using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi; using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.AMES; using AMESCoreStudio.CommonTools.Result; using Dapper; using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Extensions; namespace AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.AMES { /// /// 條碼過站資料檔 /// [Route("api/[controller]")] [ApiController] public class BarcodeStationController : ControllerBase { private readonly AMESContext _context; public BarcodeStationController(AMESContext context) { _context = context; } // GET: api/BarcodeStation [HttpGet] public async Task>> GetBarcodeStation() { return await _context.BarcodeStation.ToListAsync(); } // GET: api/BarcodeStation/5 [HttpGet("{id}")] public async Task> GetBarcodeStation(decimal id) { var barcodeStation = await _context.BarcodeStation.FindAsync(id); if (barcodeStation == null) { return NotFound(); } return barcodeStation; } /// /// /// /// 內務條碼ID /// 工單ID /// 流程站別ID /// 流程ID /// [HttpGet("Key")] public async Task> GetBarcodeStationByKey(int barcodeID, int wipID , int StationID, int FlowStationID) { var barcodeStation = await _context.BarcodeStation .Where(w => w.BarcodeID == barcodeID && w.WipID == wipID && w.StationID == StationID && w.FlowRuleID == FlowStationID).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); //if (barcodeStation == null) //{ // return NotFound(); //} return barcodeStation; } /// /// 用BarCode查詢過站紀錄 /// /// barcodeID /// [HttpGet("BarCodeID/{barcodeID}")] public async Task>> GetBarcodeStationByBarCodeID(int barcodeID) { var q = from q1 in _context.BarcodeStation.Where(w => w.BarcodeID == barcodeID) join q2 in _context.UserInfoes on q1.CreateUserID equals q2.UserID join q3 in _context.RuleStations on new { q1.StationID, q1.FlowRuleID } equals new { q3.StationID, q3.FlowRuleID } select new BarcodeStation { BarcodeID = q1.BarcodeID, WipID = q1.WipID, StationID = q1.StationID, RuleStatus = q1.RuleStatus, Systype = q1.Systype, CreateDate = q1.CreateDate, GetRuleStation = q3, FlowRuleID = q1.FlowRuleID, UserName = q2.UserName }; return await q.ToListAsync(); } /// /// 基本查詢 /// /// 工單ID /// 流程ID /// 開始日期 /// 結束日期 /// [HttpGet("GetBarcodeStation4QRS009Group")] public async Task> GetBarcodeStation4QRS009Group(int wipID, int stationID, string dateStart, string dateEnd) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); IQueryable q = _context.BarcodeStation; if (wipID != 0) q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID); if (stationID != 0) q = q.Where(w => w.StationID == stationID); if (dateStart != null && dateEnd != null) { if (dateStart != "" && dateEnd != "") { q = q.Where(w => w.CreateDate >= DateTime.Parse(dateStart) && w.CreateDate <= DateTime.Parse(dateEnd).AddDays(1)); } } var g = q.GroupBy(x => new { x.WipID, x.StationID, x.BarcodeID }).Select(x => new { WipID = x.Key.WipID, StationID = x.Key.StationID, BarcodeID = x.Key.BarcodeID, FirstCnt = x.Count() }); var g1 = await g.Distinct().ToListAsync(); var g2 = q.GroupBy(x1 => new { x1.WipID, x1.StationID, x1.RuleStatus }).Select(x1 => new { WipID = x1.Key.WipID, StationID = x1.Key.StationID, RuleStatus = x1.Key.RuleStatus, FirstCnt = x1.Count(), SumCnt = g1.Count }); result.DataTotal = g2.ToList().Count; result.Data = g2.ToList(); return result; } /// /// 查詢工單站別條碼資料 /// /// [Route("[action]")] [HttpGet] public async Task> GetWipStationBarcode4QRS009(int wipID, int stationID, string ruleStatus, int page = 0, int limit = 10) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); var q = from q1 in _context.BarcodeStation join q2 in _context.BarcodeInfoes on q1.BarcodeID equals q2.BarcodeID join q3 in _context.LineInfoes on q1.LineId equals q3.LineID into line_data from x in line_data.DefaultIfEmpty() join q4 in _context.UserInfoes on q1.CreateUserID equals q4.UserID select new { q1.BarcodeID, q1.WipID, q1.StationID, q2.BarcodeNo, x.LineDesc, q1.RuleStatus, q1.Systype, q1.InputDate, q4.UserName }; q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.StationID == stationID && w.RuleStatus == ruleStatus); //紀錄筆數 result.DataTotal = q.Count(); //Table 頁數 if (page > 0) { q = q.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit); } result.Data = await q.ToListAsync(); if (result == null) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; return result; } /// /// 查詢工單站別條碼資料 By 條碼批次查詢 /// /// [Route("[action]")] [HttpGet] public async Task> GetWipStationBarcodeByPCS022(int wipID, int stationID, int page = 0, int limit = 10) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); var q = from q1 in _context.BarcodeStation join q2 in _context.BarcodeInfoes on q1.BarcodeID equals q2.BarcodeID join q3 in _context.LineInfoes on q1.LineId equals q3.LineID join q4 in _context.UserInfoes on q1.CreateUserID equals q4.UserID select new { q1.BarcodeID, q1.WipID, q1.StationID, q2.BarcodeNo, q3.LineDesc, q1.RuleStatus, q1.Systype, q1.InputDate, q4.UserName }; q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.StationID == stationID && w.RuleStatus != "F"); //紀錄筆數 result.DataTotal = q.Count(); //Table 頁數 if (page > 0) { q = q.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit); } result.Data = await q.ToListAsync(); if (result == null) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; return result; } /// /// 查詢 已過站數量 /// /// 工單ID /// 站別ID /// [HttpGet("InputQty/{wipID}/{stationID}")] public async Task> GetBarcodeStationByInputQty(int wipID, int stationID) { // 取BarcodeID Distinct 數量 var barcodeStation = await _context.BarcodeStation .Where(w => wipID == w.WipID && w.StationID == stationID).Select(s => s.BarcodeID) .Distinct().ToListAsync(); return barcodeStation.Count(); } /// /// 用工單ID查是否有過站紀錄 /// /// 工單ID /// [HttpGet("WipID")] public async Task>> GetBarcodeStationByWipID(int wipID) { var barcodeStation = await _context.BarcodeStation .Where(w => wipID == w.WipID).ToListAsync(); if (barcodeStation == null) { return NotFound(); } return barcodeStation; } /// /// 條碼漏刷查詢 /// /// [HttpGet("PCS019Query")] public async Task> GetBarcodeStationPCS019Query(string wipNo, string unitNo, string station, int page = 0, int limit = 10) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); var q = from q1 in _context.BarcodeStation join q2 in _context.BarcodeInfoes on q1.BarcodeID equals q2.BarcodeID join q3 in _context.LineInfoes on q1.LineId equals q3.LineID join q4 in _context.UserInfoes on q1.CreateUserID equals q4.UserID select new { q1.BarcodeID, q1.WipID, q1.StationID, q2.BarcodeNo, q3.LineDesc, q1.RuleStatus, q1.Systype, q1.InputDate, q4.UserName }; //q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.RuleStationID == ruleStationID && w.RuleStatus == ruleStatus); //紀錄筆數 result.DataTotal = q.Count(); //Table 頁數 if (page > 0) { q = q.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit); } result.Data = await q.ToListAsync(); if (result == null) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; return result; } /// /// 查詢工單站別條碼資料 By 條碼批次查詢 /// /// [Route("[action]")] [HttpGet] public async Task> GetWipStationBarcodeByPCS038(int wipID, int stationID, int page = 0, int limit = 10) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); var q = from q1 in _context.BarcodeStation where q1.WipID == wipID join q2 in _context.BarcodeInfoes on q1.BarcodeID equals q2.BarcodeID join q3 in _context.LineInfoes on q1.LineId equals q3.LineID join q4 in _context.UserInfoes on q1.CreateUserID equals q4.UserID select new { q1.BarcodeID, q1.WipID, q1.StationID, q2.BarcodeNo, q3.LineDesc, q1.RuleStatus, q1.Systype, q1.InputDate, q4.UserName }; if (stationID == 0) q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.RuleStatus != "F").OrderBy(o => o.BarcodeNo); else q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.StationID == stationID && w.RuleStatus != "F").OrderBy(o => o.BarcodeNo); if (q.Count() == 0) { var q1 = _context.BarcodeInfoes.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID).Select(s => new { s.WipID, s.StationID, s.BarcodeNo, s.RuleStatus, s.SysType, s.CreateDate }); if (q1.Count() > 0) { q1 = q1.Where(w => w.RuleStatus != "F").OrderBy(o => o.BarcodeNo); //紀錄筆數 result.DataTotal = q1.Count(); //Table 頁數 if (page > 0) { q1 = q1.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit); } result.Data = await q1.ToListAsync(); if (result == null) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; return result; } else { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } } else { //紀錄筆數 result.DataTotal = q.Count(); //Table 頁數 if (page > 0) { q = q.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit); } result.Data = await q.ToListAsync(); if (result == null) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; return result; } } /// /// 查詢工單站別條碼資料 By 條碼批次查詢 /// /// [Route("[action]")] [HttpGet] public async Task> GetWipStationBarcodeByParam(int wipID, int stationID) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); var q = from q1 in _context.BarcodeStation where q1.WipID == wipID join q2 in _context.BarcodeInfoes on q1.BarcodeID equals q2.BarcodeID select new { q1.BarcodeID, q1.WipID, q1.StationID, q2.BarcodeNo, q1.RuleStatus, q1.Systype, q1.InputDate, }; if (stationID == 0) q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.RuleStatus != "F").OrderBy(o => o.BarcodeNo); else q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.StationID == stationID && w.RuleStatus != "F").OrderBy(o => o.BarcodeNo); if (q.Count() == 0) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } else { //紀錄筆數 result.DataTotal = q.Count(); result.Data = await q.ToListAsync(); if (result == null) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; return result; } } /// /// 查詢工單站別條碼資料 By 條碼批次查詢(包含Fail) /// /// [Route("[action]")] [HttpGet] public async Task> GetWipStationBarcodeByParam_A(int wipID, int stationID) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); var q = from q1 in _context.BarcodeStation where q1.WipID == wipID join q2 in _context.BarcodeInfoes on q1.BarcodeID equals q2.BarcodeID select new { q1.BarcodeID, q1.WipID, q1.StationID, q2.BarcodeNo, q1.RuleStatus, q1.Systype, q1.InputDate, }; if (stationID == 0) q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID).OrderBy(o => o.BarcodeNo); else q = q.Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.StationID == stationID).OrderBy(o => o.BarcodeNo); if (q.Count() == 0) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } else { //紀錄筆數 result.DataTotal = q.Count(); result.Data = await q.ToListAsync(); if (result == null) { result.Msg = "查無資料"; result.Success = false; return result; } result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; return result; } } /// /// 查詢 指定站別已過站日期&數量 /// /// 工單ID /// 站別ID /// 過站日期 /// [HttpGet("InputDateQty")] public async Task> GetBarcodeStationByDateInputQty(int wipID, int stationID) { var query = await _context.BarcodeStation .Where(w => w.WipID == wipID && w.StationID == stationID) .Select(s => new PcbaPPMDTO { FinishDate = s.InputDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), FinishQty = 1, WipID = s.BarcodeID }).ToListAsync(); var queryData = query.GroupBy(o => new { o.FinishDate }).Select(s => new PcbaPPMDTO { FinishDate = s.Key.FinishDate, FinishQty = s.Sum(x => x.FinishQty) }).ToList(); foreach (var item in queryData) { item.barcodeID = query.Where(s => s.FinishDate == item.FinishDate).Select(s => s.WipID).ToList(); } return queryData; } /// /// 查詢工單資料QRS011 生產進度查詢 過站數量 /// /// 工單id /// 作業站id /// [Route("[action]")] [HttpGet] public async Task> GetBarcodeStation4QRS011Group(int wipID, int stationID) { // 計算 過站數 不良數 var querySql = @$" SELECT WIP_ID as wipid , STATION_ID as stationid, RULE_STATUS as rulestation , COUNT(*) as first FROM (SELECT DISTINCT BARCODE_ID , WIP_ID , STATION_ID , RULE_STATUS FROM JHAMES.BARCODE_STATION WHERE WIP_ID=:WipId AND STATION_ID=:StationId ) GROUP BY WIP_ID , STATION_ID , RULE_STATUS "; DynamicParameters p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("WipId", wipID); p.Add("StationId", stationID); return await _context.Database.DapperQueryAsync(querySql, p); } /// /// 查詢工單資料QRS011 生產進度查詢 完工數量 /// /// 工單id /// 作業站id /// [Route("[action]")] [HttpGet] public async Task> GetBarcodeStation4QRS011GroupOverStationQty(int wipID, int stationID) { // 計算 下一站是完工站 取得總過站數量 var querySql = @$" SELECT WIP_ID , STATION_ID , COUNT(*) FIRST FROM (SELECT DISTINCT A.BARCODE_ID , A.WIP_ID , A.STATION_ID , A.RULE_STATUS FROM JHAMES.BARCODE_STATION A LEFT JOIN JHAMES.RULES R ON A.FLOW_RULE_ID = R.FLOW_RULE_ID WHERE A.STATION_ID = R.STATION_ID AND R.NEXT_STATION_ID = 1000 -- 完工站 AND A.RULE_STATUS = R.RULE_STATUS -- 狀態需一致 AND A.WIP_ID = :WipId AND A.STATION_ID =:StationId ) GROUP BY WIP_ID , STATION_ID "; DynamicParameters p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("WipId", wipID); p.Add("StationId", stationID); return await _context.Database.DapperQueryAsync(querySql, p); } // PUT: api/BarcodeStation/5 // To protect from overposting attacks, enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details, see [HttpPut] public async Task> PutBarcodeStation([FromBody] BarcodeStation barcodeStation) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); _context.Attach(barcodeStation); // 指定更新某個欄位 _context.Entry(barcodeStation).Property(p => p.LineId).IsModified = true; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Success = false; result.Msg = ex.InnerException.Message; } return result; } // POST: api/BarcodeStation // To protect from overposting attacks, enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details, see [HttpPost] public async Task> PostBarcodeStation([FromBody] BarcodeStation barcodeStation) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); try { _context.BarcodeStation.Add(barcodeStation); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); result.Success = true; result.Msg = "OK"; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Success = false; result.Msg = ex.InnerException.Message; } return result; } // DELETE: api/BarcodeStation/5 [HttpDelete("{id}")] public async Task> DeleteBarcodeStation(decimal id) { var barcodeStation = await _context.BarcodeStation.FindAsync(id); if (barcodeStation == null) { return NotFound(); } _context.BarcodeStation.Remove(barcodeStation); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return barcodeStation; } private bool BarcodeStationExists(decimal id) { return _context.BarcodeStation.Any(e => e.BarcodeID == id); } } }