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605 lines
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605 lines
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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.SYS;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.Models;
using AMESCoreStudio.CommonTools.Result;
using static AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels.LAB.LAB003ViewModel;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.AMES;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.DTO.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.Web.ViewModels.LAB;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web.Controllers
public class LABController : Controller
public readonly ISYS _sysApi;
public readonly ILAB _labApi;
public readonly IPCS _pcsApi;
private readonly IWebHostEnvironment _env;
public LABController(ILogger<LABController> logger, ILAB labApi, ISYS sysApi, IPCS pcsApi, IWebHostEnvironment env, IStringLocalizer<SharedResource> sharedLocalizer)
_sysApi = sysApi;
_labApi = labApi;
_pcsApi = pcsApi;
_env = env;
private void GetFlagList()
var FlagList = new List<SelectListItem>();
FlagList.Add(new SelectListItem("Y", "Y"));
FlagList.Add(new SelectListItem("N", "N"));
ViewBag.FlagList = FlagList;
public void GetUserID()
var userID = "";
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out userID);
int user_id = 0;
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
ViewBag.UserID = user_id;
#region LAB001工作群組維護相關
public IActionResult LAB001()
return View();
public IActionResult LAB001C()
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB001U(int id)
var result = await _labApi.GetLabelParam(id);
if (result.LABEL_FIELD_ID == 0)
return View();
return View(result);
//頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB001CSaveAsync(LabelParam model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
IResultModel result;
result = await _labApi.PostLabelParam(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (result.Success) //yiru modify 2022-09-27
var _msg = "添加成功!";
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
return View("LAB001C", model);
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB001USaveAsync(LabelParam model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
IResultModel result;
result = await _labApi.PutLabelParam(model.LABEL_FIELD_ID, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (result.Success)
var _msg = "修改成功!";
return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
return View("LAB001U", model);
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetLabParamsAsync(int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _labApi.GetLabParamsByLabelID(page, limit);
if (result.Data.Count() > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
#region LAB002 標籤樣板維護
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="LabelMatnr"></param>
/// <param name="page"></param>
/// <param name="limit"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB002Async(string LabelMatnr, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
return View();
[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetLabelTemplateDtoAsync(string LabelMatnr, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _labApi.LabelTemplatebyMatnr(LabelMatnr, page, limit);
if (result.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public IActionResult LAB002C()
@ViewBag.MasterID = 0;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> CheckLabelMatnrAsync(string LabelMatnr)
if (LabelMatnr.StartsWith("E209"))
var PlmMeterial = await _pcsApi.GetPlmMeterialInfo(LabelMatnr);
if (PlmMeterial.Count > 0)
var Master = await _labApi.LabelTemplatebyMatnr(LabelMatnr,0,10);
if (Master.DataTotal > 0)
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, msg = "料號已存在", data = null });
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = PlmMeterial, count = 1 });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, msg = "料號不存在", data = null });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, msg = "請輸入Label料號", data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> GetLabelTemplatebyMatnrAsync(int id)
var result = await _labApi.GetLabelTemplatebyMatnr(id);
// var result = await _labApi.GetLabelParams();
if (result.Count > 0)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result, count = result.Count });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
//頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB002CSaveAsync(LabelTemplateMaster model, IFormFile formFile)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
IResultModel result;
string FileName = string.Empty;
string NewName = string.Empty;
string FilePath = string.Empty;
if (formFile != null)
if (formFile.Length > 0)
FileName = Path.GetFileName(formFile.FileName);
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(FileName);
NewName = Path.GetRandomFileName() + fileExt;
FilePath = $"\\LABFile\\";//本機目錄
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath))
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath);
using (var stream = new FileStream(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath + NewName, FileMode.Create))
await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);
model.IMAGE_NAME = FilePath+ NewName;
ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請選擇要上傳的圖片檔案");
result = await _labApi.PostLabelTemplateMaster(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (result.Success)
//var _msg = "添加成功!";
return Json(new Result() { success = true, msg = result.Msg });
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
return Json(new Result() { success = false, msg = "缺少必填資料!!" });
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteLabelTemplateDetailAsync(int id)
var result = await _labApi.DeleteLabelTemplateDetail(id);
if (result.Success)
return Json(new Result() { success = true, msg = result.Msg });
return Json(new Result() { success = false, msg = "資料有誤!!" });
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB002CListSaveAsync(LabelTemplateDetail model)
var result = await _labApi.PostLabelTemplateDetail(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (result.Success)
//var _msg = "添加成功!";
return Json(new Result() { success = true, msg = result.Msg });
return Json(new Result() { success = false, msg = "資料有誤!!" });
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB002UAsync(int id)
var result = await _labApi.GetLabelTemplateMaster(id);
if (result.LABEL_FILE == null)
return View();
return View(result);
//頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB002USaveAsync(LabelTemplateMaster model, IFormFile formFile)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
IResultModel result;
string FileName = string.Empty;
string NewName = string.Empty;
string FilePath = string.Empty;
if (formFile != null)
if (formFile.Length > 0)
FileName = Path.GetFileName(formFile.FileName);
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(FileName);
NewName = Path.GetRandomFileName() + fileExt;
FilePath = $"\\LABFile\\";//本機目錄
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath))
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath);
using (var stream = new FileStream(_env.WebRootPath + FilePath + NewName, FileMode.Create))
await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);
model.IMAGE_NAME = FilePath + NewName;
result = await _labApi.PutLabeTemplateMaster(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (result.Success)
//var _msg = "添加成功!";
return Json(new Result() { success = true, msg = result.Msg });
ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
return Json(new Result() { success = false, msg = "資料有誤!!" });
// ModelState.AddModelError("error", "缺少必填資料");
// return View("LAB002C", model);
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB002UListSaveAsync(LabelTemplateDetail model)
var result = await _labApi.PostLabelTemplateDetail(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (result.Success)
//var _msg = "添加成功!";
return Json(new Result() { success = true, msg = result.Msg });
return Json(new Result() { success = false, msg = "資料有誤!!" });
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB002VAsync(int id)
var result = await _labApi.GetLabelTemplateMaster(id);
if (result.LABEL_FILE == null)
return View();
return View(result);
#region Lab003
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB003(string mat)
var id = GetLogInUserID();
ViewBag.UserID = id;
var result = await _sysApi.GetUserInfo(id);
var name = result[0].UserName;
ViewBag.UserName = name;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB004()
int id = GetLogInUserID();
var result = await _sysApi.GetUserInfo(id);
var name = result[0].UserNo;
ViewBag.userno = name;
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB003U(string OrderNo,string Operate)
LabelItemReqModel model = new LabelItemReqModel();
model = await _labApi.GetLabelItemReq(OrderNo);
ViewBag.Operate = Operate;
return View(model);
public async Task<IActionResult> GetLab004(string OrderNo, string ModelNo, DateTime? strdate, DateTime? enddate, string UserNo)
List<dynamic> xx = new List<dynamic>();
UserInfo User = new UserInfo();
if (UserNo != null)
User = await _sysApi.GetUserInfoByUserNo(UserNo);
var result = await _labApi.GetLabelItemMaster(OrderNo, ModelNo, strdate, enddate, User.UserID);
if (result != null)
return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.Data.Count() });
return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
public async Task<IActionResult> LAB003P(string LabMat)
var result = await _labApi.GetLabelPicture(LabMat);
var x = "file://////" + result.Data.FirstOrDefault();
ViewBag.Picture = x;
return View(result.Data);
public async Task<IActionResult> SaveParamLAB003([FromBody] List<Labmodel> Lab)
IResultModel result;
foreach (var name in Lab)
name.UserId = GetLogInUserID();
result = await _labApi.PostLabelItemMaster(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Lab));
return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg });
public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateParamLAB003U([FromBody] List<Labmodel> Lab)
IResultModel result;
foreach (var name in Lab)
name.UserId = GetLogInUserID();
result = await _labApi.UpdateLabelItem(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Lab));
return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg });
public async Task<JsonResult> GetLabelField(string Labmat)
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>();
result = await _labApi.GetLabelField(Labmat);
return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg, data = result.Data });
return Json(new Result() { success = false, msg = result.Msg, data = null });
public async Task<string> GetOrderSn(string OrderNo)
int Sn = 1;
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>();
result = await _labApi.GetLabelItemMaster(OrderNo, null, null, null, -1);
if (result.Data.Any())
var r2 = result.Data.Max(x => x.ordeR_NO).ToString();
Sn = int.Parse(r2.Substring(7)) + 1;
string sSn = Sn.ToString("000");
return sSn;
public async Task<string> GetSampleSn(int Qty)
ResultModel<string> result = new ResultModel<string>();
result = await _labApi.GetSampleSerialRulesNEW(Qty);
return result.Msg;
public async Task<JsonResult> GetLabel(string Model)
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>();
result = await _labApi.GetLabel(Model);
return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg, data = result.Data });
public async Task<JsonResult> GetReqData(int OrderId)
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>();
result = await _labApi.GetLabelParamReq(OrderId);
return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg, data = result.Data });
public async Task<bool> LabelApplyNotify(string OrderNo)
ResultModel<string> result = new ResultModel<string>();
await _labApi.LabelApplyNotify(OrderNo);
result.Success = true;
return result.Success;
public int GetLogInUserID()
int user_id = 0;
HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("UserID", out string userID);
if (userID != null)
if (int.Parse(userID.ToString()) >= 0)
user_id = int.Parse(userID.ToString());
return user_id;