You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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ViewData["Title"] = "清線明細維護";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AMESLayout.cshtml";
<div class="layui-card">
<div class="layui-card-header">
<div class="layui-form">
<div class="layui-form-item ">
<div class="layui-inline"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o fa-fw"></i> @ViewBag.Title</div>
<input id="clearID" name="clearID" value="@ViewBag.ClearID" type="hidden" />
<input id="checkFlag" name="checkFlag" value="@ViewBag.checkFlag" type="hidden" />
<div class="layui-card-body">
<table class="layui-hide" id="test" lay-filter="test"></table>
@section Scripts{
<script type="text/javascript">
hg.form.onsubmit('querysubmit', function (data) {
table && table.reload(data);
var tableCols = [[
field: 'clearDetailID',
width: 80,
title: '編號',
sort: true
field: 'stationName',
width: 160,
title: '站別名稱'
field: 'surplusFlag',
width: 120,
title: '是否缺料'
field: 'partNo',
title: '料號',
width: 160
field: 'qty',
title: '數量',
width: 80
field: 'reasonDesc',
title: '原因分析'
field: 'checkUser',
title: '確認人員',
width: 120
field: 'center',
width: 150,
title: '操作',
templet: function (d) {
if (checkFlag.value == 'Y') {
return ''
else {
return '<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-normal layui-btn-xs layui-icon layui-icon-edit" lay-event="edit">修改</a> <a class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger layui-btn-xs layui-icon layui-icon-delete" lay-event="del">删除</a>'
function edit(obj) {
if ( {'修改清線明細', '/PCS/PCS037LU/' +, 640,480);
function del(obj) {
var str="刪除";
if ( {
hg.confirm("清線明細:" + + ",確定要"+str+"嗎?", function () {
url: '/PCS/PCS037LD',
data: { id: },
type: 'POST',
success: function (data) {
if (data.success) {
//obj.del(); //只删本地数据
hg.msghide(str + "成功!");
table && table.reload(data);
else {
error: function () {
var toolbar = [{
text: '新增',
layuiicon: '&#xe608;',
class: 'layui-btn-normal',
handler: function () {'新增清線明细', '/PCS/PCS037LC/' + clearID.value, 640, 480);
var table = hg.table.datatable('test', '清線資料', '/PCS/GetWipClearDetails/' + clearID.value, {}, tableCols, toolbar, true, 'full-100', ['filter', 'print', 'exports']);