8 changed files with 912 additions and 4 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
@{ ViewData["Title"] = "REP012B"; |
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AMESLayout.cshtml"; } |
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justify-content: flex-end !important; |
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await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_FileinputScriptsPartial"); } |
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$(document).ready(function () { |
//alert(param_list.value); |
$.ajax({ |
type: "Post", |
url: '/REP/GetRMACode4REP012?id=' + param_list.value, |
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", |
dataType: 'json', |
success: function (response) { |
var errorData = new Array(); |
var idx = 0; |
$.each(response, function (i, item) { |
errorData[idx] = new Array(); |
errorData[idx][0] = item["rmaCode"]; |
errorData[idx][1] = item["rmaQty"]; |
idx = idx + 1; |
}); |
Highcharts.chart('divChart', { |
chart: { |
type: 'pie' |
}, |
title: { |
text: '維修代碼統計' |
}, |
subtitle: { |
text: '' |
}, |
plotOptions: { |
pie: { |
allowPointSelect: true, |
cursor: 'pointer', |
dataLabels: { |
enabled: false |
}, |
showInLegend: true |
} |
}, |
series: [{ |
type: 'pie', |
name: '數量', |
data: errorData |
}] |
}); |
}, |
error: function () { |
alert("查無維修代碼統計資料!"); |
$("#divChart").empty(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
var tableCols = [[ |
{ |
field: 'rmaCode', |
title: '維修代碼', |
sort: true |
}, |
{ |
field: 'rmaQty', |
width: 160, |
title: '統計次數', |
sort: true |
}] |
]; |
//基本数据表格 |
var table = hg.table.datatable('query', '維修代碼統計', '/REP/GetRMACode4REP012List/' + param_list.value, {}, tableCols, toolbar, true, 'full-100', ['filter', 'print', 'exports']); |
</script> |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
@{ ViewData["Title"] = "REP012C"; |
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AMESLayout.cshtml"; } |
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<script src="~/Highcharts-7.1.2/modules/exporting.js"></script> |
<script src="~/Highcharts-7.1.2/modules/export-data.js"></script> |
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justify-content: flex-end !important; |
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cursor: not-allowed; |
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@{ await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial"); |
await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_FileinputScriptsPartial"); } |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
$(document).ready(function () { |
//alert(param_list.value); |
$.ajax({ |
type: "Post", |
url: '/REP/GetLocation4REP012?id=' + param_list.value, |
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", |
dataType: 'json', |
success: function (response) { |
var errorData = new Array(); |
var idx = 0; |
$.each(response, function (i, item) { |
errorData[idx] = new Array(); |
errorData[idx][0] = item["locationNo"]; |
errorData[idx][1] = item["locationQty"]; |
idx = idx + 1; |
}); |
Highcharts.chart('divChart', { |
chart: { |
type: 'pie' |
}, |
title: { |
text: '維修位置統計' |
}, |
subtitle: { |
text: '' |
}, |
plotOptions: { |
pie: { |
allowPointSelect: true, |
cursor: 'pointer', |
dataLabels: { |
enabled: false |
}, |
showInLegend: true |
} |
}, |
series: [{ |
type: 'pie', |
name: '數量', |
data: errorData |
}] |
}); |
}, |
error: function () { |
alert("查無維修位置統計資料!"); |
$("#divChart").empty(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
var tableCols = [[ |
{ |
field: 'locationNo', |
title: '維修位置', |
sort: true |
}, |
{ |
field: 'locationQty', |
width: 160, |
title: '統計次數', |
sort: true |
}] |
]; |
//基本数据表格 |
var table = hg.table.datatable('query', '維修位置統計', '/REP/GetLocation4REP012List/' + param_list.value, {}, tableCols, toolbar, true, 'full-100', ['filter', 'print', 'exports']); |
</script> |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
@{ ViewData["Title"] = "REP012D"; |
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AMESLayout.cshtml"; } |
<script src="~/Highcharts-7.1.2/highcharts.js"></script> |
<script src="~/Highcharts-7.1.2/modules/exporting.js"></script> |
<script src="~/Highcharts-7.1.2/modules/export-data.js"></script> |
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.control-label { |
justify-content: flex-end !important; |
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color: #dc3545 !important; |
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cursor: not-allowed; |
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<table class="layui-hide" id="query" lay-filter="query"></table> |
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@section Scripts { |
@{ await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial"); |
await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_FileinputScriptsPartial"); } |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
$(document).ready(function () { |
//alert(param_list.value); |
$.ajax({ |
type: "Post", |
url: '/REP/GetRepairResponsibleUnit4REP012?id=' + param_list.value, |
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", |
dataType: 'json', |
success: function (response) { |
var errorData = new Array(); |
var idx = 0; |
$.each(response, function (i, item) { |
errorData[idx] = new Array(); |
errorData[idx][0] = item["rrDesc"]; |
errorData[idx][1] = item["rrDescQty"]; |
idx = idx + 1; |
}); |
Highcharts.chart('divChart', { |
chart: { |
type: 'pie' |
}, |
title: { |
text: '責任單位統計' |
}, |
subtitle: { |
text: '' |
}, |
plotOptions: { |
pie: { |
allowPointSelect: true, |
cursor: 'pointer', |
dataLabels: { |
enabled: false |
}, |
showInLegend: true |
} |
}, |
series: [{ |
type: 'pie', |
name: '數量', |
data: errorData |
}] |
}); |
}, |
error: function () { |
alert("查無責任單位統計資料!"); |
$("#divChart").empty(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
var tableCols = [[ |
{ |
field: 'rrDesc', |
title: '責任單位', |
sort: true |
}, |
{ |
field: 'rrDescQty', |
width: 160, |
title: '統計次數', |
sort: true |
}] |
]; |
//基本数据表格 |
var table = hg.table.datatable('query', '責任單位統計', '/REP/GetRepairResponsibleUnit4REP012List/' + param_list.value, {}, tableCols, toolbar, true, 'full-100', ['filter', 'print', 'exports']); |
</script> |
} |
Reference in new issue