@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ where x.wip_id = y.wip_id", wipNo); |
public async Task<ResultModel<dynamic>> GetErrorCodeList4QRS018(string wipNo, int stationID, string ngNo) |
{ |
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>(); |
string sql = string.Format(@"select c.barcode_no,e.station_name,b.ng_no,g.ng_reason_desc,b.location_no,b.reply_reason,f.user_name,a.create_date
string sql = string.Format(@"select distinct c.barcode_no,e.station_name,b.ng_no,g.ng_reason_desc,b.location_no,b.reply_reason,f.user_name,a.create_date
from jhames.ng_info a,jhames.ng_component b,jhames.barcode_info c,jhames.wip_info d,jhames.stations e,jhsys.user_info f,jhames.ng_reason g |
where a.ng_id = b.ng_id and a.barcode_id = c.barcode_id and c.wip_id = d.wip_id and a.station_id = e.station_id and b.create_userid = f.user_id(+) |
and b.ng_no = g.ng_reason_no and d.wip_no = '{0}' and a.station_id={1} and b.ng_no='{2}'", wipNo, stationID, ngNo);
@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ and b.repair_no = g.rma_reason_no and d.wip_no = '{0}' and a.station_id={1} and |
public async Task<ResultModel<dynamic>> GetRepairPartNoList4QRS018(string wipNo,int stationID,string partNo) |
{ |
ResultModel<dynamic> result = new ResultModel<dynamic>(); |
string sql = string.Format(@"select c.barcode_no,e.station_name,b.repair_no,b.repair_desc,b.part_no,f.user_name,a.create_date,b.memo
string sql = string.Format(@"select distinct c.barcode_no,e.station_name,b.repair_no,b.repair_desc,b.part_no,f.user_name,a.create_date,b.memo
from jhames.ng_info a,jhames.ng_repair b,jhames.barcode_info c,jhames.wip_info d,jhames.stations e,jhsys.user_info f |
where a.ng_id = b.ng_id and a.barcode_id = c.barcode_id and c.wip_id = d.wip_id and a.station_id = e.station_id and b.create_userid = f.user_id(+) |
and d.wip_no = '{0}' and a.station_id={1} and b.part_no='{2}'", wipNo, stationID, partNo);