You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

472 lines
21 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.DTO.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.CommonTools.Result;
namespace AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.AMES
/// <summary>
/// 入庫單資料檔
/// </summary>
public class FqcInhouseMasterController : ControllerBase
private readonly AMESContext _context;
public FqcInhouseMasterController(AMESContext context)
_context = context;
// GET: api/FqcInhouseMaster
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<FqcInhouseMaster>>> GetFqcInhouseMasters()
return await _context.FqcInhouseMasters.ToListAsync();
// GET: api/FqcInhouseMaster/5
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<FqcInhouseMaster>>> GetFqcInhouseMasterByWipNo(string wipNo)
var fqcInhouseMaster = await _context.FqcInhouseMasters.Where(w => w.WipNo == wipNo.ToUpper())
return fqcInhouseMaster;
// GET: api/FqcInhouseMaster/5
public async Task<ActionResult<FqcInhouseMaster>> GetFqcInhouseMaster(string inhouseNo, int seqID)
var fqcInhouseMaster = await _context.FqcInhouseMasters.FindAsync(inhouseNo, seqID);
if (fqcInhouseMaster == null)
return NotFound();
return fqcInhouseMaster;
/// <summary>
/// 取最新入庫單號
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inhouseNo"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ActionResult<string>> GetFqcInhouseMasterNewInhouseNo(string inhouseNo)
var fqcInhouseMaster = await _context.FqcInhouseMasters.Where(w => w.InhouseNo.StartsWith(inhouseNo)).ToListAsync();
string NowInhouseNo = string.Empty;
if (fqcInhouseMaster.Count() == 0)
return inhouseNo + "001";
NowInhouseNo = fqcInhouseMaster.OrderByDescending(o => o.InhouseNo).FirstOrDefault().InhouseNo;
inhouseNo += (int.Parse(NowInhouseNo.Substring(NowInhouseNo.Length - 3, 3)) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
return inhouseNo;
/// <summary>
/// FQC查詢 by Table
/// </summary>
/// <param name="barcodeNo">內部序號</param>
/// <param name="wipNo">工單號碼</param>
/// <param name="boxNo">外箱號碼</param>
/// <param name="inhouseNo">入庫單號碼</param>
/// <param name="date_str">入庫時間起</param>
/// <param name="date_end">入庫時間迄</param>
/// <param name="status">抽驗結果</param>
/// <param name="page">頁數</param>
/// <param name="limit">筆數</param>
/// <param name="factoryID">委外廠商ID</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ResultModel<FqcInhouseMasterDto>> GetFqcInhouseMasterQuery(string barcodeNo, string wipNo, string boxNo
, string inhouseNo, string date_str, string date_end, string status, string factoryID, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var q = from q1 in _context.FqcInhouseMasters
//join q2 in _context.FqcInhouseDetails on new { q1.InhouseNo, q1.SeqID } equals new { q2.InhouseNo, q2.SeqID }
join q3 in _context.FqcResultMasters on q1.InhouseNo equals q3.InhouseNo into j1
from q3 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
join q4 in _context.WipInfos on q1.WipNo equals q4.WipNO into s
from q4 in s.DefaultIfEmpty()
join q5 in _context.FactoryInfos on q4.Werks equals q5.FactoryID.ToString() into j2
from q5 in j2.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new FqcInhouseMasterDto
Werks = q4.Werks,
FactoryNo = q5.FactoryNo,
InhouseNo = q1.InhouseNo,
SeqID = q1.SeqID,
WipNo = q1.WipNo,
ItemNo = q1.ItemNo,
InhouseQty = q1.InhouseQty,
ModelNo = q1.ModelNo,
StatusName = q1.Status,
ProTypeName = q1.ProType,
CreateDate = q1.CreateDate,
EndTime = q3.EndTime
//q1.Status == "P" ? "允收" : q1.Status == "R" ? "批退" : "未驗收完成",
//IQueryable <FqcInhouseDetail> q1 = _context.FqcInhouseDetails;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inhouseNo))
q = q.Where(w => w.InhouseNo == inhouseNo);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wipNo))
q = q.Where(w => w.WipNo == wipNo);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(status))
q = q.Where(w => w.StatusName == status);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(factoryID))
q = q.Where(w => w.Werks.ToString() == factoryID);
// 優先用內部序號取出包裝序號
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(barcodeNo))
BarcodeInfoesController barcodeInfoesController = new BarcodeInfoesController(_context);
var q1 = await barcodeInfoesController.GetBarcodeInfoesByNo(barcodeNo);
if (q1.Value.Count() != 0)
boxNo = q1.Value.FirstOrDefault().BoxNo;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boxNo))
q = q.Where(w => w.SerialNo == boxNo);
if (DateTime.TryParse(date_str, out _))
q = q.Where(w => w.CreateDate >= DateTime.Parse(date_str));
if (DateTime.TryParse(date_end, out _))
q = q.Where(w => w.CreateDate <= DateTime.Parse(date_end));
ResultModel<FqcInhouseMasterDto> result = new ResultModel<FqcInhouseMasterDto>();
// Table 頁數
if (page > 0)
q = q.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit);
result.Data = await q.Distinct().ToListAsync();
// 判斷結束時間
result.Data = result.Data.Select(s => { s.EndTime = s.StatusName == "A" ? null : s.EndTime; return s; })
// 修改狀態名稱
result.Data = result.Data.Select(s => { s.StatusName = s.StatusName == "P" ? "允收" : s.StatusName == "R" ? "批退" : "未驗收完成"; return s; })
// 紀錄筆數
result.DataTotal = q.Count();
return result;
/// <summary>
/// FQC抽驗資料
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inhouseNo">入庫單號碼</param>
/// <param name="seqid">序號</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ResultModel<FqcDto>> GetFqcQuery(string inhouseNo, int seqid = 1)
IQueryable<FqcDto> q = from q1 in _context.FqcInhouseMasters.Where(w => w.InhouseNo == inhouseNo && w.SeqID == seqid)
join q2 in _context.FqcResultMasters on new { q1.InhouseNo, q1.SeqID } equals new { q2.InhouseNo, q2.SeqID }
into cp
from q2 in cp.DefaultIfEmpty()
join q3 in _context.QcCriteria on q1.CritID equals q3.CritID
join q4 in _context.WipInfos on q1.WipNo equals q4.WipNO
join q5 in _context.FactoryInfos on q4.Werks equals q5.FactoryID.ToString()
join q6 in _context.UserInfoes on q2.Supervisor equals q6.UserNo into cp6
from q6 in cp6.DefaultIfEmpty()
join q7 in _context.UserInfoes on q2.Proved equals q7.UserNo into cp7
from q7 in cp7.DefaultIfEmpty()
join q8 in _context.UserInfoes on q2.UpdateUserID equals q8.UserID into cp8
from q8 in cp8.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new FqcDto
InhouseNo = q1.InhouseNo,
SeqID = q1.SeqID,
WipNo = q1.WipNo,
ItemNo = q1.ItemNo,
ModelNo = q1.ModelNo,
InhouseQty = q1.InhouseQty,
QcQty = q3.QcQty,
AcQty = q3.AcQty,
ReQty = q3.ReQty,
StatusName = q1.Status,
FqcID = q2.WipNo == null ? 0 : q2.FqcID,
InhouseMemo = q2.InhouseMemo,
ManualQaMeno = q2.ManualQaMeno,
QaMeno = q2.QaMeno,
CustomerNo = q4.CustomerNO,
CustomerMedical = q4.CustomerMedical,
CustomerVIP = q4.CustomerVIP,
Werk = q4.Werks + "-" + q5.FactoryNameCh,
CPU = q2.CPU,
OS = q2.OS,
RAM = q2.RAM,
OutfitNo = q2.OutfitNo,
Supervisor = q2.Supervisor,
Supervisor_Name = q6.UserName,
Proved = q2.Proved,
Proved_Name = q7.UserName,
UpdateUser = q8.UserNo,
UpdateUser_Name = q8.UserName
var query = await q.Distinct().ToListAsync();
var FqcDetail = new List<FqcDto.FqcDetailDto>();
if (query.Count() != 0)
var Detail = _context.FqcInhouseDetails.Where(w => w.InhouseNo == inhouseNo && w.SeqID == seqid);
foreach (var item in Detail)
// 取抽驗結果明細檔資料
var FqcResultDetail = _context.FqcResultDetails.Where(w => w.FqcID == query.FirstOrDefault().FqcID
&& w.BoxNo == item.SerialNo).ToList();
FqcDetail.Add(new FqcDto.FqcDetailDto
SerialNo = item.SerialNo,
Qty = _context.BarcodeInfoes.Where(w => w.BoxNo == item.SerialNo).Count(),
HasQty = FqcResultDetail.Count(),
PassQty = FqcResultDetail.Where(w => w.StatusNo != "F").Count(),
FailQty = FqcResultDetail.Where(w => w.StatusNo == "F").Count()
// 總數
query.FirstOrDefault().PassQty += FqcResultDetail.Where(w => w.StatusNo != "F").Count();
query.FirstOrDefault().FailQty += FqcResultDetail.Where(w => w.StatusNo == "F").Count();
ResultModel<FqcDto> result = new ResultModel<FqcDto>();
result.Data = query;
foreach (var item in result.Data)
item.fqcDetails = FqcDetail.OrderBy(o => o.SerialNo).ToList();
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 更新入庫單
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fqcInhouseMaster"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster>> PutFqcInhouseMaster(FqcInhouseMaster fqcInhouseMaster)
ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster> result = new ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster>();
_context.Entry(fqcInhouseMaster).State = EntityState.Modified;
_context.Entry<FqcInhouseMaster>(fqcInhouseMaster).Property("CreateDate").IsModified = false;
_context.Entry<FqcInhouseMaster>(fqcInhouseMaster).Property("CreateUserID").IsModified = false;
fqcInhouseMaster.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
result.Success = true;
result.Msg = "OK";
catch (Exception ex)
result.Success = false;
result.Msg = ex.InnerException.Message;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 新增入庫單
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fqcInhouseMaster"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster>> PostFqcInhouseMaster(FqcInhouseMaster fqcInhouseMaster)
ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster> result = new ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster>();
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
result.Success = true;
result.Msg = "OK";
catch (Exception ex)
result.Success = false;
result.Msg = ex.InnerException.Message;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 刪除入庫單
/// </summary>
/// <param name="no">入庫單號</param>
/// <param name="seq">順序</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ResultModel<string>> DeleteFqcInhouseMaster(string no, int seq)
ResultModel<string> result = new ResultModel<string>();
var fqcInhouseMaster = await _context.FqcInhouseMasters.FindAsync(no, seq);
if (fqcInhouseMaster == null)
result.Success = false;
result.Msg = "找不到要刪除資料";
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
result.Success = true;
result.Msg = "OK";
catch (Exception ex)
result.Success = false;
result.Msg = ex.InnerException.Message;
return result;
//YIRU ADD -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// FQC查詢 by Table
/// </summary>
/// <param name="barcodeNo">內部序號</param>
/// <param name="wipNo">工單號碼</param>
/// <param name="boxNo">外箱號碼</param>
/// <param name="inhouseNo">入庫單號碼</param>
/// <param name="date_str">入庫時間起</param>
/// <param name="date_end">入庫時間迄</param>
/// <param name="status">抽驗結果</param>
/// <param name="page">頁數</param>
/// <param name="limit">筆數</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster_WareDto>> GetFqcInhouseMasteMultiQuery(string barcodeNo, string wipNo, string boxNo
, string inhouseNo, string date_str, string date_end, string status, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
IQueryable<FqcInhouseMaster_WareDto> q = from q1 in _context.FqcInhouseMasters
join q2 in _context.FqcInhouseDetails on new { q1.InhouseNo, q1.SeqID } equals new { q2.InhouseNo, q2.SeqID }
join q3 in _context.FqcResultMasters on q1.InhouseNo equals q3.InhouseNo
join q4 in _context.WareHouseings on new { q2.InhouseNo, q2.SeqID, q2.SerialNo } equals new { q4.InhouseNo, q4.SeqID, q4.SerialNo } into q2q4
from q402 in q2q4.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new FqcInhouseMaster_WareDto
InhouseNo = q1.InhouseNo,
SeqID = q1.SeqID,
WipNo = q1.WipNo,
ItemNo = q1.ItemNo,
ModelNo = q1.ModelNo,
SerialNo = q2.SerialNo,
StatusName = q1.Status,
ProTypeName = q1.ProType,
CreateDate = q1.CreateDate,
EndTime = q3.EndTime,
RecordNumber = q402.RecordNumber,
RecordDate = q402.Create_Date
//q1.Status == "P" ? "允收" : q1.Status == "R" ? "批退" : "未驗收完成",
//IQueryable <FqcInhouseDetail> q1 = _context.FqcInhouseDetails;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inhouseNo))
q = q.Where(w => w.RecordNumber == inhouseNo);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wipNo))
q = q.Where(w => w.WipNo == wipNo);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(status))
q = q.Where(w => w.StatusName == status);
// 優先用內部序號取出包裝序號
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(barcodeNo))
BarcodeInfoesController barcodeInfoesController = new BarcodeInfoesController(_context);
var q1 = await barcodeInfoesController.GetBarcodeInfoesByNo(barcodeNo);
if (q1.Value.Count() != 0)
boxNo = q1.Value.FirstOrDefault().BoxNo;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boxNo))
q = q.Where(w => w.SerialNo == boxNo);
if (DateTime.TryParse(date_str, out _))
q = q.Where(w => w.RecordDate >= DateTime.Parse(date_str));
if (DateTime.TryParse(date_end, out _))
q = q.Where(w => w.RecordDate <= DateTime.Parse(date_end));
ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster_WareDto> result = new ResultModel<FqcInhouseMaster_WareDto>();
// 紀錄筆數
result.DataTotal = q.Count();
// Table 頁數
if (page > 0)
q = q.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit);
result.Data = await q.ToListAsync();
// 判斷結束時間
result.Data = result.Data.Select(s => { s.EndTime = s.StatusName == "A" ? null : s.EndTime; return s; })
// 修改狀態名稱
result.Data = result.Data.Select(s => { s.StatusName = s.StatusName == "P" ? "允收" : s.StatusName == "R" ? "批退" : "未驗收完成"; return s; })
return result;
//YIRU End -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool FqcInhouseMasterExists(string id)
return _context.FqcInhouseMasters.Any(e => e.InhouseNo == id);