diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Controllers/PCBController.cs b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Controllers/PCBController.cs
index fface035..a8f6ec78 100644
--- a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Controllers/PCBController.cs
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Controllers/PCBController.cs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using AspNetCore.Reporting;
using System.Text.Encodings;
+using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Enum;
namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web.Controllers
@@ -42,1366 +43,26 @@ namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web.Controllers
//#region 下拉選單
- /////
- ///// 檢驗類別 Select
- /////
- /////
- //private async Task GetQCGroupSelect()
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcGroup();
- // var QCGroupList = new List();
- // for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
- // {
- // QCGroupList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].GroupNameCN + "【" + result[i].GroupNameEN + "】", result[i].GroupID.ToString()));
- // }
- // if (QCGroupList.Count == 0)
- // {
- // QCGroupList.Add(new SelectListItem("N/A", null));
- // }
- // ViewBag.QCGroupSelect = QCGroupList;
- //}
- /////
- ///// 抽驗係數 Select
- /////
- /////
- //private async Task GetQcQuotSelect()
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcQuot();
- // var QcQuotList = new List();
- // for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
- // {
- // QcQuotList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].QuotName, result[i].QuotID.ToString()));
- // }
- // if (QcQuotList.Count == 0)
- // {
- // QcQuotList.Add(new SelectListItem("N/A", null));
- // }
- // ViewBag.QcQuotSelect = QcQuotList;
- //}
- /////
- ///// FQC狀態維護 Select
- /////
- /////
- //private async Task GetStatusTypeSelect()
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetStatusType();
- // var StatusTypetList = new List();
- // result = result.OrderByDescending(o => o.StatusNo).ToList();
- // for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
- // {
- // StatusTypetList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].StatusName, result[i].StatusNo.ToString()));
- // }
- // if (StatusTypetList.Count == 0)
- // {
- // StatusTypetList.Add(new SelectListItem("N/A", null));
- // }
- // ViewBag.StatusTypeSelect = StatusTypetList;
- //}
- /////
- ///// 不良群組
- /////
- /////
- //private async Task GetNGGroupSelect()
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetNGGroups(0);
- // var NGGroupList = new List();
- // for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
- // {
- // NGGroupList.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].NGGroupName, result[i].NGGroupNo.ToString()));
- // }
- // ViewBag.NGGroupSelect = NGGroupList;
- //}
- /////
- ///// 不良類別 By NGGroup
- /////
- ///// NGGroupNo
- /////
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task GetNGClassByGroupAsync(string group_no)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetNGClassesByGroup(group_no);
- // var item = new List();
- // for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
- // {
- // item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].NGClassName, result[i].NGClassNo.ToString()));
- // }
- // //将数据Json化并传到前台视图
- // return Json(new { data = item });
- //}
- /////
- ///// 不良原因 By NGClass
- /////
- /////
- /////
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task GetNGReasonsByClassAsync(string ngClassNo)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetNGReasonsByClass(ngClassNo);
- // var item = new List();
- // for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
- // {
- // item.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].NGReasonDesc, result[i].NGReasonNo.ToString()));
- // }
- // //将数据Json化并传到前台视图
- // return Json(new { data = item });
- //}
- /////
- ///// 廠別/委外廠
- /////
- /////
- //private async Task GetFactoryInfo()
- //{
- // var result = await _pcsApi.GetFactoryInfo();
- // var FactoryInfo = new List();
- // for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
- // {
- // FactoryInfo.Add(new SelectListItem(result[i].FactoryNo + "-" + result[i].FactoryNameCh, result[i].FactoryID.ToString()));
- // }
- // if (FactoryInfo.Count == 0)
- // {
- // FactoryInfo.Add(new SelectListItem("N/A", null));
- // }
- // ViewBag.FactoryInfoList = FactoryInfo;
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC001 檢驗類別維護
- //public IActionResult FQC001()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- ////新增頁面
- //public IActionResult FQC001C()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- ////修改页面
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC001UAsync(int id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcGroup(id);
- // return View(result);
- //}
- //public async Task FQC001DAsync(int id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.DeleteQcGroup(id);
- // return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg });
- //}
- ////頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC001Async(QcGroup model)
- //{
- // if (ModelState.IsValid)
- // {
- // IResultModel result;
- // if (model.GroupID == 0)
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PostQcGroup(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutQcGroup(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // var _msg = model.GroupID == 0 ? "新增成功!" : "修改成功!";
- // return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
- // }
- // }
- // if (model.GroupID == 0)
- // {
- // return View("FQC001C", model);
- // }
- // return View("FQC001U", model);
- //}
- //[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC001QueryAsync(int page = 0, int limit = 10)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcGroupQuery(page, limit);
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC002 檢驗項目維護
- //public async Task FQC002()
- //{
- // await GetQCGroupSelect();
- // return View();
- //}
- ////新增頁面
- //public async Task FQC002C()
- //{
- // await GetQCGroupSelect();
- // return View();
- //}
- ////修改页面
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC002UAsync(int id)
- //{
- // await GetQCGroupSelect();
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcItem(id);
- // return View(result);
- //}
- //public async Task FQC002DAsync(int id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.DeleteQcItem(id);
- // return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg });
- //}
- ////頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC002Async(QcItem model)
- //{
- // if (ModelState.IsValid)
- // {
- // IResultModel result;
- // if (model.ItemID == 0)
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PostQcItem(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutQcItem(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // var _msg = model.ItemID == 0 ? "新增成功!" : "修改成功!";
- // return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
- // }
- // }
- // if (model.ItemID == 0)
- // {
- // return View("FQC002C", model);
- // }
- // return View("FQC002U", model);
- //}
- //[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC002QueryAsync(int groupID = 0, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcItemQuery(groupID, page, limit);
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC003 檢驗結果維護
- //public IActionResult FQC003()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- ////新增頁面
- //public IActionResult FQC003C()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- ////修改页面
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC003UAsync(string id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResult(id);
- // return View(result);
- //}
- //public async Task FQC003DAsync(string id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.DeleteFqcResult(id);
- // return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg });
- //}
- ////頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC003Async(FqcResult model)
- //{
- // if (ModelState.IsValid)
- // {
- // IResultModel result;
- // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.FqcNo))
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PostFqcResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutFqcResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // var _msg = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.FqcNo) ? "新增成功!" : "修改成功!";
- // return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
- // }
- // }
- // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.FqcNo))
- // {
- // return View("FQC003C", model);
- // }
- // return View("FQC003U", model);
- //}
- //[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC003QueryAsync(int page = 0, int limit = 10)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResultQuery(page, limit);
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC004 抽驗係數維護
- //public IActionResult FQC004()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- ////新增頁面
- //public IActionResult FQC004C()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- ////修改页面
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC004UAsync(int id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcQuot(id);
- // return View(result);
- //}
- //public async Task FQC004DAsync(int id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.DeleteQcQuot(id);
- // return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg });
- //}
- ////頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC004Async(QcQuot model)
- //{
- // if (ModelState.IsValid)
- // {
- // IResultModel result;
- // if (model.QuotID == 0)
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PostQcQuot(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutQcQuot(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // var _msg = model.QuotID == 0 ? "新增成功!" : "修改成功!";
- // return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
- // }
- // }
- // if (model.QuotID == 0)
- // {
- // return View("FQC004C", model);
- // }
- // return View("FQC004U", model);
- //}
- //[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC004QueryAsync(int page = 0, int limit = 10)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcQuotQuery(page, limit);
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC005 抽驗係數維護
- //public async Task FQC005()
- //{
- // await GetQcQuotSelect();
- // return View();
- //}
- ////新增頁面
- //public async Task FQC005C()
- //{
- // await GetQcQuotSelect();
- // return View();
- //}
- ////修改页面
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC005UAsync(int id)
- //{
- // await GetQcQuotSelect();
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcCriterion(id);
- // return View(result);
- //}
- //public async Task FQC005DAsync(int id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.DeleteQcCriterion(id);
- // return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg });
- //}
- ////頁面提交,id=0 添加,id>0 修改
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC005Async(QcCriterion model)
- //{
- // await GetQcQuotSelect();
- // if (ModelState.IsValid)
- // {
- // #region 判斷設定起訖數量區間是否有重疊
- // var query = await _fqcApi.GetQcCriterionByQuotID(model.QuotID);
- // // 排除自己
- // query = query.Where(w => w.CritID != model.CritID).ToList();
- // if (query.Where(w => w.QcStart <= model.QcStart && model.QcStart <= w.QcEnd).Any() ||
- // query.Where(w => w.QcStart <= model.QcEnd && model.QcEnd <= w.QcEnd).Any())
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "設定起訖數量區間有重疊,請確認");
- // if (model.CritID == 0)
- // {
- // return View("FQC005C", model);
- // }
- // return View("FQC005U", model);
- // }
- // #endregion
- // IResultModel result;
- // if (model.CritID == 0)
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PostQcCriterion(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutQcCriterion(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // }
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // var _msg = model.CritID == 0 ? "新增成功!" : "修改成功!";
- // return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
- // }
- // }
- // if (model.CritID == 0)
- // {
- // return View("FQC005C", model);
- // }
- // return View("FQC005U", model);
- //}
- //[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC005QueryAsync(int quotID = 0, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcCriterionQuery(quotID, page, limit);
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC006 FQC狀態維護
- //public IActionResult FQC006()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- ////新增頁面
- //public IActionResult FQC006C()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- ////修改页面
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC006UAsync(string id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetStatusType(id);
- // return View(result);
- //}
- //public async Task FQC006DAsync(string id)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.DeleteStatusType(id);
- // return Json(new Result() { success = result.Success, msg = result.Msg });
- //}
- //// 添加
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC006CAsync(StatusType model)
- //{
- // if (ModelState.IsValid)
- // {
- // IResultModel result;
- // result = await _fqcApi.PostStatusType(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // var _msg = "新增成功!";
- // return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
- // }
- // }
- // return View("FQC006C", model);
- //}
- //// 修改
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC006UAsync(StatusType model)
- //{
- // if (ModelState.IsValid)
- // {
- // IResultModel result;
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutStatusType(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // var _msg = "修改成功!";
- // return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
- // }
- // }
- // return View("FQC006U", model);
- //}
- //[ResponseCache(Duration = 0)]
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC006QueryAsync(int page = 0, int limit = 10)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetStatusTypeQuery(page, limit);
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC007 FQC抽驗作業
- //public async Task FQC007(string inhouseNo = null, int seqID = 0)
- //{
- // var model = new FqcDto();
- // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inhouseNo) && seqID != 0)
- // {
- // IResultModel result;
- // result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcQuery(inhouseNo, seqID);
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // model = result.Data.FirstOrDefault();
- // model.h_InhouseNo = model.InhouseNo;
- // model.h_SeqID = model.SeqID.ToString();
- // // 抓全部檢驗工項
- // var result_QcItem = await _fqcApi.GetQcItemQuery(0, 0, 0);
- // // 取綁定工單檢驗工項資料
- // var result_WipFQC = await _fqcApi.GetWipFqcItemByWipNo(model.WipNo);
- // if (result_WipFQC.Count == 0)
- // {
- // //工單無設定檢驗工項時 在抓料號綁定檢驗工項
- // var result_MaterialFQC = await _fqcApi.GetMaterialFqcItemsByitemNo(model.ItemNo);
- // if (result_MaterialFQC.Count != 0)
- // {
- // model.qcItemDtos = result_QcItem.Data.Where(w => result_MaterialFQC.Select(s => s.QcItemID).Contains(w.ItemID)).ToList();
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // model.qcItemDtos = result_QcItem.Data.Where(w => result_WipFQC.Select(s => s.QcItemID).Contains(w.ItemID)).ToList();
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "找不到入庫單號【" + model.InhouseNo + "】的資料");
- // model.h_InhouseNo = "";
- // model.h_SeqID = "";
- // }
- // }
- // return View(model);
- //}
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC007Async(FqcDto model, string action)
- //{
- // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.InhouseNo))
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請輸入入庫單號");
- // return View("FQC007", model);
- // }
- // IResultModel result;
- // result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcQuery(model.InhouseNo, model.SeqID);
- // if (action == "儲存")
- // {
- // var result_FQCResultMaster = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResultMaster(model.FqcID);
- // if (result_FQCResultMaster != null)
- // {
- // result_FQCResultMaster.OS = model.OS;
- // result_FQCResultMaster.CPU = model.CPU;
- // result_FQCResultMaster.RAM = model.RAM;
- // result_FQCResultMaster.BIOS = model.BIOS;
- // result_FQCResultMaster.Supervisor = model.Supervisor;
- // result_FQCResultMaster.Proved = model.Proved;
- // result_FQCResultMaster.OutfitNo = model.OutfitNo;
- // await _fqcApi.PutFqcResultMaster(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result_FQCResultMaster));
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "儲存成功!");
- // }
- // }
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // model = result.Data.FirstOrDefault();
- // model.h_InhouseNo = model.InhouseNo;
- // model.h_SeqID = model.SeqID.ToString();
- // // 抓全部檢驗工項
- // var result_QcItem = await _fqcApi.GetQcItemQuery(0, 0, 0);
- // // 取綁定工單檢驗工項資料
- // var result_WipFQC = await _fqcApi.GetWipFqcItemByWipNo(model.WipNo);
- // if (result_WipFQC.Count == 0)
- // {
- // //工單無設定檢驗工項時 在抓料號綁定檢驗工項
- // var result_MaterialFQC = await _fqcApi.GetMaterialFqcItemsByitemNo(model.ItemNo);
- // if (result_MaterialFQC.Count != 0)
- // {
- // model.qcItemDtos = result_QcItem.Data.Where(w => result_MaterialFQC.Select(s => s.QcItemID).Contains(w.ItemID)).ToList();
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // model.qcItemDtos = result_QcItem.Data.Where(w => result_WipFQC.Select(s => s.QcItemID).Contains(w.ItemID)).ToList();
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "找不到入庫單號【" + model.InhouseNo + "】的資料");
- // model.h_InhouseNo = "";
- // model.h_SeqID = "";
- // }
- // return View(model);
- //}
- //#region 抽驗
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC007C(string inhouseNo, string seq)
- //{
- // await GetStatusTypeSelect();
- // await GetNGGroupSelect();
- // var model = new FqcResultDto();
- // model.InhouseNo = inhouseNo;
- // model.SeqID = int.Parse(seq);
- // return View(model);
- //}
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC007CAsync(FqcResultDto model)
- //{
- // await GetStatusTypeSelect();
- // await GetNGGroupSelect();
- // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.BarcodeNo) &&
- // string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.BoxNo) &&
- // string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ExtraBarcodeNo))
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請輸入要抽驗的相關序號");
- // return View("FQC007C", model);
- // }
- // #region 相關查詢序號找出包裝箱號
- // var result_BarCodeInfo = new List();
- // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.BarcodeNo))
- // {
- // result_BarCodeInfo = await _fqcApi.GetBarcodeInfoesByNo(model.BarcodeNo);
- // }
- // else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ExtraBarcodeNo))
- // {
- // result_BarCodeInfo = await _fqcApi.GetBarcodeInfoesByExtraNo(model.ExtraBarcodeNo);
- // }
- // else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.BoxNo))
- // {
- // result_BarCodeInfo = await _fqcApi.GetBarcodeInfoesByBoxNo(model.BoxNo);
- // }
- // if (result_BarCodeInfo.Count == 0)
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "找不到相關資料");
- // return View("FQC007C", model);
- // }
- // else
- // model.BoxNo = result_BarCodeInfo.FirstOrDefault().BoxNo;
- // #endregion
- // #region 判斷是否包裝外箱是否跟入庫單號綁一起
- // var result_FqcInhouseDetail = await _fqcApi.GetFqcInhouseDetail(model.InhouseNo, model.SeqID);
- // if (!result_FqcInhouseDetail.Where(w => w.SerialNo == model.BoxNo).Any())
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "入庫單號【" + model.InhouseNo + "】找不到包裝箱號【" + model.BoxNo + "】");
- // return View("FQC007C", model);
- // }
- // #endregion
- // #region Set_FqcResultDetail
- // if (model.StatusNo == "F" && model.NgReasonNo == "0")
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請選擇不良代碼");
- // return View("FQC007C", model);
- // };
- // var FqcResultDetail = new FqcResultDetail
- // {
- // BarcodeNo = result_BarCodeInfo.FirstOrDefault().BarcodeNo,
- // ExtraBarcodeNo = result_BarCodeInfo.FirstOrDefault().ExtraBarcodeNo,
- // BoxNo = result_BarCodeInfo.FirstOrDefault().BoxNo,
- // StatusNo = model.StatusNo,
- // NgMemo = model.NgMemo,
- // NgReasonNo = model.NgReasonNo,
- // CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
- // UpdateUserID = GetLogInUserID()
- // };
- // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FqcResultDetail.ExtraBarcodeNo))
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "找不到該筆資料的客戶序號");
- // return View("FQC007C", model);
- // }
- // #endregion
- // #region 判斷已有抽驗過
- // var result_FqcResultMaster = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResultMasterByInhouseNo(model.InhouseNo, model.SeqID);
- // if (result_FqcResultMaster.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // var result_ResultDetail = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResultDetail(result_FqcResultMaster.FirstOrDefault().FqcID);
- // if (result_ResultDetail.Where(w => w.BarcodeNo == FqcResultDetail.BarcodeNo).Any())
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "內部序號【" + FqcResultDetail.BarcodeNo + "】已抽驗過");
- // return View("FQC007C", model);
- // }
- // }
- // #endregion
- // #region Set_FqcResultMaster
- // var FqcResultMaster = new FqcResultMaster();
- // if (result_FqcResultMaster.Count != 0)
- // {
- // FqcResultMaster = result_FqcResultMaster.FirstOrDefault();
- // FqcResultMaster.QaQty += 1;
- // FqcResultMaster.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
- // FqcResultMaster.UpdateUserID = GetLogInUserID();
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // IResultModel FqcDto;
- // FqcDto = await _fqcApi.GetFqcQuery(model.InhouseNo, model.SeqID);
- // var FirstFqc = FqcDto.Data.FirstOrDefault();
- // FqcResultMaster.InhouseNo = model.InhouseNo;
- // FqcResultMaster.SeqID = model.SeqID;
- // FqcResultMaster.LotQty = FirstFqc.InhouseQty;
- // FqcResultMaster.WipNo = FirstFqc.WipNo;
- // FqcResultMaster.QaQty = 1;
- // FqcResultMaster.ItemNo = FirstFqc.ItemNo;
- // FqcResultMaster.ModelNo = FirstFqc.ModelNo;
- // FqcResultMaster.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
- // FqcResultMaster.EndTime = DateTime.Now;
- // FqcResultMaster.CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID();
- // }
- // // 判斷是PASS || FAIL
- // if (model.StatusNo == "F")
- // FqcResultMaster.FailQty += 1;
- // else
- // {
- // FqcResultMaster.PassQty += 1;
- // FqcResultDetail.NgReasonNo = "";
- // FqcResultDetail.NgMemo = "";
- // }
- // #endregion
- // IResultModel result;
- // if (result_FqcResultMaster.Count == 0)
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PostFqcResultMaster(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(FqcResultMaster));
- // FqcResultDetail.FqcID = result.Data.FirstOrDefault().FqcID;
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutFqcResultMaster(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(FqcResultMaster));
- // FqcResultDetail.FqcID = result_FqcResultMaster.FirstOrDefault().FqcID;
- // }
- // IResultModel result_detail;
- // result_detail = await _fqcApi.PostFqcResultDetail(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(FqcResultDetail));
- // if (result_detail.Success)
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "新增成功!");
- // //return RedirectToAction("WindowReload", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // return View("FQC007C", model);
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result_detail.Msg);
- // }
- // return View("FQC007C", model);
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region 檢驗結果
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC007B(string inhouseNo, string seq, int fqc)
- //{
- // var model = new FqcResultMaster();
- // model.InhouseNo = inhouseNo;
- // model.SeqID = int.Parse(seq);
- // model.FqcID = fqc;
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcQuery(model.InhouseNo, model.SeqID);
- // var fqcItem = result.Data.FirstOrDefault();
- // //當抽驗數量 小於 抽樣數量就離開
- // if (fqcItem.QcQty > fqcItem.PassQty + fqcItem.FailQty)
- // {
- // var _msg = "抽樣數量不足,無法判定";
- // return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // // 判斷狀態選擇
- // if (fqcItem.FailQty >= fqcItem.ReQty)
- // model.QaResult = "R";
- // else
- // model.QaResult = "P";
- // return View(model);
- //}
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC007BAsync(FqcResultMaster model, string Result)
- //{
- // var FqcQuery = await _fqcApi.GetFqcQuery(model.InhouseNo, model.SeqID);
- // var fqcItem = FqcQuery.Data.FirstOrDefault();
- // // 判斷狀態選擇
- // if (fqcItem.FailQty >= fqcItem.ReQty)
- // {
- // if (model.QaResult == "P" && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SpecialPo))
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "請輸入特採單號");
- // return View("FQC007B", model);
- // }
- // }
- // var fqcResultMaster = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResultMaster(model.FqcID);
- // var fqcInhouseMaster = await _fqcApi.GetFqcInhouseMaster(model.InhouseNo, model.SeqID);
- // fqcResultMaster.QaResult = model.QaResult;
- // fqcResultMaster.QaMeno = model.QaMeno;
- // fqcResultMaster.EndTime = DateTime.Now;
- // fqcResultMaster.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
- // fqcResultMaster.SpecialPo = model.SpecialPo;
- // fqcResultMaster.UpdateUserID = GetLogInUserID();
- // fqcInhouseMaster.Status = model.QaResult;
- // fqcInhouseMaster.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
- // fqcInhouseMaster.UpdateUserID = GetLogInUserID();
- // IResultModel result;
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutFqcInhouseMaster(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fqcInhouseMaster));
- // result = await _fqcApi.PutFqcResultMaster(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fqcResultMaster));
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // if (model.QaResult == "P")
- // await _fqcApi.PassingByFQC(model.InhouseNo, model.SeqID, GetLogInUserID());
- // var _msg = "新增成功!";
- // return RedirectToAction("WindowReload", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
- // }
- // return View("FQC007B", model);
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region 附件
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC007D(int fqc)
- //{
- // FqcDto fqcDto = new FqcDto();
- // var model = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResultMasterBlobByFqcID(fqc);
- // fqcDto.fqcResultMasterBlobs = model;
- // fqcDto.FqcID = fqc;
- // return View(fqcDto);
- //}
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC007DAsync(FqcDto model, string Result, IFormFile formFile)
- //{
- // FqcResultMaster fqcResultMaster = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResultMaster(model.FqcID);
- // if (fqcResultMaster == null)
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "找不到FQC開單紀錄");
- // return View("FQC007D", model);
- // }
- // if (formFile != null)
- // {
- // if (formFile.Length > 0)
- // {
- // // 檔案上傳
- // string FileName = string.Empty;
- // string NewName = string.Empty;
- // string FilePath = string.Empty;
- // //取得使用者上傳檔案的原始檔名
- // FileName = Path.GetFileName(formFile.FileName);
- // //取原始檔名中的副檔名
- // //var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(FileName);
- // //為避免使用者上傳的檔案名稱發生重複,重新給一個亂數名稱
- // //NewName = Path.GetRandomFileName() + fileExt;
- // //指定要寫入的路徑、檔名和副檔名
- // FilePath = $@"{_env.WebRootPath}\UploadFolder\FQC\{fqcResultMaster.InhouseNo}-{fqcResultMaster.SeqID}";
- // var path = $@"{FilePath}\{FileName}";
- // if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(FilePath))
- // {
- // System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FilePath);
- // }
- // using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
- // {
- // await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);
- // }
- // FqcResultMasterBlob fqcResultMasterBlob = new FqcResultMasterBlob()
- // {
- // FqcID = model.FqcID,
- // ImageName = FileName,
- // Filepath = $@"\UploadFolder\FQC\{fqcResultMaster.InhouseNo}-{fqcResultMaster.SeqID}\",
- // CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
- // UpdateUserID = GetLogInUserID()
- // };
- // var result = await _fqcApi.PostFqcResultMasterBlob(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fqcResultMasterBlob));
- // if (result.Success)
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "上傳成功!");
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "上傳失敗,錯誤訊息:" + result.Msg);
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // ModelState.AddModelError("error", "ssddf");
- // }
- // model.fqcResultMasterBlobs = await _fqcApi.GetFqcResultMasterBlobByFqcID(model.FqcID);
- // return View("FQC007D", model);
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region 檢驗工項維護
- //[HttpGet]
- //public ActionResult FQC007A(FqcDto model)
- //{
- // return View(model);
- //}
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC007AItemQuery(string wipNo, string itemNo)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcItemQuery(0, 0, 0, itemNo, wipNo);
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- //}
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC007AAsync(string itemID, string groupID, string wipNo, string itemNo)
- //{
- // // 取工單綁定檢驗工項
- // var result_WipFQC = await _fqcApi.GetWipFqcItemByWipNo(wipNo);
- // // 有勾選的ItemID
- // var checkItemID = itemID.Split(',').ToList();
- // // 有勾選的GroupID
- // var checkGroupID = groupID.Split(',').ToList();
- // // 取勾選有的 = 新增
- // var insertItemID = checkItemID.Except(result_WipFQC.Select(s => s.QcItemID.ToString()));
- // for (int i = 0; i < checkItemID.Count; i++)
- // {
- // if (insertItemID.Where(w => w == checkItemID[i]).Any())
- // {
- // WipFqcItem wipFqcItem = new WipFqcItem
- // {
- // WipNo = wipNo,
- // ItemNo = itemNo,
- // QcItemID = Int32.Parse(checkItemID[i]),
- // QcGroupID = Int32.Parse(checkGroupID[i]),
- // CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
- // CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
- // UpdateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
- // UpdateDate = DateTime.Now
- // };
- // await _fqcApi.PostWipFqcItem(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wipFqcItem));
- // }
- // }
- // // 取有料號綁定 = 需要刪除
- // var deteleItemID = result_WipFQC.Select(s => s.QcItemID.ToString()).Except(checkItemID);
- // foreach (var item in deteleItemID)
- // {
- // var wipFQCID = result_WipFQC.Where(w => w.QcItemID == Int32.Parse(item)).FirstOrDefault().WipFqcitemID;
- // await _fqcApi.DeleteWipFqcItem(wipFQCID);
- // }
- // return Json(new { code = 0, msg = "", success = true });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC細項資料
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC007V(string inhouseNo, int seqID, string boxNo)
- //{
- // ViewBag.inhouseNo = inhouseNo;
- // ViewBag.seqID = seqID;
- // ViewBag.boxNo = boxNo;
- // return View();
- //}
- //public async Task GetFQC007V(string inhouseNo, int seqID, string boxNo)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.FQC007V(inhouseNo, seqID, boxNo);
- // if (result.Data.Count() > 0)
- // {
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC008 FQC查詢
- //public async Task FQC008()
- //{
- // await GetFactoryInfo();
- // return View();
- //}
- //public async Task FQC008QueryAsync(string barcodeNo, string wipNo
- // , string boxNo, string inhouseNo, string date_str, string date_end, string factoryID
- // , string status, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
- //{
- // IResultModel result = await _fqcApi.GetFqcInhouseMasterQuery(barcodeNo: barcodeNo, wipNo: wipNo
- // , boxNo: boxNo, inhouseNo: inhouseNo, date_str: date_str, date_end: date_end
- // , status: status, page: page, limit: limit, factoryID: factoryID);
- // await GetFactoryInfo();
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC009 料號對應檢驗工項
- //public ActionResult FQC009()
- //{
- // return View();
- //}
- //[HttpPost]
- //public async Task FQC009Async(string itemID, string groupID, string itemNo)
- //{
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetMaterialItemByItemNO(itemNo);
- // if (result == null)
- // {
- // var Msg = "在料號主檔找不到該筆料號【" + itemNo + "】";
- // return Json(new { code = 0, msg = Msg, success = false });
- // }
- // // 取料號綁定檢驗工項
- // var result_MasterFQC = await _fqcApi.GetMaterialFqcItemsByitemNo(itemNo);
- // // 有勾選的ItemID
- // var checkItemID = itemID.Split(',').ToList();
- // // 有勾選的GroupID
- // var checkGroupID = groupID.Split(',').ToList();
- // // 取勾選有的 = 新增
- // var insertItemID = checkItemID.Except(result_MasterFQC.Select(s => s.QcItemID.ToString()));
- // for (int i = 0; i < checkItemID.Count; i++)
- // {
- // if (insertItemID.Where(w => w == checkItemID[i]).Any())
- // {
- // MaterialFqcItem materialFqcItem = new MaterialFqcItem
- // {
- // ItemID = result.ItemID,
- // QcItemID = Int32.Parse(checkItemID[i]),
- // QcGroupID = Int32.Parse(checkGroupID[i]),
- // CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
- // CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
- // UpdateUserID = GetLogInUserID(),
- // UpdateDate = DateTime.Now
- // };
- // await _fqcApi.PostMaterialFqcItem(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(materialFqcItem));
- // }
- // }
- // // 取有料號綁定 = 需要刪除
- // var deteleItemID = result_MasterFQC.Select(s => s.QcItemID.ToString()).Except(checkItemID);
- // foreach (var item in deteleItemID)
- // {
- // var masterFQCID = result_MasterFQC.Where(w => w.QcItemID == Int32.Parse(item)).FirstOrDefault().MaterialFqcitemID;
- // await _fqcApi.DeleteMaterialFqcItem(masterFQCID);
- // }
- // return Json(new { code = 0, msg = "", success = true });
- //}
- //[HttpGet]
- //public async Task FQC009ItemQueryAsync(int groupID = 0, int page = 0, int limit = 1, string itemNo = null)
- //{
- // var msg = "";
- // var result = await _fqcApi.GetQcItemQuery(groupID, 0, limit, itemNo);
- // if (result.Data.Count() != 0)
- // {
- // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemNo))
- // {
- // var masterlItem = await _fqcApi.GetMaterialItemByItemNO(itemNo);
- // if (masterlItem == null)
- // {
- // msg = "在料號主檔找不到該筆料號【" + itemNo + "】";
- // }
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = msg, data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
- // }
- // return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
- //}
- //#endregion
- //#region FQC010 報表
- //public ActionResult FQC010()
- //{
- // string mimeType = "";
- // int extension = 1;
- // var path = $"{this._env.WebRootPath}\\Reports\\View.rdlc";
- // LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport(path);
- // Dictionary param = new Dictionary();
- // System.Text.Encoding.RegisterProvider(System.Text.CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance);
- // System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
- // var FQC010Master = new FQC010VIiew
- // {
- // DefectDescription = "N/A",
- // InspectionDate = "2022/06/30",
- // AC = "0",
- // Approved = "王曉明",
- // AQL = "2.5",
- // SpeciallyAdoption = "特採Specially Adoption",
- // BIOSVer = "2.04A CS:7672H",
- // ECN = "22N0202",
- // ECNMemo = "工單生產已是最新ECN",
- // Factory = "YS00",
- // FactoryRemark = "N/A",
- // InspectionInstrumentNumber = "N/A",
- // InspectionItems = "OS:[Win10 IoT]CPU test:[1.10G] RAM test:[4096]",
- // InspectionNumber = "Q944000114000001",
- // InspectionStatus = "廠驗",
- // InspectionType = "First Insp.",
- // Inspector = "蔡喬虎",
- // Judgment = "Defect Quantity",
- // Line = "安勤產線",
- // LotSize = "1",
- // Major = "0",
- // MedicalModel = "N",
- // Minor = "1",
- // Model = "CAXA0-1000A1-S01R",
- // ModelName = "CAXA0 w/N3350/4G RAM/64G SSD/NFC",
- // NOTE = @"ACC-M2
- // E1589
- // ESW-075R
- // ACC-BAT",
- // OrderNumber = "9440001400",
- // Product99 = "一般二級水準正常檢驗",
- // ReMajor = "1",
- // Sample = "5",
- // SamplingInspectionPlan = "ANSI/ASQZ 1.4II",
- // StorageLocation = "9000",
- // Avalue = "AVALUE",
- // VIP = "N",
- // WaiveRequisition = "XX",
- // Detail1 = new List{
- // new FQC010Detail1
- // {
- // ItemID = "1",
- // ItemName = "AA",
- // ItemType = "Major"
- // },
- // new FQC010Detail1{
- // ItemID = "2",
- // ItemName = "BB",
- // ItemType = "Major"
- // },
- // new FQC010Detail1{
- // ItemID = "2",
- // ItemName = "BB",
- // ItemType = "Major"
- // },
- // new FQC010Detail1{
- // ItemID = "2",
- // ItemName = "BB",
- // ItemType = "Major"
- // },
- // new FQC010Detail1{
- // ItemID = "2",
- // ItemName = "BB",
- // ItemType = "Major"
- // },
- // new FQC010Detail1{
- // ItemID = "2",
- // ItemName = "BB",
- // ItemType = "Major"
- // },
- // new FQC010Detail1{
- // ItemID = "2",
- // ItemName = "BB",
- // ItemType = "Major"
- // },
- // new FQC010Detail1{
- // ItemID = "2",
- // ItemName = "BB",
- // ItemType = "Major"
- // }},
- // Detail2 = new List
- // {
- // new FQC010Detail2
- // {
- // ShippingSerialNumber= "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- // IsSample ="Y",
- // ProductionSerialNumber = "DASKJDKLFJS",
- // InspectionResults = "1"
- // }}
- // };
- // var FQC010Masters = new List();
- // FQC010Masters.Add(FQC010Master);
- // localReport.AddDataSource("DataSet1", FQC010Masters);
- // localReport.AddDataSource("DataSet2", FQC010Master.Detail1);
- // localReport.AddDataSource("DataSet3", FQC010Master.Detail2);
- // var result = localReport.Execute(RenderType.Pdf, extension, param, mimeType);
- // return File(result.MainStream, "application/pdf");
- //}
+ ///
+ /// SOP_Type
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void GetSteelPlateStatusSelect(string SelectedValue = null)
+ {
+ List values = new List();
+ if (SelectedValue != null)
+ {
+ values = SelectedValue.Split(',').ToList();
+ }
+ var q = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumPCB.EnumSteelPlateStatus)).Cast()
+ .Select(s => new SelectListItem
+ {
+ Text = EnumPCB.GetDisplayName(s).ToString(),
+ Value = s.ToString()
+ }).ToList();
+ ViewBag.GetSteelPlateStatusSelect = q;
+ }
#region PCB013 鋼板量測紀錄
@@ -1477,6 +138,75 @@ namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web.Controllers
return View("PCB013U", model);
+ public IActionResult PCB013A(int steelPlateID, string steelPlateNo)
+ {
+ GetSteelPlateStatusSelect();
+ ViewBag.steelPlateID = steelPlateID;
+ ViewBag.steelPlateNo = steelPlateNo;
+ return View();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 鋼板量測記錄
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ [HttpPost]
+ public async Task PCB013ASave(SteelPlateMeasure model)
+ {
+ IResultModel result;
+ model.MeasureResult = "P";
+ model.CreateUserID = GetLogInUserID();
+ model.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
+ model.UpdateUserID = GetLogInUserID();
+ model.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
+ result = await _pcbApi.PostSteelPlateMeasure(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
+ if (result.Success)
+ {
+ var _msg = model.SteelPlateID == 0 ? "新增成功!" : "修改成功!";
+ return RedirectToAction("Refresh", "Home", new { msg = _msg });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ModelState.AddModelError("error", result.Msg);
+ }
+ if (model.SteelPlateID == 0)
+ {
+ return View("PCB013A", model);
+ }
+ return View("PCB013A", model);
+ }
+ [HttpGet]
+ public IActionResult PCB013V(int steelPlateID, string steelPlateNo)
+ {
+ ViewBag.steelPlateID = steelPlateID;
+ ViewBag.steelPlateNo = steelPlateNo;
+ return View();
+ }
+ [HttpGet]
+ public async Task PCB013VQuery(int steelPlateID, string steelPlateNo, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
+ {
+ var result = await _pcbApi.GetSteelPlateMeasureBySteelPlateID(steelPlateID, page, limit);
+ if (result.DataTotal > 0)
+ {
+ return Json(new Table() { code = 0, msg = "", data = result.Data, count = result.DataTotal });
+ }
+ return Json(new Table() { count = 0, data = null });
+ }
#region PCB014 錫膏使用管控
diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Controllers/PCSController.cs b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Controllers/PCSController.cs
index 181b34c0..7026e723 100644
--- a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Controllers/PCSController.cs
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Controllers/PCSController.cs
@@ -5681,7 +5681,7 @@ namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web.Controllers
- public async Task PCS022VQuery(int page = 0, int limit = 10)
+ public async Task PCS022VQuery(int wipID, int ruleStationID,int page = 0, int limit = 10)
var result = await _pcsApi.GetWipStationBarcodeByPCS022(wipID, ruleStationID, page, limit);
diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/HttpApis/AMES/IPCB.cs b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/HttpApis/AMES/IPCB.cs
index 40619be4..f14bc8ec 100644
--- a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/HttpApis/AMES/IPCB.cs
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/HttpApis/AMES/IPCB.cs
@@ -501,6 +501,17 @@ namespace AMESCoreStudio.Web
ITask> GetSteelPlateInfoByNo(string id);
+ ///
+ /// 新增鋼板資料
+ ///
+ ///
+ [WebApiClient.Attributes.HttpPost("api/SteelPlateMeasure")]
+ ITask> PostSteelPlateMeasure([FromBody, RawJsonContent] string model);
+ [WebApiClient.Attributes.HttpGet("api/SteelPlateMeasure/BySteelPlateID/{id}")]
+ ITask> GetSteelPlateMeasureBySteelPlateID(int id, int page = 0, int limit = 10);
#region PCB014 錫膏使用管控
diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013.cshtml b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013.cshtml
index 6ce89669..47ec39fd 100644
--- a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013.cshtml
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013.cshtml
@@ -193,10 +193,11 @@
title: '操作',
- align: 'center',
- width: 80,
+ width: 230,
templet: function (d) {
- return '修改'
+ return '修改\
+ 新增量測\
+ 檢視量測'
@@ -207,6 +208,18 @@
+ function detail(obj) {
+ if (obj.data.steelPlateID) {
+ hg.open('新增量測記錄', '/PCB/PCB013A?steelPlateID=' + obj.data.steelPlateID + '&steelPlateNo=' + obj.data.steelPlateNo, 700, 500);
+ }
+ }
+ function View(obj) {
+ if (obj.data.steelPlateID) {
+ hg.open('檢視量測記錄', '/PCB/PCB013V?steelPlateID=' + obj.data.steelPlateID + '&steelPlateNo=' + obj.data.steelPlateNo, 1000, 500);
+ }
+ }
var toolbar = [{
text: '新增',
diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013A.cshtml b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013A.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59739b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013A.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+@model AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.AMES.SteelPlateMeasure
+@{ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AMESLayout.cshtml"; }
+@section Scripts {
+ @{ await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial");
+ await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_FileinputScriptsPartial"); }
diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013V.cshtml b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013V.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..691bf7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.Web/Views/PCB/PCB013V.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ ViewData["Title"] = "檢視鋼板量測紀錄";
+ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AMESLayout.cshtml";
+@section Scripts{
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/Controllers/AMES/SteelPlateMeasureController.cs b/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/Controllers/AMES/SteelPlateMeasureController.cs
index 2fcf47fc..6119399c 100644
--- a/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/Controllers/AMES/SteelPlateMeasureController.cs
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/Controllers/AMES/SteelPlateMeasureController.cs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi;
using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Models.AMES;
using AMESCoreStudio.CommonTools.Result;
+using AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.DTO.AMES;
namespace AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.AMES
@@ -46,6 +47,62 @@ namespace AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.AMES
return steelPlateMeasure;
+ ///
+ /// 鋼板編號紀錄 By 鋼板編號
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ [HttpGet("BySteelPlateID/{id}")]
+ public async Task> GetSteelPlateMeasureBySteelPlateID(int id, int page = 0, int limit = 10)
+ {
+ var q = from q1 in _context.SteelPlateMeasures.Where(w => w.SteelPlateID == id)
+ join q2 in _context.SteelPlateInfos on q1.SteelPlateID equals q2.SteelPlateID
+ join q3 in _context.UserInfoes on q1.CreateUserID equals q3.UserID
+ select new SteelPlateMeasureDto
+ {
+ SpMeasureID = q1.SpMeasureID,
+ SteelPlateID = q1.SteelPlateID,
+ SteelPlateNo = q2.SteelPlateNo,
+ MeasureResult = q1.MeasureResult,
+ Tension1 = q1.Tension1,
+ Tension2 = q1.Tension2,
+ Tension3 = q1.Tension3,
+ Tension4 = q1.Tension4,
+ Tension5 = q1.Tension5,
+ Remark = q1.Remark,
+ Status = q1.Status,
+ CreateUserID = q1.CreateUserID,
+ CreateDate = q1.CreateDate,
+ CreateUserName = q3.UserName
+ };
+ ResultModel result = new ResultModel();
+ //紀錄筆數
+ result.DataTotal = q.Count();
+ //Table 頁數
+ if (page > 0)
+ {
+ q = q.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit);
+ }
+ result.Data = await q.OrderBy(o => o.CreateDate).ToListAsync();
+ result.Data.Select(s => s.Status
+ = Enum.EnumPCB.GetDisplayName((Enum.EnumPCB.EnumSteelPlateStatus)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Enum.EnumPCB.EnumSteelPlateStatus), s.Status))).ToList();
+ if (result == null)
+ {
+ result.Msg = "查無資料";
+ result.Success = false;
+ return result;
+ }
+ result.Success = true;
+ result.Msg = "OK";
+ return result;
+ }
/// 更新鋼板量測記錄資料檔
@@ -76,10 +133,10 @@ namespace AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Controllers.AMES
/// 新增鋼板量測記錄資料檔
- ///
+ ///
- public async Task> PostSolderPasteRecord(SteelPlateMeasure steelPlateMeasure)
+ public async Task> PostSteelPlateMeasure(SteelPlateMeasure steelPlateMeasure)
ResultModel result = new ResultModel();
Helper helper = new Helper(_context);
diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/DTO/AMES/SteelPlateMeasureDto.cs b/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/DTO/AMES/SteelPlateMeasureDto.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62ecce52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/DTO/AMES/SteelPlateMeasureDto.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.DTO.AMES
+ ///
+ /// SteelPlateInfoDto 鋼板紀錄資料檔Dto
+ ///
+ public partial class SteelPlateMeasureDto
+ {
+ ///
+ /// 鋼板量測記錄ID
+ ///
+ public int SpMeasureID { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 鋼板ID
+ ///
+ public int SteelPlateID { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 鋼板編號
+ ///
+ public string SteelPlateNo { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 張力_1
+ ///
+ public string Tension1 { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 張力_2
+ ///
+ public string Tension2 { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 張力_3
+ ///
+ public string Tension3 { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 張力_4
+ ///
+ public string Tension4 { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 張力_5
+ ///
+ public string Tension5 { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 檢查狀態
+ ///
+ public string Status { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 備註
+ ///
+ public string Remark { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 判定結果 P=PASS ; F=FAIL ; N=未量測
+ ///
+ public string MeasureResult { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 建立UserID
+ ///
+ public int CreateUserID { get; set; } = 0;
+ ///
+ /// 建立User
+ ///
+ public string CreateUserName { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// 建立日期
+ ///
+ public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
+ }
diff --git a/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/Enums/EnumPCB.cs b/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/Enums/EnumPCB.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8139c80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AMESCoreStudio.WebApi/Enums/EnumPCB.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
+namespace AMESCoreStudio.WebApi.Enum
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public class EnumPCB
+ {
+ ///
+ /// 鋼板量測狀態
+ ///
+ public enum EnumSteelPlateStatus
+ {
+ ///
+ /// 上線前
+ ///
+ [Display(Name = "上線前")]
+ A = 1,
+ ///
+ /// 清洗後
+ ///
+ [Display(Name = "清洗後")]
+ B = 2,
+ ///
+ /// 每周點檢
+ ///
+ [Display(Name = "每周點檢")]
+ C = 3
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Get Enum Display
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static string GetDisplayName(System.Enum enumValue)
+ {
+ return enumValue.GetType()?
+ .GetMember(enumValue.ToString())?.First()?
+ .GetCustomAttribute()?
+ .Name;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file