, s.PlanQty }).Distinct();
foreach (var item in q)
#region 查詢完工數
RuleStationsController ruleStationsController = new RuleStationsController(_context);
var ruleStations = await ruleStationsController.GetRuleStationByFlow(item.FlowRuleID, 0);
int FinishStationID = 0;
if (ruleStations.Value.Count() > 0)
int Sequence = ruleStations.Value.Where(w => w.StationID == 1000).Select(s => s.Sequence).FirstOrDefault();
FinishStationID = ruleStations.Value.Where(w => w.Sequence == Sequence - 1).Select(s => s.StationID).FirstOrDefault();
BarcodeStationController barcodeStationController = new BarcodeStationController(_context);
var FinishQty = await barcodeStationController.GetBarcodeStationByDateInputQty(item.WipID, FinishStationID);
FinishQty = FinishQty.Where(w => DateTime.Parse(w.FinishDate) >= DateTime.Parse(dateStart) && DateTime.Parse(w.FinishDate) <= DateTime.Parse(dateEnd).AddDays(1));
#region 查詢零件數
var plmBom = await _context.PlmBoms.Where(w => w.MatnrP == item.ItemNo + "-" + item.UnitCode).ToListAsync();
string joinedString = string.Join(",", plmBom.Select(s => s.Ebort1 + s.Ebort2));
var parts = joinedString.Split(",");
parts = parts.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray();
int PartsALL = parts.Count();
#region 查詢不良零件數
int ngPartsALL = 0;
NgInfoController ngInfoController = new NgInfoController(_context);
var ngpart = await ngInfoController.GetNgInfoByWipID(item.WipID);
ngpart.Data = ngpart.Data.Where(w => w.NGDateTime >= DateTime.Parse(dateStart) && w.NGDateTime <= DateTime.Parse(dateEnd).AddDays(1));
if (ngpart.Data.Count() > 0)
ngpart.Data = ngpart.Data.Where(w => w.LocationNo != "NA" && w.LocationNo != "N/A" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.LocationNo));
ngPartsALL = ngpart.Data.Count();
PPMData.Add(new PcbaPPMDTO
WipID = item.WipID,
WipNo = item.WipNo,
ItemNo = item.ItemNo,
UnitNo = item.UnitNo,
UnitName = item.UnitName,
PlanQty = item.PlanQty,
FinishQty = FinishQty.Sum(s => s.FinishQty),
ComponentQty = PartsALL, //bom零件數(1PCS)
NGQty = ngPartsALL,
var g= PPMData.GroupBy(item => item.UnitNo).Select(group => new PcbaPPMRate
UnitNo = group.Key,
Parts = group.Sum(item => item.FinishQty * item.ComponentQty),
NgParts = group.Sum(item => item.NGQty),
IPC = (group.Sum(item => item.FinishQty * item.ComponentQty) == 0) ? 0
: Math.Round((group.Sum(item => item.NGQty) / group.Sum(item => item.FinishQty * item.ComponentQty)) * 1000000,2)}).ToList();
if (g.Count() < 2)
if (g.Where(w => w.UnitNo == "D").Count() == 0)
g.Add(new PcbaPPMRate
UnitNo = "D",
Parts = 0,
NgParts = 0,
IPC = 0
if (g.Where(w => w.UnitNo == "S").Count() == 0)
g.Add(new PcbaPPMRate
UnitNo = "S",
Parts = 0,
NgParts = 0,
IPC = 0
result.DataTotal = g.Count();
result.Data = g;
result.Success = true;
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
result.Success = false;
result.Msg = ex.Message;
return result;