@ -2995,6 +2995,14 @@ and b.item_no = '{0}' and a.barcode_no = '{1}'", kp_no, barcode_no); |
string strLocation = Data.Location; |
string strCustomer = Data.Customer; |
string strCreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
string strDNNo = Data.TableData[0].DnNo; |
string strLineNo = Data.TableData[0].LineNo; |
int intAddQty = Data.TableData.Count(); |
CheckShipQty(strDNNo, strLineNo, intAddQty); |
//若選擇 DOA 出貨(601DB)、DOA 還貨(657),需加填 RMANo
if (strRecordType == "601DB" || strRecordType == "657") |
{ |
@ -3012,6 +3020,7 @@ and b.item_no = '{0}' and a.barcode_no = '{1}'", kp_no, barcode_no); |
foreach (SNDataModel SNData in Data.TableData) |
{ |
CheckFlowRules(strRecordType, SNData.Sn); |
string strLatest; |
strSQL = $@"select Seed FROM [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].[ZHistoryKeyDefine] where serialnumber ='{SNData.Sn}'"; |
@ -3112,6 +3121,220 @@ and b.item_no = '{0}' and a.barcode_no = '{1}'", kp_no, barcode_no); |
return result; |
} |
private bool CheckShipQty(string recordNumber, string lineNo, int addQty) |
{ |
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>(); |
try |
{ |
PTDContext _ptd_context = new PTDContext(); |
DbConnection connPTD = _ptd_context.Database.GetDbConnection(); |
if (connPTD.State != ConnectionState.Open) |
{ |
connPTD.Open(); |
} |
string strSQL = $@"select ShipQty -
(SELECT count(1) |
FROM [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].[ZWHPickListDetail] |
where RecordNumber =DNNO and RCLineNO =DNLineNO and TaskStatus ='Picked') as surplusQty |
from [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].ZDNDetail where DNNO ='{recordNumber}' and DNLineNO ='{lineNo}'";
using (var cmd = connPTD.CreateCommand()) |
{ |
cmd.CommandText = strSQL; |
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) |
{ |
if (reader.Read()) |
{ |
if (addQty > Convert.ToInt32(reader["surplusQty"])) |
throw new Exception("數量已超過,不允許新增!"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
return true; |
} |
private bool CheckFlowRules(string recordType, string serialNumber) |
{ |
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>(); |
try |
{ |
PTDContext _ptd_context = new PTDContext(); |
DbConnection connPTD = _ptd_context.Database.GetDbConnection(); |
if (connPTD.State != ConnectionState.Open) |
{ |
connPTD.Open(); |
} |
//用ZProductTrans最新RecordType 檢查PTDFlowRules邏輯
bool bolChkFlow = false; |
string strSQL = $@"Select [FormID] FROM [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].[PTDFlowRules]
where [ToID] ='{recordType}'";
DataTable dtPTDFlowRules = new DataTable(); |
using (var cmd = connPTD.CreateCommand()) |
{ |
cmd.CommandText = strSQL; |
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) |
{ |
if (reader.HasRows) |
{ |
dtPTDFlowRules = DataReaderToDataTable(reader); |
} |
} |
} |
strSQL = @$"Select [RecordTypeID] FROM [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].[ZProductTrans]
where [SerialNumber] ='{serialNumber}' |
Order by [RecordDate] Desc";
using (var cmd = connPTD.CreateCommand()) |
{ |
cmd.CommandText = strSQL; |
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) |
{ |
if (reader.Read()) |
{ |
foreach (DataRow dr in dtPTDFlowRules.Rows) |
{ |
if (reader["RecordTypeID"].ToString() == dr["FormID"].ToString()) |
{ |
bolChkFlow = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (!bolChkFlow) |
throw new Exception("序號:" + serialNumber + " 流程狀態不允許!"); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
return true; |
} |
//public async Task<ResultModel<dynamic>> CheckShipQtyAsyn(string recordNumber, string lineNo, int addQty)
// ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>();
// try
// {
// //安勤連線
// PTDContext _ptd_context = new PTDContext();
// DbConnection connPTD = _ptd_context.Database.GetDbConnection();
// if (connPTD.State != ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// await connPTD.OpenAsync();
// }
// //查剩餘數
// string strSQL = $@"select ShipQty -
// (SELECT count(1)
// FROM [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].[ZWHPickListDetail]
// where RecordNumber =DNNO and RCLineNO =DNLineNO and TaskStatus ='Picked') as surplusQty
// from [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].ZDNDetail where DNNO ='{recordNumber}' and DNLineNO ='{lineNo}'";
// using (var cmd = connPTD.CreateCommand())
// {
// cmd.CommandText = strSQL;
// using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
// {
// if (reader.Read())
// {
// if (addQty > Convert.ToInt32(reader["surplusQty"]))
// throw new Exception("數量已超過,不允許新增!");
// }
// }
// }
// result.Success = true;
// result.Msg = "OK";
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// result.Success = false;
// result.Msg = ex.Message;
// }
// return result;
//public async Task<ResultModel<dynamic>> CheckFlowRulesAsyn(string recordType, string serialNumber)
// ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>();
// try
// {
// //安勤連線
// PTDContext _ptd_context = new PTDContext();
// DbConnection connPTD = _ptd_context.Database.GetDbConnection();
// if (connPTD.State != ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// await connPTD.OpenAsync();
// }
// //用ZProductTrans最新RecordType 檢查PTDFlowRules邏輯
// bool bolChkFlow = false;
// string strSQL = $@"Select [FormID] FROM [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].[PTDFlowRules]
// where [ToID] ='{recordType}'";
// DataTable dtPTDFlowRules = new DataTable();
// using (var cmd = connPTD.CreateCommand())
// {
// cmd.CommandText = strSQL;
// using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
// {
// if (reader.HasRows)
// {
// dtPTDFlowRules = DataReaderToDataTable(reader);
// }
// }
// }
// strSQL = @$"Select [RecordTypeID] FROM [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].[ZProductTrans]
// where [SerialNumber] ='{serialNumber}'
// Order by [RecordDate] Desc";
// using (var cmd = connPTD.CreateCommand())
// {
// cmd.CommandText = strSQL;
// using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
// {
// if (reader.Read())
// {
// foreach (DataRow dr in dtPTDFlowRules.Rows)
// {
// if (reader["RecordTypeID"].ToString() == dr["FormID"].ToString())
// {
// bolChkFlow = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (!bolChkFlow)
// throw new Exception("流程狀態不允許!");
// result.Success = true;
// result.Msg = "OK";
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// result.Success = false;
// result.Msg = ex.Message;
// }
// return result;
#region "PTD003 作業查詢"
@ -3662,6 +3885,8 @@ and b.item_no = '{0}' and a.barcode_no = '{1}'", kp_no, barcode_no); |
await connPTD.OpenAsync(); |
} |
CheckShipQty(Data.RecordNumber, Data.RCLineNO, 1); |
//用ZProductTrans最新RecordType 檢查PTDFlowRules邏輯
bool bolChkFlow = false; |
strSQL = $@"Select [FormID] FROM [SFIS_PTD].[dbo].[PTDFlowRules]